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Murals of Tibet: a jewel of the Tibetan culture

A sublime revelation. Thousand years of spectacular Tibetan murals published for the first time with the Dalai Lama’ signature.

From 10.000€
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Tibet House Foundation of Barcelona, as a reference place of the Tibetan culture in our country, aims to purchase one copy of Murals of Tibet with the purpose of keeping it in permanent display, so the largest possible number of people can enjoy such a unique collection of Tibetan art.

'Murals of Tibet' is published by Editorial Taschen in Summum format (50 x 70 cm), with photos by Tomas Laird.

Being an especial edition for collectors, the price of this work is too high for us (10,000 euros) and we cannot afford it. Thus we are using this platform to reach our goal and your cooperation is fundamental.

In the event we reached our goal, the patrons will have full priority in enjoying this sublime work of art.

How it all started

In June 2018 TASCHEN gave us the opportunity to exhibit, for the first time in our country, 'Murals of Tibet' presented by its author, Thomas Laird. We were immediately aware of the historical importance of the work and the unique opportunity to acquire such a valuable document, not only of Tibetan art but also of its millenary philosophy.

Both the publisher and the requests received from people who saw the book, encouraged us and so we decided to start this campaign to be able to purchase one copy of this work.

Presentation of
Presentation of 'Murals of Tibet' by Thomas Laird in the Tibet House Foundation (June 4, 2018).

Presentation of
Presentation of 'Murals of Tibet' by Thomas Laird in the Tibet House Foundation (June 4, 2018).

Origin of Thomas Laird's project

Thomas Laird had been travelling to Tibet for over 12 years. His mission was to capture the spiritual, emotional and historical meaning of these unknown masterpieces. To carry out his project he had to overcome many difficulties such as the poor lighting in the temples and other logistical challenges (these works are painted on walls that can reach up to 10 meters high). Thomas Laird developed a technique of multiple images which allowed him to reproduce these works of art with exceptional detail. His hard work resulted in the first full-scale reproductions of Tibet’s murals and made it possible for everyone to enjoy works that were almost invisible.

The work consists of 498 pages and 6 fold-out sections. It is printed in 5 colours, including gold. It comes with foldable lectern designed by the architect, humanitarian activist and Pritzker prize winner, Shigeru Ban. The work comes with a 528-page guide in which writer and Buddhist scholar Prof. Robert Thurman thoroughly describes the spiritual meaning of the murals while the experts Heather Stoddard and Jakob Winkler.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has signed each of the copies of this exclusive edition.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has signed each of the copies of this exclusive edition.

Every copy of 'Murals of Tibet' has been signed and blessed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. TASCHEN made a donation to Mind & Life Institute on behalf of His Holiness as a sign of gratitude. The mission of Mind & Life is to integrate science and meditative practices. The foundation sponsors investigations to study how the brain, health and human behavior can be transformed by meditation. The institute defends the idea of reacting to the challenges of life with less anger and more resilience and compassion. According to the Dalai Lama this path is very important for humanity, for our own survival and for the future of our planet.

Many of these murals, despite the measures taken to preserve them, will vanish in the next few centuries. In fact some of the murals shown in this work no longer exist now, but the book will remain and will be treasured and enjoyed by future generations.

As explained by the Dalai Lama, these murals are not only objects full of artistic beauty but they are used as reference and guidance by Buddhism, yoga and meditation practitioners, as well as anyone who wishes to include mindfulness in his/her daily life. This book is a majestic masterpiece fusing contemporary photographic technology with ancestral traditions. It is a key element to understand Buddhism, a tribute to the Tibetan culture and a source of inspiration for science and contemplative arts.

About the rewards

Any solidarity contribution will be welcome!

Contributions will have the following rewards:

Publication of your name (if you agree) in the web of Tibet House Foundation

• A teaser with 16 pages SUMMUN size (50 x 70 cm), printed on 200 grams paper with a summary of the work

Front cover image of
Front cover image of 'Murals of Tíbet'

A video of the documentary “Peace and Spirituality“ about His Holiness the Dalai Lama produced by Jordi Llompart and/or a quotation from the Dalai Lama printed on fabric to hang on the wall

Dvd del Dalai Lama "o" Frase del Dalai Lama
Dvd del Dalai Lama "o" Frase del Dalai Lama

Invitation to the act of thanking all the patrons for their contribution and presentation of their rewards, at the Tibet House Foundation.

Who we are

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama inaugurated the first headquarters of Tibet House Foundation in December 1994 and the second and current one (Rosselló 181 – 08036 Barcelona) in September 2007.

Inauguration of the new headquarters of the Tibet House Foundation of Barcelona by His Holiness the Dalai Lama (September 9, 2007). Photo Roser Vilallonga
Inauguration of the new headquarters of the Tibet House Foundation of Barcelona by His Holiness the Dalai Lama (September 9, 2007). Photo Roser Vilallonga

We are a non-profit, cultural and solidary association with the aim to introduce in our country the native Tibetan culture in its different manifestations and its potential contribution to the current modern society.

We organize cultural events, bring well-known masters of different traditions to give teachings, we promote the support and solidarity with the Tibetan people, both in Tibet and in exile, by means of cooperation and development projects and sponsorship.

Use of your contributions

Verkami will be the only source to finance the project and the amount raised will be exclusively allocated to purchase this work and to cover the expenses to use this platform and also the patron´s rewards.


One month after having reached our goal, we will organize an act at Tibetan House Foundation to thank all the patrons and present them with their rewards (if you do not live in Barcelona, you will receive your reward by post).

+ Info

https://twitter.com/casadeltibet https://www.facebook.com/casadeltibet


Presentation of 'Murals of Tibet'

Conversation with Richard Gere


[Soundcloud item unavailable]


“A Herculean task. This is something that has never been done in such quality. It is a monument to Tibetan and Buddhist heritage.”
Matthieu Ricard

“A treasure of immeasurable artistic, cultural, historical and spiritual importance.”
Simon de Pury

“Murals are notoriously difficult to photograph. Some of them are varnished, some of them are very high. In certain monasteries, there is no lighting or electricity. You need a serious dose of determination to embark on such work.”
Matthieu Ricard


  • How to contribute from the computer?

    The first thing you have to do is 'Sign up'. You can do it in one of three ways:

    1. Click on "Sign up" (in blue at the top right of the screen)


    1. Click on the box with the amount you want to contribute


    1. Click on the button (blue) "Contribute to the project".


    1. Contribute following the instructions.

    Take a look at the video: https://youtu.be/Q_z4xpNp6_U

    It is done! You will receive an email confirming your contribution.

    If you have any questions, call us on +34 93 207 59 66 (10 am to 1:30 pm and 5 pm to 9 pm) or send an email to [email protected]

    Thank you!

  • How to contribute from the mobile?

    Follow these steps:

    1. Enter the Verkami website


    1. Find the project "Murals of Tibet: a jewel of Tibetan culture" and click on the screen.

    2. Choose the amount you want to contribute and click on the selected box.

    3. Sign up with your data: (Username, Your email, Your password) and provide following the instructions). These data are necessary so that we can contact you once the objective has been reached.

    Take a look at the video: https://youtu.be/6ntBMwD4c3M

    It is done! You will receive an email confirming your contribution.

    If you have any questions, call us +34 93 207 59 66 (10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.) or send us an email [email protected]

    Thank you!

Do you have any other queries or questions?

Ask the author


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  • Pere Romani Diana

    Pere Romani Diana

    over 5 years

    Endavant per haber-ho conseguit!!

  • Ho hem aconseguit gràcies també a tu, Jordi! Un projecte il·lusionant i emocionant fins a l'últim minut! Resultat d'una barreja catalanohispanatibetana de gestió del temps que, gairebé sempre, surt bé...

  • Jordi Bellmunt

    Jordi Bellmunt

    over 5 years

    Enhorabona per haver-ho aconseguit! Gairebé sembla que hagi calgut la foto finish! ^_^

    Moltes gràcies per tot!!!

  • Jordi, confiem que ho aconseguirem ... Avui és l'últim dia! En breu us informarem a tots sobre resultats ... positius! Tindràs el teu teaser com a recompensa a l'aportació realitzada. Gràcies un cop més per la teva col·laboració!

  • Jordi Bellmunt

    Jordi Bellmunt

    over 5 years

    Moltes gràcies per procurar tirara endavant aquesta brillant iniciativa! Ara estava veient que queden 42h i manquen 2.890€ per aconseguir l'objectiu... Creieu que s'aconseguirà? Hi haurà alguna possibilitat d'obtenir un teaser?

    Moltes gràcies i endavant!!

  • Gracias a tí, Blanca, por unirte una vez más a nuestros proyectos. Ya casi estamos... ;)

  • Blanca Gil

    Blanca Gil

    over 5 years

    Muchas gracias Wangchen-La!

  • ¡Gracias a vosotros, José Luis y Esperanza!



    over 5 years


  • Maria Jesus i Xavier: moltíssimes gràcies!

#05 / T'esperem el dimarts vinent! ¡Te esperamos el próximo martes! We are waiting for you next Tuesday!

en castellano a continuación

in English below

Benvolguts amics i amigues,

Com ja sabeu 'Murals of Tibet' en breu estarà en exposició permanent a la seu de la Fundació Casa del Tibet de Barcelona.

En reconeixement a la generositat de cadascuna de les persones que heu fet possible aquest projecte, el dimarts 4 de desembre a les 20 h farem un acte d'agraïment i lliurarem les recompenses als mecenes.

Com és tradicional a les nostres celebracions, en acabar l'acte oferirem chai (te dolç tibetà) i kabses (pastes tibetanes).

Us hi esperem!

Queridos amigos y amigas,

Como ya sabéis en breve "Murals of Tibet” en breve estará en exposición permanente en nuestra sede.

En reconocimiento a la generosidad de cada una de las personas que habéis hecho posible este proyecto, el martes 4 de diciembre a las 20 h haremos un acto de agradecimiento y entregaremos las recompensas a los mecenas.

read more

#04 / ¡Lo hemos logrado! Ho hem aconseguit! We did it!

***Català a continuación

English below***

¡Lo hemos logrado!
¡Sí, “Murals of Tibet” ya es nuestro! ¡ Y vuestro!. ¡Y de todas las personas que deseen disfrutar con las imágenes de esta joya de la cultura y la filosofía tibetana que estará en exposición permanente en la sede de la Fundación Casa del Tíbet de Barcelona!

¡Sí, lo hemos conseguido! Gracias a ti, que has aportado al proyecto. Y también a ti, que has ayudado en la difusión de la campaña. Y a todas las personas que nos han estado animando a llevar a cabo esta iniciativa.

En breve anunciaremos la fecha del acto de agradecimiento y de entrega de las recompensas. Más adelante os enviaremos un formulario para rellenar con la información que necesitamos para hacéroslas llegar.

Infinitas gracias a todos y todas por haber hecho posible este proyecto.

¡Muchos Tashi Deleks!

Equipo Fundación Casa del Tibet

Ho hem aconseguit!

read more

#02 / ¿Nos ayudas en la difusión? Do you help us in the promotion?

*(In English below) *

Querid@s mecenas,
¡Muchos Tashi Deleks y saludos desde Barcelona!

Necesitamos hacer llegar la campaña a más gente para que se vayan sumando nuevas aportaciones.

Faltan 26 días para superar el reto que nos hemos propuesto.

Agradeceríamos mucho nos ayudaras a conseguirlo

Por favor, envía este link http://vkm.is/muralsoftibet a tus amigos y familiares.

O este vídeo con el mensaje del director de la Fundación Casa del Tíbet, Ven. Thubten Wangchen:


¡Gracias por vuestra solidaridad!

Equipo Fundación Casa del Tíbet

Dear patrons,

Many Tashi Deleks and greatings from Barcelona!

We need to get the campaign to more people to add new contributions.

There are 26 days left to overcome the challenge and fulfill our project.

We will be highly grateful for your support to accomplish our wish

Please, send this link http://vkm.is/muralsoftibet to your friends and relatives

read more

#01 / Buen comienzo!!! Good start!

*(In English below) *

Querid@s mecenas,
¡Muchos Tashi Deleks!

Han pasado poco más de 48 horas del inicio de la campaña y ya hemos alcanzado un 22% del objetivo. ¡Estamos muy ilusionados! Y, sobre todo, muy agradecidos a cada una de las personas que habéis contribuido. Este arranque exitoso de campaña nos inspira a seguir trabajando para conseguir que "Murals of Tibet" esté a vuestra disposición en nuestra sede.

¿Os apetece seguir ayudándonos? Entonces haced difusión del proyecto en Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, o comentadlo entre vuestros amigos o personas que puedan estar interesadas. Vuestra colaboración en ese sentido es también fundamental para que alcancemos el objetivo final.

¡Seguimos contando con vosotros!

¡Gracias de todo corazón!

Equipo Fundación Casa del Tibet

Dear patrons,

Many Tashi Deleks!

It has been… read more

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