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Physical edition first Liquen EP (Post-rock, Spain)

Physical edition of our first EP, in CD, already recorded in March in Hertzcontrol Studio (Seixas, Portugal)


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We are Liquen (translated lichen), a Post-rock band from Galiza (Spain). We started writing songs together in 2016, and got our first gig in december that year. Since that day, we've been looking for our sound, and in March 2018 we recorded our first EP, which we want to realese physically.

By the moment, we don't have a cover for the EP. We know that the CDs will be printed using the logo from our Tshirts.

We also know the name of the songs, and some of them can be listened in our Bandcamp page.

You can also find us in Facebook, or write us and email to [email protected].

Sincerely yours,

Martín, Pedro and Pablo


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