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A dream, a net!

Castellers de les Gavarres we are growing enormously but to kkeep on growing we need you and a safety net for rehearsal.

Created in

From 3.000€
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View project in Català, Castellano and Français

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We are Castellers de les Gavarres and we would like to grow and evolve within human towers and to do it in a safe way we need a training net in order to face new challenges and keep expanding, ALWAYS GOING UP.

About the rewards

All the rewards are explained on the right side.

Lot 1 formed by a cup, a patch, two different models of stickers of our Colla, a magnet, a badge, a calendar, a casteller handkerchief and a badge of a faixa.         *Lot 2 is formed a cup, a patch, two different models of stickers of our Colla, a magnet, a badge, a calendar, a  casteller handkerchief, a badge of a faixa and a bag.
Lot 1 formed by a cup, a patch, two different models of stickers of our Colla, a magnet, a badge, a calendar, a casteller handkerchief and a badge of a faixa. *Lot 2 is formed a cup, a patch, two different models of stickers of our Colla, a magnet, a badge, a calendar, a casteller handkerchief, a badge of a faixa and a bag.

You would not receive any reward you’re your donation.
You would not receive any reward you’re your donation.

If you are a company we have thought of you also!

If you have any question we would love to answer it!

Who are we?

Castellers de les Gavarres are a Colla castellera, we build human towers, this year we celebrate our third anniversary. We dress colour cork brown and we have the support of three town halls: Riudellots de la Selva, Llagostera and Caldes de Malavella.

Starting in 2015 summer rehearsing in plaça de la coma in Cassà de la Selva. Nowadays we have been accepted as a full right members by the Cordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya in November 2017. Our best performance until today was formed by Pd4walked, 2de6, 5de6, 4de6a, 4pd4 and pd4f children.

5de6 completed in our baptism.
5de6 completed in our baptism.

None of our structures have collapsed, we want to keep growing, always giving safety utmost importance. This is why we need your help.

You can follow us:
Our Instagram!
Our Twitter!
Our Facebook!
Our website!

Where are you going to contribute?

The objective of this Verkami is being able to finance ** a security net** to be able to try constructions with greater security in our rehearsals.

This net has an iron structure of 5 X 5m with wheels to be able to move it and fold it to be easily stored.

Visió frontal
Visió frontal

Visió lateral
Visió lateral

Visió aerèria
Visió aerèria

Calendar plan

When we receive the money we will spend a few days, just to be assume what we have achieved. We want to do the ** inauguration ** on June 23, ** in LLagostera in a very special act for us.

In the afternoon we will give the rewards and in the evening we will offer a dinner outdoors and a human tower workshop so you can find out what we do personally.

If for any reason you cannot come the 23rd you do not suffer! You can come see us one day or we will send you all the rewards that do not require your presence.

+ Information

You can follow our campaign with the hashtag #SomiemLaXarxa

Any questions you may have may contact us through our social networks or send us an email, we will be grateful to answer you!


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  • Raquel Fumado

    Raquel Fumado

    almost 6 years

    Espero que disfruteu amb la xarxa i podeu fer castells magnifics

  • Sociobadell💜🐭


    almost 6 years

    Som la Marta (Sangre), la Palmira, la Joanna i la Mireh de Ganàpies i volem que la cuki de la tina fusté i la seva colla sigeu molt feliços!! va que ja no queda res💪🏼👏🏻

  • vesper


    almost 6 years

    Molta sort a tothom :)

  • Colla Castellera de Figueres

    Colla Castellera de Figueres

    almost 6 years




    almost 6 years

    Pit i Castells!!



    almost 6 years

    Pit i Castells!!

  • Manel


    almost 6 years

    Vamos!! Entre todos podremos!!

  • Esperxats de l'Estany

    Esperxats de l'Estany

    almost 6 years

    Quan la tingueu, ja vindrem algun a dia a fer-la servir! ;P

#02 / Ho hem aconseguit!

Ja ho tenim!

Moltíssimes gràcies a tots aquells que han col·laborat en el nostre petit gran projecte, sense vosaltres no hagués estat possible.

En pocs dies anireu rebent informació sobre com podeu recollir les recompenses i sobre l'acte d'inauguració de la xarxa, que entre tots hem fet realitat.

Ens heu ajudat a fer possible el nostre somni i, per això, us esterem eternament agraïts.

#01 / Ens queden 6 dies.... ens falten 870 euros... S.O.S.

Ja només ens queden 6 dies, i només ens falten 870 euros per donar volada al gran somni de petits i grans de la colla.

Comparteix, si us plau.

Explica-ho, si us plau.

Participa, si us plau.

Seràs part de la nostra història per sempre!!!

Gràcies, gràcies, gràcies.

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