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La Libertaria

A mother, a daughter and a grandmother that decide not to be what is expected from them.

La Libertaria

A project of

Created in

From 1.800€
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  1. ¿What is La Libertaria?

  2. Synopsis

  3. The project

  4. Characters

  5. The team

  6. Calendar

  7. ¿Who supports us?

  8. ¿How can you help us? How does Verkami work? Rewards

  9. Contact

“La Libertaria” is a TV series about three women who decide no to be what is expected from them but what they want : a post-teenager daughter who (unlike every millennial) is not a poser, a mother with no maternal instinct and a grandmother who’s tired of looking after the others and wants to grab life by the horns. A story where the shocks between generations, personalities and points of view always have a common shot: these women never hold back. In short, this story is about women who want to be free.

Katia just turned 19 and her world turns upside down when her mother Mati, who never took care of her, comes back to her life willing to stay ¿Where was she? Nobody knows. Mati is a free spirit unable to put down roots. Now, almost 40, she finds out that she has to come back to her mother’s home, Puri, something that will really piss Katia of. Grandma, mother and daughter, each of them with their issues, will have to learn to accept each other the way they are and love each other beyond prejudices.

The aim of this Verkami is to finance the tv pilot of La Libertaria, which is part of our final degree project in the Pompeu Fabra University. At the same time, we’re writing the whole season of the series so we can complete the full series in a (hopefully not too distant) future.

What's the pilot about?

The starting point of the chapter is when Katia bumps into her mother, Mati. Mati will destabilize her family and will turn Katia and Puri’s world upside down.


La Libertaria is a fresh and cheeky comedy with a touch of drama. It’s spontaneous, unique and a little bit “punky” as we want to show things the way they are, without restrictions.

If you feel lazy about reading it, go and check the videos linked below pictures.




We are students from Audiovisual Communication in Pompeu Fabra University. During this last year we’ve worked very hard to create La Libertaria. Moreover, instead of just being classmates, we’re also very good friends and together we are ‘Las Libertinas’. There’s a little bit of all of us in the series and this is kind of beautiful and pathetic at the same time.

We have been working on La Libertaria for more than one year, and now begins the most exciting part… To materialize all those ideas and big efforts. Here’s the calendar of the process that we are going to follow:

We are not alone in this journey, as we have the support of successful and professional people of the audiovisual and academic sector who advise and help us to keep improving La Libertaria in a professional and solid way:

We need your help to film the tv pilot and make La Libertaria come to life.

There’s many ways to make La Libertaria come true. First of all is to believe in it. When you’re a libertarian believer you can also share our VKM link with your friends and family, follow us on social media and spread the word of what’s yet to come.

Another way, and that’s the reason we’re here, is by becoming our patron. We would love that. As you can see on the right part there’s a list of the possible contributions with its correspondent rewards, each one fancier that the last.

We make it easy for you guys: you can choose your favourite reward, do your contribution with a system 100% safe and, only if we get our aim, you’ll be charged and receive your reward.

Of those 1800 €, approximately 30% will go to taxes and commissions (21% IVA, 7% Verkami).

We have 40 days to achieve the goal of 1800€. If in this period we don't achieve the goal (luckily this is not going to happen), you will not be charged for the money contributed but you will not receive the rewards either. And we won't get a penny.

If you have a business, and want to become a sponsor you can join the collaborator brands of La Libertaria, or contribute in kind, sent us an e-mail to [email protected]

These are some rewards:

Where are we going to allocate your support?

La Libertaria is a fifty/fifty financed project. We (aka ‘Las Libertinas’) have made an initial investment, but we don’t have enough to start, so only with you support we’ll be able to fund the whole project. In this graphic you can see how are we going to spend the capital:

If you want to know more about La Libertaria don’t forget to visit our website where you’ll find more information about our series and a blog to follow our journey.

You can also follow us on social media:

Instagram: @lalibertarialaserie

Facebook /lalibertarialaserie

Twitter: @libertariaserie

If you have any doubt o suggestion don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail a [email protected]

Thanks for reading and thank you very much if you finally decide to take part in La Libertaria.

We love you, free.

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  • Marc&Anna


    almost 6 years

    Molta sort amb el projecte i que en vinguin molts més!

  • Vanessa Sánchez Tejada

    Vanessa Sánchez Tejada

    almost 6 years

    Por las Libertarias lo que sea!!!

  • Chusa Perea

    Chusa Perea

    almost 6 years

    A triunfar‼️

  • oskarin


    almost 6 years

    Qué haya suerte.. ya casi está...

  • Silvia Martinez

    Silvia Martinez

    almost 6 years


  • Uri Maristany

    Uri Maristany

    almost 6 years

    suerte chicas!!!

  • Xavier Hellín

    Xavier Hellín

    about 6 years

    Molta Força💪🏽

  • Mixi Borráz

    Mixi Borráz

    about 6 years


  • alexrosu


    about 6 years

    Para tener sueños grandes hacen falta voluntades grandes, y sobre todo, GRANDES GANAS (por cada “grande” chupito). Ojalá todo se lleve a cabo para ver cómo seguro esas 3 generaciones son 3 pedazo de mujeres que rompen con todo y reinan en sus vidas. Mando desde Zaragoza un cierzo cargado de energía positiva y mucha suerte 💪🏼❤️

  • Giselle Borráz García

    Giselle Borráz García

    about 6 years

    Creemos en vosotras y lo lograreis! Bendiciones!!!


¡Hola a todxs!

Han pasado muchos meses desde que conseguimos nuestro objetivo en Verkami y nos hace mucha ilusión contaros que La Libertaria está a puntito de ver la luz, y queremos invitaros.

Somos finalistas del Showcase de Serielizados y nuestro piloto será proyectado el viernes 28 de septiembre en el Hall del CCCB.

¿Quieres venir? La entrada es gratuita, solo tienes que pedirla en la web de Serielizados: http://www.szsfest.com/es/programa/serielizados-fest-2018/fiction-pilots-showcase/

¡Te esperamos!

PD: Estamos trabajando en vuestras recompensas, que no nos olvidamos ;)


Muchas gracias a todos los mecenas que habéis hecho posible que La Libertaria haya llegado a su objetivo. Siendo realistas, igual nos pasamos de optimistas pidiendo 1800€... Así que ahora nos venimos arriba y vamos a por un nuevo objetivo, para hacer de La Libertaria una superproducción de Hollywood, o casi.

Vamos a por los 2.000€, nos quedan 11 días para conseguirlo y tú puedes ayudarnos con el último empujoncito.


¡Hola libertinxs!

Esta semana traemos una sorpresita. Si te conviertes en mecenas entras en el sorteo de una subscripción a Netflix (o Nisflis, como lo llamamos nosotras). Y los que ya forméis parte de este proyecto, también entráis en la tómbola.

¡¡Suerte a todxs!!

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