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A Home-video

On a return trip to the island of Minorca, we seek the past to reconstruct the fictions of family memory

A Home-video

A project of


Film / #8m

Created in

From 2.500€
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In every family there the blurred figure of someone who, despite of not being there anymore, keeps being present somehow. Josep travels with the crew to his birthplace, Minorca, with the will to reach for the traces of his family memory.

The research about a grandfather that he could never know is interrupted by the questions about a father who, although appearing on family pictures, he stopped being the man that Dolores, Josep's mother, fell in love with.

"A Home-video" is a medium-length film that has been created as Eva Casas and Josep Gayón's Thesis Project. They are students of Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona).

Being an essay about time and memory, "A Home-video" has a background of a harsh critic to Spanish politics. Winging between past and present, we go back to the touristic boom of the late 90's that radically changed the life of the islanders, also dealing with the real-estate crisis that changed the course of the family's story.

Verkami is a platform that helps many projects from independent creators become possible, thanks to the collaboration of lots of people.

This film wouldn't be possible without your help, and that's why any contribution that you can afford means everything to us. Below, you can see how the money we need to make this film is going to be spent.

How does Verkami work?

Verkami is an all-or-nothing crowdfunding platform. Our goal is to reach 2.500€, and we have 40 days to make it.

  • If after the 40 days we reacher our goal, you will receive your reward before the 31st of July.

  • If the time is over and we haven't reached our goal (hoping that this won't happen), you won't be charged the money you contributed with and you won't receive yor reward.

How we distribute our budget

The contributions obtaneid on this platform would cover most of the expenses of our project, from the shooting to the postproduction phase. This is the distribution of the expected expenses:

Memory is something that never stays away from fiction. Even though "A Home-movie" will follow the documentary film dynamics, the style of the film is closer to fiction. Being aware that, at the same time that we are "seeking the truth" we are also telling a story, and thus, creating another fiction, we are avoid the documentary visual codes.

Films like Chantal Akerman's Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975), or Faces Places (2017), directed by Agnès Varda and JR, are some of our referents.

Parallel to the main shooting, a home-camera from the 2000's will follow the team on their journey, working as a kind of diary, merging with the archive footage and the home-videos of Josep's family. This camera will make the shooting process visible, and with it, the questions and contradictions that this return trip will bring up.

The unsoiled island of Dolores' childhood can still be perceived, although the essence of Minorca only shows itself when the tourists haven't arrived yet.

An abandoned building by the beach of Binimel·la will be the conjunction of a period of history, a political context and the family story that got trapped inside

In "A Home-video", Minorca's landscape plays a leading role. Almost being alive, les scents, the colors and wind of the island pull us to the past and start an intimate dialogue with the camera.

Eva Casas was born in 1996 and she's from Gironella, Catalunya. About to graduate in Audiovisual Communication at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Eva Casas has directed "L'Era enfonsada", a documentary that was produced by the same university and broadcasted by Betevé.

Frames of "L
Frames of "L'Era Enfonsada" (2017)

Josep Gayón was born on the island of Menorca in 1996. He's also about to graduate from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, after spending six months at the University of California, Berkeley, where he took Documentary classes with the Professor Linda Williams. He wrote and directed "Maminka", a fiction short film produced by Prague Film Schools and that he will present to film festivals over the next months.

Watch "Maminka":


password: maminkapreview

Screenshots of "Maminka" (2017)
Screenshots of "Maminka" (2017)

"A Home-video" is supported by several professors at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, as well as some filmmakers that have followed the project from the beginning.

  • The project is mentored Jordi Balló, professor at UPF and director of the IDEC-UPF Master in Creative Documentary.

  • The film has been supervised by Jonás Trueba ("Todas las canciones hablan de mí", 2010), Javier Rebollo (La mujer sin piano, 2009) and Carla Simón, recently awarded with the Gaudí for the Best Film, Best Screenplay and Best Director, as well as with three Goya Awards.

The shooting of this film will be executed over two trips to the island of Minorca with the whole crew. The first trip will take place on the first week of March, and the second one, during Easter holidays.

After shooting all the footage, the postproduction phase will begin in April and the project will be finished by the last week of June.

As for the rewards, they will be delivered before the 31st of July, and the dates and place of the premiere will be provided to you as soon as possible.

We would love you to contact us if you have any question or advice about the project! Our intention is to create a honest and sincere film, and we need your help to make it real.

Thanks so much!


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  • Francina Mir

    Francina Mir

    about 6 years

    Molta sort!!

  • Ale Thérèse

    Ale Thérèse

    about 6 years

    Viva tu arte!

  • Maria y Eduardo

    Maria y Eduardo

    about 6 years

    Molte sort!!!

  • Esperança Arguimbau

    Esperança Arguimbau

    about 6 years

    Molts ànims i molta sort de part de sa tia Espe!

  • Eli Gayón Arguimbau

    Eli Gayón Arguimbau

    about 6 years

    De part dels teus nebots Naiara i Álex, que tingueu molta sort. Besitos concu Bep!!

  • Eli Gayón Arguimbau

    Eli Gayón Arguimbau

    about 6 years

    DE part dels teus nebots Naiara i Álex

  • Ramón María Valiente

    Ramón María Valiente

    about 6 years

    Anims i endevant !!

  • Ramón María Valiente

    Ramón María Valiente

    about 6 years

    Anims i endevant !!

  • Magdalena Arguimbau Alles

    Magdalena Arguimbau Alles

    about 6 years

    Molta sort per tirar envant aquest projecte!

#03 / Tornem amb bones notícies

Hola mecenes!

Recuperem l’activitat després d’un estiu molt intens amb una molt bona notícia: hem estat seleccionats al Pitching Audiovisual Universitat-Indústria, un projecte organitzat pel Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya que serveix com un espai de trobada entre la indústria i les universitats. Es celebrarà el dijous 22 de Novembre durant la Setmana del Talent al Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB).

Com podeu veure el projecte no para de créixer, i no podem estar-ne més contents! És per això que us volem demanar una mica més de paciència per rebre les vostres recompenses, a les quals hi trobareu UNA RECOMPENSA SORPRESA en agraïment al vostre suport i espera.

Ben aviat rebreu noves notícies i pròximes dates del desenvolupament del nostre projecte.


#02 / Després de la primera setmana de rodatge...

...i després de veure la força que ha agafat el projecte, l'equip de "A Home-video" volem arribar a un segon objectiu de 3.000€ per tal de poder pagar l'edició de so i l'etalonatge que creiem que aquesta pel·lícula es mereix. La pel·lícula ha evolucionat i s'ha transformat en el propi procés del rodatge, i estem molt il·lusionats amb els primers resultats.

Us deixem algunes imatges en brut del que hem filmat aquesta setmana. Moltíssimes gràcies a tots i totes per col·laborar en el projecte, i no deixeu de compartir-lo fins el final de la campanya!

#01 / Comença el rodatge

Ens trobem pràcticament a l'equador d'aquesta campanya, i gràcies a totes les persones que ens heu ajudat, demà ja agafem el vaixell amb les piles carregades per convertir en realitat A Home-video. Ens acompanyaran Clara De Ramon com a directora de fotografia, Alba Bresolí i Ingrid Ferrer com a operadores de càmera, i Anna Pejó com a sonidista.

Sense la vostra ajuda, no hauríem passat amb tanta il·lusió aquestes últimes setmanes de preproducció.


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