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Last 2th December, a 27 years old guy left us. With a deep hole in our soul, we will try to make him the best tribute: RECORD HIS MUSIC.

Magí Garcías Frau

A project of


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From 6.500€
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We want to record a CD with the wonderful Sergi Ramis' musical univers inside. We need your help. All the rewards are trying also to be a tribute. All the raised money will be used only for the Sergi's Tribute.

1. Rewards...

Our project is a CD recording. We have chosen excellent musicians from the European musical world, and a lot of them really close to Sergi. It will be a beautiful and emotional process, we will hard work trying to resurrect his music. In the rewards we want to make you part of he process. You can take a look to the rewards, they include a CD, ticket concerts for the CD Presentation Concerts, a making off and unpublished pictures, and film fragments from "Black Hollow Cage" by Sadrac González, with Sergio Ramis soundtrack. Please, take a look ->!

2. ¿Who we are...?

Good question...

My name is Magí Garcías Frau. I am pianist.

Sergi was my best friend. We were friends since I was 12 years old. We grew up together, andwe entered the world of music together. He opted for Composition and I did it for Interpretation. My humble duty is to make him shine.

For going on with this wonderful project I count with the help of the best friends that Sergi could have in life. They are scattered around the world; Barcelona, Mallorca, Finland, Germany, U.S.A,...but overturned at 100%.

Magí Garcías Frau

3. The money...

All the raised money will be only for the Sergi Ramis' Tribute.

The budget:

5.000€ Recording process (also editing and mastering)

100€ Design (symbolic prize)

650€ CD Fabrication

250€ Musician Travel-costs

500€ EXTRAS (taxes, surprises, etc.)

4. Calendar...

Recording, edition and mastering will be beetwen 15th July and 30th August, in Sonoteque Studios, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. The label will be from Blau Produccions.


Sonoteque Estudios

Rewards will be given in October. The concert sapresentation also.

We know it's a long time, but studying, practising and rehearsing correctly it is a long process. We beg for your patience, we assure you that you are going to get the rewards!

5. Sergi.

We all knew his brilliant career. And if not,...let's take a look to his work:

Sergio Ramis Soundcloud

Sergio Ramis Website


There are none published yet.

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  • Lenka Schichová

    Lenka Schichová

    about 6 years

    Pro tebe...!

  • Isidoro Hervalejo

    Isidoro Hervalejo

    over 6 years

    Magí, una estupenda idea, me alegro de esta realización. Un abrazo.

  • Becarios La Caixa NA 2016

    Becarios La Caixa NA 2016

    over 6 years

    100%, enhorabuena!

  • Becarios La Caixa NA 2016

    Becarios La Caixa NA 2016

    over 6 years

    Ya casi está, muchos abrazos desde EEUU y Canadá

  • Becarios La Caixa NA 2016

    Becarios La Caixa NA 2016

    over 6 years

    Un granito de arena de parte de tus compañeros becarios de La Caixa, muchisimas gracias por la iniciativa

  • Àngel Garau Dueñas

    Àngel Garau Dueñas

    over 6 years

    Gràcies Magí!

    Aquesta iniciativa ens donarà llum i coratge per superar la gran pèrdua d'en Sergi. És el millor homenatge possible.

    Compartiu i ajudau a financiar aquest somni.

  • valonsoberbel


    over 6 years

    Una idea meravellosa per recordar entre totes i tots al Sergi, que va marcar profundament a tot aquell qui el va conèixer. Continua amb nosaltres a través de la seva obra. Gràcies de tot cor.

  • Judiz


    over 6 years

    ''I per això quan el repòs arriba

    i la son dins les venes se m’esmuny

    i quan la nit de la paraula em priva

    i tot el que viu sembla que sigui lluny.

    Voldria recollir dintre dels braços

    com un pom de voles els moments

    les rialles, els plors, els crits i els passos

    que foren llum voltant els pensaments."

    Sortirà un projecte preciós, estic segura... Gràcies a tots.



    over 6 years

    Les vostres músiques sempre ens il·luminaran, gràcies

  • Julie Reier

    Julie Reier

    over 6 years

    Un proyecto maravilloso Magí. Conocí a Sergi a principios de Octubre y fue un encuentro breve pero muy especial. Habíamos quedado para intercambiar conocimientos de música en el audiovisual y para hablar de una posible colaboración. Me dejó impactada la noticia de su fallecimiento, habiendo escuchado toda su música unos días antes. Te mando un fuerte abrazo y espero que este proyecto se pueda hacer realidad, cualquier cosa que pueda aportar, cuenta conmigo. Julie

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