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Habita: Stories of memory and independence

A documentary project about the role of the territorial awareness and the cultural memory in the construction of spaces for life. 


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From 4.300€
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Dear curious people,

We want to tell you a story that starts with a journey and a map, and goes on with a story of stories, in which the main characters are part of a landscape and owners of their memory. We want to take you with the rural communities from the southern areas of Peru and show them to you through their sounds and colours.

As an independent project, we invite you to be a part of the net that creates Habita. Thanks to you, we will be able to put together a constellation of experiences from which we can learn:

Habita is a documentary project that is born to enter and to reflect the role of the awareness of territory  and the cultural memory in the construction of our spaces for life, and the influence of these in the day to day of the people living there.

Material expressions such as the architecture and craft, and immaterial such as stories or music, are a source and hold collective knowledge, a language that writes the experience and the imaginary.

Habita wants to return and show the singularities of the human settlements that, in their popular independence, are a bastion of human and environmental bonds, to activate a conscience about the local and global context, current and timeless.

Habita is a journey, and is a map: a winding line that knits the reminiscences and assertions which take place in the territory. Therefore, is also a tool of visualization and contact, made by a series of concatenated tales of people and communities, a constellation of stories, a network of initiatives regarding respect and balance with the environment and with who live there

Habita is an imperative, a voice of voices, that in a silent and strong way, perpetual and quiet, they speak about environmental, social, economic and cultural sustainability; they whisper stories about continuity and struggle, they build independence, and they shout life.

The documentary turns into the means by which pursue this habitat, and through which we can collect its live memory and give it back in the shape of tales that could be listened and contemplated outside from the margins in which they have been created.

Thought as a documentary and transmission methodology, we pretend to create with these tales a series that can continue, in the future, in different geographical areas. That is why the first documentary will take place in the southern area of Peru, in the rural native communities between Cusco and Titicaca Lake.

About Us

Adriana, Antonio y Ana
Adriana, Antonio y Ana

We are a team made up by three different profiles, united by an interest towards memory, land, and human spaces. We also shear the curiosity and flexibility as an attitude and vital motor.

  • Ana Asensio is an Architect graduated from the UGR with a research thesis in popular architecture and memory, and specialized in basic habitability and precarious human settlements by the UPM. A habitat activist, that shows through written and visual communication, and cultural action other ways of living and understanding the architecture as a reflection of human relations and expressions.

  • Antonio V. Sotgiu, has a bachelor and master’s degree in Land, Urban and Environmental Planning (University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy). He is a researcher of the rural environment, cabin builder, and storyteller of Meilogu, Sardinia. He is passionate for field experimentation, interpretation and reading of the territory from small to large scale and vice versa.

  • Adriana Fernández, has a degree in Fine Arts by the UCM, currently she is making studies about Documentary and Cinematographic Creation in HBK saar Saarbücken (Germany). Her interests are listening and creating stories, she finds in everyday tellings a source of collective knowledge. Her practice pursues the construction of spaces to share its content and make easier its comprehension.

What are we going to do with your contributions?

Como mecenas pasaréis a formar parte de la constelación que habrá hecho posible *Habita*
Como mecenas pasaréis a formar parte de la constelación que habrá hecho posible *Habita*

Thanks to your huge support, we will be able to cover the expenses of trip and production of the documentary, as well as your rewards. Besides, we will be able to get the maximum diffusion of the project, in festivals as well as in other areas of interest.

Your participation in the project will be reflected in our constellation of producers that will keep growing as you join the project.

If we exceed the basic budget raised, we will designate it to the post production of the documentary and the creation of the soundtrack written and played especially for the project. 

Your Rewards

DVD / Bag / Craft / Diary
DVD / Bag / Craft / Diary

Habita DVD

Limited edition made up by all the stories that we will embroider, until we complete our Habita constellation.

Habita Bag

Designed and made by Hadribasic Hadribasic with local fabrics brought directly from our trip. Every piece will be unique, original and made with a lot of love.

Piece of local handcraft

Habita wants to share the work of craftsmen and women from Peru. That is why, besides telling you their stories, we want to thank you for your collaboration with their creations.

1st edition of the Habita diary

Printed publishing about the daily development of our trip with unreleased content: sketches, thoughts, pictures…

Invitation to the Habita premiere (Lavapiés, Madrid)

As patrons of art we want to invite you to the premiere and party in a hidden theatre in the neighbourhood of Lavapiés, Madrid.

Foreseen Calendar

  • (October 20th / December 20th , 2017) Investigation and recording phase along a sixty-day journey through several point of southern Peru.

Starting in the Southern Valley of Cusco, where Ana Asencio, HaB architect, and Esther Navarro, architect and restorer, develop a job of improvement of the living conditions of rural native houses, up to the Uros Islands in the Titicaca lake, border with Bolivia, our itinerary will be guided by the search of the manifestations of the cultural and constructive memory. Architecture for the people and crafts will be the key points around which we will address our gaze, framed by the complaint and fights of the social movements.

Through the website of Habita, the collaborators of the project will be able to get to know the development of the research in the field, since all our progress will be reflected in the “diary” section.

  • (January 15th / February 15tt , 2018) Postproduction phase of 30 days; edition of the content as audio-visual tales with a duration that might vary between 5’ and 10’, that will be part of a larger constellation of 7/10 tales.

  • (February 15th / March 15th , 2018) Management and production of the collective feedbacks and individual rewards. The process of release will begin through projection and talks around Europe.

Once this first documentary is finished, we will be able to re-evaluate and re-start designing the map of the following documentary, chasing the overall coherence through this metanarrative.

+ Infos


instagram: https://www.instagram.com/habita.relatos

twitter: twitter.com/HabitaRelatos


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  • Lucía Hernández Ramos

    Lucía Hernández Ramos

    over 6 years

    Mucha suerte aventureros!!!

  • Serena Lisai

    Serena Lisai

    over 6 years

    Wonderful project guys! Hope to meet you in Perù!

  • habita


    over 6 years

    Thank you all! Muchas gracias a todos! <3

  • Aekyung


    over 6 years

    you will make it for sure!

  • Su Jung

    Su Jung

    over 6 years

    Hola lovely people!

  • PaHoo Lab

    PaHoo Lab

    over 6 years

    Supporting this touching and fascinating project! :)


  • CarmenRO


    over 6 years

    Precioso proyecto!!

  • Irene Artalejo

    Irene Artalejo

    over 6 years

    Ojalá os salga!! <3

  • Cristina Soler Polo

    Cristina Soler Polo

    over 6 years

    Esto mola

  • Clara


    over 6 years

    Volved a casa por Navidad 🐘

#03 / 73 amazing producers | 3330 € | 5 days left

We already count with 73 amazing producers that raise our budget to 3330€; we are creating thank to them all the documentary of the independent habitats in the southern region in Peru. We have no words to say thanks, thanks thanks.

Family house near Patacancha, Perú.
Family house near Patacancha, Perú.

#02 / Primer avistamiento de la constelación Habitantes // First sighting of the Inhabitants constellation 29/08/2017 09h45' //

constelación Habitantes // Inhabitants constellation
constelación Habitantes // Inhabitants constellation

Esta semana queremos agradecer a los productores que se han unido a nuestra Constelación.

Quieres formar parte de esta red? Hazlo desde 5€ y recibe nuestros regalos

This week we want to thank the producers who have joined our Constellation.

Do you want to be part of this network? Do it from 5€ and get our gifts.

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