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Ars Moriendi - SkinOfCecile Album

Ars Moriendi reflects the way in which we want to let die what we have created, to make our dream a reality. Make It Real.


A project of


Created in

From 2.500€
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Ars Moriendi

Project Verkami with the objective to cover all the expenses involved in making the physical edition (CD / VINYL) of our next album Ars Moriendi, which is already registered and in the process of mastering.

Ars Moriendi is not just the name of our first album. It is summed up in two words but behind each of these songs is a story. With your support and collaboration, we can release these stories to the world.

Project Verkami with the objective to cover all the expenses involved in making the physical edition (CD / VINYL) of our next album Ars Moriendi, which is already registered and in the process of mastering. @alexmanzanaresfoto
Project Verkami with the objective to cover all the expenses involved in making the physical edition (CD / VINYL) of our next album Ars Moriendi, which is already registered and in the process of mastering. @alexmanzanaresfoto

Skin Of Cecile

SkinOfCecile is a band influenced by many styles like electronica / industrial + rock / metal. SkinofCecile began in 2012 as MamaCecile, a name of the character from the horror movie "the skeleton key". Inspired in large by voodoo and southern terror themes. This influenced the early lyrics and style of the first songs in the project. In 2013 MamaCecile met and started working with Justin Williams, leader and founder of Skinflick. With the project well underway the name was changed to "SkinOfCecile" referencing the collaboration.

Ars Moriendi @alexmanzanaresfoto
Ars Moriendi @alexmanzanaresfoto

This is the plan and where your contributions will go

  • Edition of the LP in physical format, CD and Vinyl.

  • Videoclip of one of our songs.

  • Creation of t-shirts.

About rewards

  • Early access to the LP in digital format + exclusive songs for this reward.

  • Ars Moriendi in CD Format

    Ars Moriendi CD
    Ars Moriendi CD

  • Ars Moriendi in LP in vinyl format

    Ars Moriendi Vinyl
    Ars Moriendi Vinyl

  • T-Shirt

    T-Shirt SknCC
    T-Shirt SknCC

Shipping costs:

Shipping costs are included in spain.

For outside the spain an additional payment must be made for the amount of said shipment.

Predicted calendar

At the moment the album is in the process of mastering that is expected to finish between the end of September and the beginning of October 2017.

The album will be available in digital format exclusively for the patrons who contribute to this format just by the end of the term of the Verkami. (October)

The vinyl production time is 7 to 8 weeks, so in case of achieving the target, the physical formats (CD / VINYL) will be available mid / late December 2017, just like the T-shirts.

+ Info

[Soundcloud item unavailable]


There are none published yet.

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  • SkinOfCecile


    over 6 years

    Verkami project has been finalized with 103% of the objective achieved! THANKS !!!

    Obviously, We are very happy to have achieved the objective, but what really makes we really happy is to see the incredible support we have of all of you and really, that's what makes us happier.

    Thank you again

    We will soon be giving news on the verkami website and social networks, the entire process of editing CDs / Vinyls / T-shirts.

  • SkinOfCecile


    over 6 years

    Verkami assolit amb un 103% de l'objectiu!!! GRÀCIES!!!
    Òbviament estic molt content per haver aconseguit l'objectiu, però realment el que fa sentir-me feliç de debò és veure el suport increïble que hem tingut de tots vosaltres i de veritat que això és el que més feliç ens fa. Mil gràcies de nou!!!

    Ben aviat anirem donant notícies a la web del verkami i a les xarxes socials, de tot el procés de l'edició dels CDs/Vinils/T-shirts.

  • Javier Gómez Vidal

    Javier Gómez Vidal

    over 6 years

    Vinga, Skin Of Cecile, Bona Feina!! Estem esperant aquesta samarreta. Talla S, gràcies!

  • SkinOfCecile


    over 6 years

    Hola queridos MM Fans,

    Hoy Viernes os presentamos "2014cker" nuestra primera canción de "Ars Moriendi"


  • SkinOfCecile


    over 6 years

    Thank you very much to all!

    Let's make It real:


  • Francesc Bastida

    Francesc Bastida

    over 6 years

    Molta sort i bona feina!!

#02 / Ars Moriendi release

16 de enero de 2018, fecha oficial de Ars Moriendi.

Las entregas de recompensas comenzarán a hacerse gradualmente a partir de mañana. Puedes contactarnos a través de esta plataforma, facebook, insagram, etc ...

Estará disponible en vinilo, CD y todas las plataformas digitales. Toda la información se publicará mañana con más detalle.

Con gran emoción para compartirlo con todos ustedes.


January 16, 2018, official date of Ars Moriendi.

Reward deliveries will begin to be made gradually starting tomorrow. You can contact us through this platform, facebook, insagram, etc ...

It will be available on vinyl, CD and all digital platforms. All the information will be published tomorrow in more detail.

With great excitement to share it with all of you.

#01 / Formularios y preparativos // Forms and preparations

Hola estimados mecenas!

Hemos empezado con todo el preparativo de la fabricación del álbum y T-shirt.

Para ello, os hemos enviado unos formularios que deberéis rellenar con el fin de conseguir la información necesaria de fabricación y envio. Por ejemplo, talla de camiseta, dirección de entrega (si es en mano, lo podéis poner en los comentarios), dirección email para la entrega del formato digital.

Un saludo y un fuerte abrazo!

Hello dear patrons!

We have started with all the preparation of the album and T-shirt manufacturing.

For this, we have sent you some forms that you must fill out in order to get the necessary information for manufacturing and shipping. For example, shirt size, delivery address (if it is in your hand, you can put it in the comments), email address for delivery of the digital format.

My regards and a tight hug!

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