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LibreMente (“FreeMind”) - Documentary Film

An experiment on the search for the Being that will be recorded in real time, in a series of courses and retreats on the development of consciousness and personal growth. A film based on a true story that reflects the experience of the existential search of the human being.

Proyecto LibreMente

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From 35.000€
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LibreMente (“FreeMind”) | Documentary Film

With: Sergi Torres, Yolande Duran, Muditosan, Astiko, Sesha and others.


LibreMente is an experiment in the search for Being. The film is based on the experience of a couple, Marta and Rodrigo, who four years ago decided to leave their regular jobs to film and disseminate themes of conscience and personal growth, a process that is slowly transforming their lives.

Now they are going to share this experiment in a documentary, by attending a series of courses, retreats and conferences in the coming months. During this trip, the experiences of the LibreMente team and the professionals involved (Sergi Torres, Yolande Durán, Muditosan, Astiko, Sesha and others) will be recorded, with the unexpected moments that will arise.

LibreMente seeks to discover the meaning that may exist between the different paths of knowledge the participants offer, by inquiring their teachings. Based on a true story, it reflects the experience of an existential quest of the human being.

With the participation of:

Sergi Torres: "I am not interested in my opinions, I am interested in the Being who lives behind them." www.sergitorres.es

Yolande Duran: "Silence speaks to us every moment, and life is the echo of its voice" www.yolandeduran.com

Muditosan: "When energy becomes meditative love happens." www.laesenciadeltacto.com

Astiko: "The fingers pointing to truth are many but truth is one." www.tantrawithastiko.com

Sesha: "When you see the world based on your interest, you do not see the world, but what you want from it." www.vedantaadvaita.com

We invite you to be part of this adventure

"Your participation in this crowdfunding is a way to be present in this experiment. From the LibreMente Team we give ourselves to this experience wholeheartedly. THANK YOU for making a cinematographic production, based on the development of consciousness and the existential quest human being, possible."

How we will do it

The team that has gathered for this project will film non-intrusively in these events, not only from the point of view of what they experience as participants, but also from the stand point of the authors to include their impressions, doubts, discoveries and daily life in performing this task. A film based on a true adventure that reflects the experience of an existential quest of the human being. The result will be a documentary, cinematographic feature film that will be recorded over 6 months in more than 10 locations, with grading, color grading, sound design and mastering to be released in the spring of 2018, together with additional material in the form of interviews, a soundtrack and more.

If you exceed the objective, the movie grows!

This budget is the minimum we need for a production of this complexity, including filming over 6 months in different locations and the quality that clearly reflects the moments of this proposal. If we exceed the minimum of € 35,000, we will have the chance to progressively include the following:

  • Include technical support staff for the development of post-production.

  • Increase the means of production during filming.

  • Present the film at main international festivals.

How we will use your contributions

This graph represents a percentage summary of the distribution of the costs of production.

About the Rewards

We are available to answer through the Campaign Blog any questions regarding rewards.

Since Bluerray has a very limited implementation and the DVD is a format already obsolete for the resolution of this movie, we will not deliver physical copies in this crowdfunding campaign. The film can be viewed online as often as desired with maximum quality.

LibreMente t-shirts are available in a single color and in the unisex sizes S M L and XL.

The cinemas where the premiere in Barcelona and Madrid will be held, will be confirmed. Once postproduction is finished, we will get in touch with all the attendees at the premiere and we will inform you of the dates in a convenient schedule and as far in advance as possible. In the event that someone can not attend one of the functions due to the date or time, we will offer the possibility of granting a reward of equivalent value, in compensation to balance the value contributed to the film.


· Recordings between June and October 2017.
· Postproduction (edition, color, audio and mastering): November 2017 - March 2018.
· Communication campaign: April 2018.
· Premiere: May 2018.
· Delivery of rewards: May 2018.

These deadlines may be slightly modified if strictly necessary for the film.

The LibreMente team

  • The director, Rodrigo Sala, is an audiovisual director and founder of Proyecto LibreMente, as well as musician, composer and sound technician. He is fond of graphic design and has done a work of photography and audiovisual communication focused on professionals in the field of art and consciousness.

  • Marta Valadés, founder of Proyecto LibreMente, has for years explored different areas of personal development. Organizer of events and workshops for different professionals of the sector, and currently in LibreMente Project. He manages communication and interviews for the project. Web content manager and author of various articles on the development of conscience.

  • The executive producer, Tomás Mata, has decades of media experience as a creative, director and entrepreneur of successful projects, some with documentary-related themes such as the magazines Integral, Cuerpomente or Altair, and several of the collections of the RBA Libros beginning .

  • Daniel Alejandro Hernández Reyes is a videographer from professional photography. He has been working as an audiovisual technician for more than 5 years in production and postproduction. He is currently developing projects as a freelancer and is dedicated to traveling in his own process of self-indulgence.

  • Isaac Zafra has been dedicated to sound for more than 25 years. He has worked in documentary productions and in television, in addition to teaching as university professor in cycles of higher degree. Nowadays from his recording studio, he redirects his professional career towards a course that is focused on his inner concerns.

Since 2013, Proyecto Libremente has created more than 200 videos, which have had more than 1,000,000 views through various channels, created more than a dozen websites by various authors and organized a good number of events with different professionals . In 2016, it was one of 20 projects selected to participate in Creamedia, a program for cultural and artistic projects, organized by Barcelona Activa, of the Barcelona City Council. Also in 2016, Proyecto LibreMente organized its first self-created event, "Relating Us", at the La Caldera Cultural Center in Barcelona, ​​which was attended by more than 200 people for two days, successfully organizing and satisfying the audience, in an experience of transformation and self-knowledge.

+ Info

Movie Website

Proyecto LibreMente facebook page

Proyecto LibreMente Twitter


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  • Proyecto LibreMente

    Proyecto LibreMente

    almost 7 years

    Hola a todo@s!! Hemos recibido mucho apoyo y un montón de amor por parte de todos en este crowdfunding. En esta ocasión no se ha podido cumplir el objetivo que esperábamos, aún así esto ha sido y está siendo una experiencia de aprendizaje muy interesante para todos nosotros. Seguimos trabajando en la producción y en la forma de financiar está maravillosa Película. Nos mantendremos conectados y os contaremos novedades pronto. Gracias de todo corazón y seguimos viajando en este experimento que nos apasiona. Con amor, el equipo de LibreMente.

  • Proyecto LibreMente

    Proyecto LibreMente

    almost 7 years

    Hola Lourdes! Gracias por tu comentario. Nosotros seguimos atentos a esta campaña momento a momento hasta el final. Abiertos a posibilidades, incluída la de que sorprendentemente se complete al final. Muchas gracias por estar presente y ofrecer un descanso otoñal ;) Te mandamos un abrazo!

  • Lourdes Rubias

    Lourdes Rubias

    almost 7 years

    Hola a todos!.

    ¿Alguna posibilidad de alargar el tiempo de recaudación para darle oportunidades al proyecto?

    Tal vez el otoño sea su momento.

    Algunas plantas echan flores tarde,cuando todos creen que ya pasó su oportunidad.

    Un abrazo

  • Proyecto LibreMente

    Proyecto LibreMente

    almost 7 years

    Gracias a todos los que estáis haciendo aportaciones! Estamos muy agradecidos por toda la participación y abiertos a que pueda suceder lo inesperado. Gracias por estar presentes aquí, Seguimos adelante!!! :)

  • abundance


    almost 7 years

    Quiero verla

  • MARGARITA 1960

    MARGARITA 1960

    almost 7 years

    Conozco a varios de los participantes y me parece un proyecto muy interesante. Es inspirador para mucha gente. Gracias por ello

  • Carlos Hernandez Mercedes

    Carlos Hernandez Mercedes

    almost 7 years

    Amor y Conciencia..........Satya Vedant

  • mggullon


    almost 7 years

    Ganas tengo de verlo terminado¡¡¡ felicidades¡¡¡

  • Proyecto LibreMente

    Proyecto LibreMente

    almost 7 years

    Hola! Muchas gracias por el ofrecimiento!, estamos en contacto!

    Un saludo del equipo!

  • Teloalkilo


    almost 7 years

    Hola! Hemos estado leyendo vuestro proyecto y nos parece muy interesante la idea de película documental que grabáis. No se si vuestra gira pasa por Barcelona, pero si pasáis, estaríamos encantados en ofreceros material técnico. ¡Estamos en contacto!

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