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Andrea Motis,The Quiet Trumpet

An emotionally charged story regarding an unrepeatable moment: That vertigo filled instant when one is about to leap into the unknown.

Setmàgic Audivisual

A project of


Created in

From 15.000€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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Grateful for having achieved our first goal of 15,000€, we encourage you to pose a new challenge.

new goals
new goals

If we achieve the new target of 20,000€, we can pay musical rights and all the verkamistas will get a ticket for the preview of The Quiet Trumpet as a gift.

In addition, we will raffle among all patrons a dinner for two people with Andrea Motis and Joan Chamorro at the home of director Ramon Tort (does not include displacement).

Together we will achieve our dream!

Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet

Who is Andrea Motis?

Where does her magic come from?

What makes people around the world fall in love with her music?

Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet
Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet

Join us in this intimate personal growth story charged with emotion, fears, doubts, contradictions and jazz, lots of jazz.

About Andrea Motis

Since she first joined Joan Chamorro´s Sant Andreu Jazz Band at the age of thirteen, that small trumpet player became a jazz promise.

Now at twenty-two and a recorded album on the prestigious Impulse! Label, she is moving and filling auditoriums around the world, and yet she continues to be invisible to the world.

the triumph of simplicity
the triumph of simplicity

This is the magic of Andrea, the triumph of simplicity. Would you help us unveil this secret?

About Joan Chamorro

It´s impossible to separate Andrea Morris from her friend and teacher, Joan Chamorro.

Joan Chamorro
Joan Chamorro

Founder and director of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band, this jazz enthusiast put passion in everything he does. Proven to us in the multi lauded A Film About Kids & Music (2012).

Now the director of that same documentary, Ramon Tort, goes a step beyond demonstrating the results in Andrea Motis ´special methodology.

What does the director say?

"In 2009, I was filming the Sant Andreu Jazz Band for a DVD. The concert occurred in the Palau de la Musica, which was completely packed.

When Alba Armengou, who at the time was seven years old, finished the last line in the When you´re smiling and started playing the trumpet, The Palau was perplexed, suddenly the whispers became applause, I started whipping and had to stop filming.

It was at that moment that I knew I had to start this journey. The magical connection that exists between the kids and the audience, how they give it their all, and all of that which they convey; it´s at that moment that I truly understood the need to start this journey, and answer questions one asks himself when something fascinates us.

When Kids and Music was over, I came to the conclusion that I had just ended in a Project that had made me grow both professionally and personally, and I couldnt imagine any reason to continue digging into the same topic;

but during the project´s last years, both the project and the protagonists had exponentially gone beyond borders in an exceptional way. Watching Andrea grow both musically and personally, has made understand the need to continue telling this story.

In no way am I planning a sequel in the sense of the word. I´m not interested in telling the same story from the same point of view.

Andrea Motis with her trumpet
Andrea Motis with her trumpet

We will now focus on the innocent humble, sweet, and redemptive gaze that hipnotizes us and that is able to communicate us both enthusiasm and seduce us without the use of excess or excentricity, without being a prototype or a formula. All coming form the simplicity and potency emanating from the simplicity and potency that comes from the sound of her trumpet and a voice that without being virtuose, still manages to excite us.

I want to bring to life this story filled with contrasts, electrifying scenes and low pace from a mysterious serenity, almost inappropriate… I want people to know this same innocence, tenderness, humanity, humility and mysterious serenity that may seem inappropriate…But that has managed to seduce me.“

About the documentary

The Quiet Trumpet, wants to be a reality after two and a half years of following Andrea around the world and Ramon Tort has managed to capture with his camera, this artist´s peculiar magic.

Andrea Motis in New York
Andrea Motis in New York

The documentary will show the months preceding the recording of her first album in New York, a time filled with changes and emotions:

from leaving her parents’ house for the first time and start living by herself, embark in a world tour that will take to places like Japan, United States, Asia and Europe. A crucial time in a young woman´s life, who is about to make the big leap…, but is she interested in success or fame?

movie poster
movie poster

Andrea is not a conventional artist. She lives in the moment, enjoying the small things in life, every day in the most simplest way possible…An entire magical process that can only be understood through her music, and it´s here where you come in.

How to Contribute

After two and a half years of recording Andrea, we have enough footage to assemble a good movie. Yet our work isn´t finished... Your support is vital to make this project happen:

1st objective: 15.000 € Helps us finish filming

Even though we already have enough footage to edit a movie, we still need to shoot some stuff, as well as record voices so that the movie is finished. This is our first objective, but we still have a long way to go, and we actually need more money…. Would you help us begin this dream?

2nd objective: 40.000 € Lets us start dreaming

A documentary that has music as its main subject, is charged with several great musical themes. Obviously, songs have music rights which need to be paid, so that they may be able to be heard in the movie. Your contribution is important so that Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet, becomes a reality.

3rd objective: 60.000 € Fine Tuning our Ears

We want this film to be shown on the big screen, so our sound design needs to be on par with whatever the facilities it is being projected are…The more people participate in this crowdfunding, the more likely one will be able to listen to this documentary that deals with musicians and jazz, in the manner it deserves.

4th objective: 120.000 € will make us see the light

Once editing and 5.1 audio mixing, that will showcase all the musical intensity the documentary deserves, are complete are complete, we will have to work on color correction, graphs, animation and subtitle the movie in English, Catalan and French so that the documentary may be able to reach the whole world!

About rewards

Your contribution will help us shine a light on Andrea Motis´magic. The time is now! Choose your rewards package and help promote change:

PrePremiere Screening

You will be able to see the movie in its natural habitat, before anybody else, on the movie screen. At the moment, we are planning to screen the movie in Barcelona and Madrid, in as many movie theaters as we see fit and worthy to showcase this movie, so that it may be enjoyed in its entirety. Andrea, Joan and the rest of the movie´s crew will be there to share the experience with you.

PrePremiere Screening
PrePremiere Screening

Special Edition DVD

You will also be able to own a copy of the Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet documentary and watch it as many times as you like, with the option of watching it in different languages: Catalan, Spanish English and French. The DVD will also include special features like: Deleted scenes and Andrea Motis live recordings made during the filming of this documentary.

Special Edition DVD
Special Edition DVD

Official T-Shirt

You will also be able to obtain the documentary´s official T-shirt, it is an exclusive design created by Ladyssenyadora Design Studio in either two different green, in male and female design as well as in the size that suits you the best whether it be S, M, L, XL, or XXL.

Official T-shirt Female/Male
Official T-shirt Female/Male

Extra rewards!

As we the crowdfunding moves foward and we start reaching the goals set, all the Verkamists will recieve new rewards, like:

Extra rewards
Extra rewards

Participating in the Verkami

  • It’s easy! Click on the reward you like the most on the right column and follow the instructions.

  • In less than 3 minutes you will have made your contribution.

  • If you aren´t a user, you must register beforehand and make the payment with your credit card.


Every pack sent outside the Spanish peninsula, has to be complemented with Shipment outside the peninsula. (Unless it´s the online pack)

About Calendar

All verkami rewards will be delivered once the documentary is show non the big screen (Aprox. Fall/Winter 2018) with exception of the pre-premiere screening invites between the months of March and June 2018.

Rewards regarding dinner with the films protagonists, accompanying Andrea Motis to a concert or enjoy a private acoustic trio set, they will be agreed upon with the people involved, depending on scheduling issues, once the verkami campaign is over.

In any case, don’t worry! We will remain in contact with all of you so that we may be able to manage each of the acquired packs.

If there’s any doubt, feel free to contact us.



email- [email protected]


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  • juanjo


    over 6 years

    Sin música mi vida sería peor... menos humana.

  • tobini


    over 6 years

    Mucha suerte Andrea y compañía! Saludos desde Argentina y espero volver a encontrarnos pronto!

  • Yuta Shirai

    Yuta Shirai

    over 6 years

    I love her music. I am looking forward to the completion of a wonderful work!

  • leopoldo


    over 6 years

    ¡Ánimo Andrea, Joan, Ramón y todos! este proyecto tiene que salir adelante, os lo merecéis por todo lo que hacéis por la música. Un abrazo.

  • jmerinob


    over 6 years

    ¡¡¡ Animo Andrea !!! La pasión y el entusiasmo que pones en este proyecto y en general en la música es impresionante, me daría mucha rabia que algo así no saliera adelante.

  • Marià Martínez

    Marià Martínez

    over 6 years

    Encantat de donar suport a la música de qualitat feta amb talent i passió.

  • Xavi Casajoana

    Xavi Casajoana

    over 6 years

    Segueixo a l'Andrea des que era ben petita a la Sant Andreu Jazz Band, i una persona amb el talent, la sensibilitat i humanitat com ella, be es mereix una película per animar a la resta de nens i nenes a estimar la música i el Jazz. Felicitats !!

  • Francisco Rivas Portillo

    Francisco Rivas Portillo

    over 6 years

    Lo he apoyado porque he escuchado diversos temas en los que participa esta genial intérprete y me han encantado. Hay un montón en Youtube, por ejemplo.

  • Oscar Tolsà Sala

    Oscar Tolsà Sala

    over 6 years

    Ànims i endavant

  • danaejimenez


    over 6 years

    Felicitats per aquest nou projecte!! inspira molt veure algú com tu, Andrea, fent allò que li agrada, amb tant de talent, i vivint d'això :) Gràcies per ser tu, i gràcies al Joan Chamorro, per creure en tu, i en tots vosaltres, i ensenyar-vos tot el que sap, amb tanta habilitat. Una abraçada, Danae

#06 / Sorteo/Sorteig/Draw

Poster AndreaMotisfilm & DVD
Poster AndreaMotisfilm & DVD 'Kids & Music'


Quieres ganar un poster de la película firmado por la propia Andrea Motis y un DVD de 'Kids & music'?

Es muy fácil! Solamente debes entrar en nuestra página de facebook y participar en el concurso. Tienes tiempo hasta el viernes 27 de julio de 2018!


Vols guanyar un pòster de la pel·lícula signat per la pròpia Andrea Motis i un DVD de 'Kids & music'?
És molt fàcil! Només has d'entrar a la nostra pàgina de facebook i participar en el concurs. Tens temps fins al divendres 27 de juliol de 2018!


Do you want to win a poster of the movie signed by Andrea Motis herself and a DVD of 'Kids & music'?

Too easy! You just have to enter our facebook page and participate in the contest. You have time until Friday, July 27, 2018!

#05 / Hola de nou/ hola de nuevo/ Hi again


Gràcies al teu ajut estem a les portes d'acabar el muntatge de la pel·lícula 'Andrea Motis, the quiet trumpet'. Han estat uns mesos de treball il·lusionant, en què em acompanyat a l'Andrea a Xile per finalitzar el rodatge i ens hem trencat les banyes per poder donar forma a les més de 150 hores de material enregistrat. Si tot va com tenim previst (en aquest món les coses a vegades són més lentes del que hom voldria) farem la preestrena que us vam prometre a Barcelona i Madrid a partir del setembre i fer l'enviament de totes les recompenses abans no s'acabi l'any. Recordeu que el DVD no l'editarem fins que s'hagi estrenat la pel·lícula als cinemes.

Us agraïm la paciència i el vostre suport: estem tots impacients per veure ben aviat aquesta nova criatura!


Gracias a tu ayuda estamos ya a las puertas de acabar el montaje de… read more

#04 / Moltes gràcies!/ ¡Muchas gracias!/ Thank you very much!


**Síííí!!! Ho hem aconseguit i estem bojos de contents! Gràcies, moltes gràcies pel vostre suport. Ara a començar a treballar en la pel·lícula per poder-vos-la presentar aviat.

Aquí us deixem un regalet de Nadal per anar obrint boca... Bones Festes!**

Recordeu que totes les recompenses del Verkami s’enviaran un cop el documental s’hagi visionat a les sales de cinema (aprox. tardor/hivern 2018). Excepte les invitacions de la preestrena que es farà entre el mes de març i juny del 2018.

Les recompenses per sopar amb els protagonistes, acompanyar l’Andrea Motis durant un concert o gaudir d’un concert privat acústic en trio, al gener ens contactarem amb els implicats per acordar agendes.

En tot cas, no us preocupeu! Ens posarem en contacte amb tots vosaltres per gestionar cada un dels packs adquirits!

Per qualsevol dubte, sempre podeu contactar amb nosaltres.

Gràcies i fins aviat.


read more

#03 / Gràcies a tots!, ¡Gracias a todos!,Thank you all!


Contents d'anunciar-vos que ho hem aconseguit! Gràcies a tots!. Sense la vostra ajuda no ho haguéssim aconseguit.

Però com que encara queden 4 dies i no volem perdre l'oportunitat d'arribar a somiar una mica més, ens hem plantejat un segon repte.

nou objectiu
nou objectiu

Si arribem aquest nou objectiu de 20.000€, nosaltres podrem pagar drets musicals i tots els verkamistes aconseguireu una entrada de regal per a la preestrena de The Quiet Trumpet.

A més, sortejarem entre tots els mecenes un sopar per a dues persones amb Andrea Motis i Joan Chamorro a casa del director Ramon Tort.

Entre tots aconseguirem assolir el nostre somni!


Contentos de anunciaros que lo hemos conseguido! ¡Gracias a todos! Sin vuestra ayuda no lo hubiésemos logrado.

Pero como todavía quedan 4 días y no queremos perder la oportunidad de llegar a soñar un poco más, nos hemos planteado un segundo reto.

nuevo objetivo
nuevo objetivo

Si alcanzamos este nuevo objetivo de 20.000€read more

#02 / 200 VERKAMISTES!!!!


Ja som més de 200 verkamistes que colaborem a Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet i estem molt contents. Queda molt poc per aconseguir-ho! Així que ja sabeu! Si teniu familiars, amics o fins i tot coneguts, motivats pel Jazz no dubteu en convidar-los a participar en el nostre projecte.

Per anar fent boca, us deixem una petita escena ...


Ya somos más de 200 verkamistas que colaboramos en Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet y estamos muy contentos. Queda muy poco para conseguirlo! Así que ya sabéis! sSi tenéis familia, amigos o incluso conocidos, motivados por el Jazz no dudeis en explicarles nuestro proyecto.

Para ir haciendo boca, os dejamos una pequeña escena...


We are already more than 200 verkamistas who collaborate with Andrea Motis, The Quiet Trumpet and we are very happy. There is very… read more

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