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Siroco is a historical-fiction short film born as a end-degree project by a group of students from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona.


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From 2.500€
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Siroco is a historical-fiction short film born as a end-degree project by a group of students from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona.

We would like to count with your kind collaboration in the project, we need to collect 2500€ during 40 days so we can film and shoot the movie and end it up as it deserves.

Set in the late 60s in Spain, Siroco tells the story about how a group of communist workers hold a clandestine and illegal meeting with the aim of planning a strike so they can claim for their rights as citizens. In an atmosphere of repression and persecution, Gustave will show up, a young French communist who will introduce illegal propaganda from France against the dictatorship of the country.

Xavier Pàmies is José María, a member of "brigada políticosocial", the secret police from the dictatorship.

Xeui Jiménez is Joaquín, leader of the communist group.

Pol Figuerola is Gustave, French, young communist.

Eloy López is Andrés, young communist militant.

Raül Tortosa is Ignacio, worker, communist militant.

Siroco arises from the historical interest and the need to tell a story inspired by events that happened during Franco's era (the dictatorship years) in Spain.

The fact that close relatives from the director of the project, Paula Gallego, were involved in similar situations from first hand, inspired the essence and development of the story. We believe it's important to pay a small tribute to those who from below, fought against the dictatorship's repression, facing terrible consequences.

Throughout Franco's regime, those opponents of the dictatorship were forced to live and fight underground, risking their own physical integrity and even their lives. Thanks to them, the opposition did not die and they became able to recover certain rights that had been lost to the arrival of Franco. Today, in the situation in which the country is, we believe that it's more important than ever to remember these anonymous heroes.

Verkami is a useful platform for bringing new ideas to life with the collaboration of many people. Thanks to your collaboration, we can finance and shoot our short film successfully, and you will also get exclusive rewards. We're going to tell you how it works right now!

  • First, you need to decide your reward, the one you like the most.

  • Then you provide the corresponding economic amount.

  • If we reach 100% of the goal, you'll be charged the contributed amount of money and we'll send you the reward.

  • If we don't reach 100% of the goal, nothing's going to be charged to you, but there won't be rewards.

So we're really happy and grateful that you can collaborate with us, financially contributing to the project or just sharing the campaign around social networks, because everything counts. Thank you!

Your contributions are essential for our short film, so it can be filmed. They're going to help us with the total budget of the project. The money is going to be used for: pre-production, shooting, post-production and distribution. We've estimated that the expenses will be distributed as follows:

  • Photography/Cinematography and sound 40%

  • Art and production design 20%

  • Distribution 15%

  • Transportation 25%

We want to thank your contributions to Siroco with some details that you can find as rewards linked to every economic amount. So you'll find rewards such as posters, stickers, a tote bag with the official illustration from the short film...

From the smallest reward, your name is going to appear in the final credits of the movie and in higher rewards starting in 70€, you'll get a DVD copy, some piece from atrezzo used during the shooting and even a framed-illustration exclusively made by Celeste Ciafarone.

  • September 2016 to January 2017: Documentation and screenplay

  • February to May 2017: Pre-production

  • May 2017: Shooting

  • May, June, July 2017: Post-production

  • August / September 2017: Premiere and rewards

DIRECTOR: Paula Gallego




The project, in which students from the same degree and from other film schools help, is co-tutored by teachers and professionals from the sector. All of them are familiarized with the project from its beginning and they're going to follow its process until the end.

  • Gonzalo de Lucas. Professor at UPF. Director of the Postgraduate Audiovisual assembly at the IDEC / Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Programmer in Xcèntric (CCCB) and editor of the magazine Cinema Comparat / ive Cinema.

  • Isaki Lacuesta. Director of La propera pell, with 6 awards at the Malaga Festival. Winner of a Gaudí-award to Best Film for Los condenados and the Golden Shell for Best Film also for Los pasos dobles.

  • Javier Rebollo. Nominated three times to the Goya Awards and winner of the Silver Shell to the best director for La mujer sin piano at the San Sebastian Festival.

  • Jonás Trueba. Nominated twice to the Goya Awards and winner of the Special Jury Prize of the Malaga Festival for Los exiliados románticos.

If you want to know more information about Siroco and you want to follow all our news, you can also find us here:

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We've done it!

Thanks to all of you, we've just surpassed the 2500€'s goal in just 11 days!

You've all made this possible and now SIROCO can count with the budget we set. However, we've set a new goal because half of the total budget that we're going to shoot with comes from our team, so that's why we need as much help as better from everyone:

If we reach 3500€ in 29 days left, all of you who have bought (or going to buy) a reward which is equal or higher than 30€, you're going to receive, along with your purchase, an exclusive notebook with SIROCO's official illustration on the cover page!

So now more than ever, help us sharing this campaign and tell all your friends that you're already part of this project!



Thank you!


Ho hem aconseguit!

Gràcies a tots vosaltres acabem de superar els 2500€ en només 11 dies!

Tots heu fet possible que SIROCO pugui comptar amb el pressupost que havíem fixat. No obstant, hem proposat un nou repte, ja que la meitat del pressupost total amb el que rodarem el curtmetratge és propi i per tant, necessitem quanta més ajuda millor per part de tots:

Si arribem a 3500€ en 29 dies restants, tots aquells que hagueu comprat (i aneu a comprar) una recompensa igual o superior a 30€, rebreu, junt amb la vostra compra, una llibreta exclusiva amb la il·lustració oficial de SIROCO a la portada!

Ara més que mai, ajudeu-nos a compartir i difondre la campanya de SIROCO i expliqueu-li a tots i totes que ja formeu part d'aquest projecte!





¡Lo hemos conseguido!

¡Gracias a todos vosotros acabamos de superar los 2500€ en sólo 11 días!

Todos habéis hecho posible que SIROCO pueda contar con el presupuesto que habíamos fijado. No obstante, hemos fijado un nuevo reto, ya que la mitad del presupuesto total con el que rodaremos el cortometraje es propio y por lo tanto, necesitamos cuanta más ayuda mejor por parte de todos:

Si llegamos a 3500€ recaudados en 29 días, todos aquellos que hayáis adquirido (y vayáis a adquirir) una recompensa igual o superior a 30€, recibiréis, junto con vuestra compra, ¡una libreta exclusiva con la ilustración oficial de SIROCO en la portada!

¡Ahora más que nunca, ayudadnos a compartir y difundir la campaña de SIROCO y contadle a tod@s que ya formáis parte de este proyecto!




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