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QUINTESSENCE - First Tritono album

Tritono, jazz formation composed by musicians Santi Bobet (guitar) Ruimán Martín (bass) and Akior García (drums), presents his first album: QUINTESSENCE.


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Hello! Thank you for your interest in our project. From Tritono we want to do a brief tour of Quintessence our first record.

Since its creation and first performances, back in November 2015, the group has almost reached two years of life and in the last years worked and shared many experiences together to get where we are today, closer to launch our first work. The musicians who make up Tritono, Santi Bobet (guitar), Ruiman Martin (bass) and Akior García (drums), we have worked before in other groups. It was our passion for music and especially for jazz what was made that we met and created a project together to satisfy our curiosity, play and create our own compositions.

Click on the following video to discover Quintessence.

This other video belongs to a rehearsal session, interpreted "Al otro lado" (To the other side), one of the subjects that are included in the disc. More information about Tritono in our website

El disco

Quintessence has been recorded live on Manzana's Recording in January of this year. The disc contains 8 tunes, all original (seven are compositions by Santi Bobet and one by Ruimán Martin). For the recording of three of them we had the collaboration and the good work of Sergio García (saxo). Sergio is a great musician born and educated in Cuba who resides in the Canary Islands, (clarinetist, saxophonist, composer, arranger) with a long music experience.

The mix will be realiced by Alberto Méndez "Naranja" exceptional technical and bearish to spare known by all colleagues in the sector.

We have taken advantage of the live recording to record some of the songs on video, which we will publish as they are finished. The person in charge of this work is the videographer and friend Iván Pérez.

To which we will destine your contributions

The project has been fully self-financing to date. Recording, video, design, etc.

All contributions will go to the Mix / Master and manufacture of the Disc.

That you receive for your contribution

Crowdfunding is not a donation. It is to participate actively in the process of creating the project. That is why to your contribution are linked a series of rewards, which you can consult on the right.

We wanted to reward your collaboration by making attractive gifts and, in some cases, unique to this campaign. We recommend you take a look. Among them we can find from the digital download of the disc to a private concert.

Some of them are very interesting since can only be obtained through this campaign, as is the case of:

  • Include your name in the credits of the disk.

  • Dedicated score of the tune Quintessence.

  • A video that we will only give to the patrons of the campaign, mentioning your name in the credits. (This recording is part of the videos made during the recording session in the studio, with the difference that this video will not be published by Tritono on any Internet platform) A unique opportunity to acquire a great memory of your participation!

To make it more comfortable we have included shipping costs within Spain on most rewards. However, if you need us to send the reward out of Spain, we have enabled in the rewards section, the first two options for you to select the destination that fits your situation.

The classes

The individual classes will be imparted in Tenerife:
   -Guitar: will be taught in La Orotava.
   -Low: will be taught in La Laguna.
   -Battery: will be taught at your home.
   - Harmony and improvisation: will be taught in La Orotava.

The concert

We will perform a presentation concert in Tenerife this year 2017, the location / date are not specified yet, we will notify the patrons with the details and also will be available all the information in the web of Tritono

Scheduled calendar

Once the campaign is finished we expect to have the copies from about 3 weeks, which is what is estimated to take the factory to make the discs.

Once in our hands we will begin to deliver and send to the patrons who have collaborated in the campaign.

If you live in Tenerife and prefer to collect your reward, you can do it in La Orotava, La Laguna (Guamasa) or Adeje. We will deliver it to you personally!

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#02 / Disco en proceso!!

Hola a todos!

Les informo de que el disco ha sido mandado a fábrica por lo que ya sólo hay que esperar hasta que lo envíen ya terminado, no se cuando tardará, pero ya está en marcha. Y cuando llegue comenzaré con el reparto de cd's.

De momento estoy entregando las recompensas digitales a la gente que eligió esa opción (tanto la descarga digital como el vídeo)

De nuevo, gracias a todos.

#01 / Muchas Gracias!!

¡¡Lo hemos conseguido!! Gracias a las aportaciones de los mecenas, el primer disco del grupo de jazz Tritono pronto será una realidad.

En primer lugar queremos dar las gracias a todos los colaboradores que, con su aportación, han ayudado a hacer esto posible.

Verkami tardará un máximo de 10 días en transferir la parte recaudada, (eso si no hay ningún inconveniente) si hubieran algunas tarjetas que fallaran etc, podrían tardar un poco más... después de ese tiempo. Ya estarán algunas recompensas disponibles, como por ejemplo la descarga digital, clases etc.

Realizaremos un formulario, para que nos facilitéis algunos datos de contacto para entregaros las recompensas, discos etc.

Una vez tengamos la recaudación, enviaremos el disco a fábrica (Madrid), esperaremos a que termine el proceso y nos realicen el envío con las copias físicas. Entonces empezaremos con las entregas de los CD's así como el resto de recompensas "no digitales".

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