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Recording my new album: To Drop & Let Go

After recording an album with cover songs the time to record my own material has arrived! A very interesting work of art recorded only with 2 instruments that create ambiance, sound layers, percussion, noise and silence: Double bass & Voice! Only with your help i’ll be able to create this project

Jorge da Rocha

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From 4.400€
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Recording my first solo album with my own songs

Hello, my name is Jorge da Rocha, I am a Portuguese musician living in Barcelona. After recording my first album with cover songs These are a few of my favorite songs, the time to record my own songs has arrived. I already have them and I love how they sound only with the pre recording :) I’m looking forward to give life to these new songs. They are very personal, but at the same time very universal as day talk about us as human beings and at the end we are all very similar…

With this crowdfunding I hope to raise enough funds for recording in studio Dry Town of Whatabout Music, mixing, mastering, for artwork design and cd copies!

It will mostly be a original songs album that are the result of a process of research in this very particular set: Double bass & Voice, process from which I’m learning a lot about these instruments and specially about myself, as a person and as an artist.

There will be recorded about 10 to 12 songs. The album will only include the bass and voice... It is possible to hear other elements such as ambient sounds, percussion, harmony and melody but above all, I want to preserve and explore this unusual set, including only two instruments. For me this is also an opportunity to bring this beautiful instrument close to the general public

You can have an idea here:

The album can be seen as a research of new techniques of playing this very special instrument, and the discovery of my own voice, a voice that is finding the way of expressing what it has to say.

A personal research with many paths but with the same old destination: the heart and soul of the listener!

How can you help?

With your contribution I will be able to accomplish my dream and start this beautiful new album. It’s an unusual set (voice and bass) but that’s why it has a special value. My goal is to get to 4.400 euros. With this values I hope to be able to spend more time in a profesional studio with time to research the different possibilities of sound and I would like to do it without any rush, looking for the best possible creative techniques for recording. Also on mixing, mastering, doing the copies of the album, a making of video (would love to do a videoclip as well), photos, album distribution. And for this album I’m looking for doing a special Vinyl edition!!!*

Your rewards

Besides my appreciation, I have a few rewards for your contribution. Don’t see it at as a simple donation, you are acquiring a product and you become an important part of the whole process! Without your support I won’t be able to accomplish it.

You can get a download of the album, a physical copy of it with a special thanks signed just for you and your friends/family, concerts invitations, music lessons (instrument, combo, jam, loop), or even a concert at your house…

This is the making of video of my first cover album… You can see the studio and meet Dave Bianchi, the album producer:


I have a plan… But it’s possible to change during the whole process! On April 25th we celebrate freedom in Portugal! So, what a great day to start the recording of the album. By May 8th I hope to have the recording finished. Then is time for mixing, mastering and copies and by the first days of June I hope to have the CD’s and give you your reward during that month. I’m not sure yet if I’ll do the presentation show by then or after summer (because I’ll be touring)… I guess I will need some time to prepare the live presentation, as the album has more studio work, but anyway it will be fun :)

A beautiful work of art from the last album:

More Information

If you would like to know more about me or other projects of mine, you can visit my web page

You can also visit my Facebook page and give it a like

If you want to watch some of my videos, you can visit my YouTube channel where you will be able to subscribe and be one of the very first to hear about my projects!

I can only express my thanks for your interest and support! Feel free to share this crowdfunding with someone you would like and help me accomplish this dream.

Kisses, hugs and I hope to see you soon!

Jorge da Rocha


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  • Jorge da Rocha

    Jorge da Rocha

    almost 7 years

    Ahhh! Muito obrigado amigo! Fico contente pelo teu apoio e palavras! A ver se posso subir a Viana da próxima vez que esteja por aí! Um abraço grande para ti e para a tua miúda !

  • Ricardo Pires

    Ricardo Pires

    almost 7 years

    Parabens pelo novo trabalho e estarei sempre pronto para te apoiar. Quando vieres cá avisa. Abraço "Tico tuna"

  • Jorge da Rocha

    Jorge da Rocha

    almost 7 years

    Olá Carlos! Obrigado pelo interesse e apoio.

    Sim, o dinheiro será devolvido. Também acontece que se chegar ao fim da campanha de crowdfunding e não atingir o valor final o dinheiro nem é retirado das contas .

    Espero conseguir :)

    Muito obrigado e um abraço desde barcelona

  • Carlos Soares

    Carlos Soares

    almost 7 years


    Parabéns pelo teu trabalho e votos para este projecto ser bem sucedido. Estou interessado no vinil e nos cd's (€35) e disposto a participar. Mas antes quero saber se me devolves o dinheiro caso não consigas editar o disco. Obrigado. Fica bem

  • Jorge da Rocha

    Jorge da Rocha

    almost 7 years

    Olá Sérgio! Muito obrigado pela vontade de participar e pelo gosto pelo projecto.

    A forma mais directa de ajudar é adquirir alguma das recompensas... Na página principal, do lado direito, tens vários valores que podes selecionar em função da quantidade que queres colaborar. É feito um pagamento com visa ou PayPal que só é retirado da conta no final da campanha e só se atingir o valor final.

    Outra forma de ajudar é com a divulgação. Podes falar sobre o projecto a outras pessoas que possam estar interesadas ou fazer algum post nas redes sociais.

    Se tiveres mais alguma dúvida avisa. Muito obrigado pelo teu interesse e contato

    Um abraço, Jorge

  • Sérgio Marques

    Sérgio Marques

    about 7 years

    Olá Jorge,parabéns pela realização do bom trabalho,como posso ajudar?

  • Jorge da Rocha

    Jorge da Rocha

    about 7 years

    :) :) :) Tienes ya el disco?! :) :) :) Saludos desde Portugal

  • Lolvstein78


    about 7 years

    Hola, dónde/ cómo se puede comprar tu primer album? Enhorabuena por tu musica que da alas!

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