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My first artbook: *Going far to be closer*

100 hand-bound pages. Pure illustrated frenzy. Sex, drugs and psychedelia; love, heartbreaks and polyamor; experiences from this and other worlds; feminism and feminities; fears and follies. I draw my life, depending on how you believe in my stories: you find them true or pure fantasy.

Nono Rueda

A project of

Created in

From 3.000€
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Going far to be closer will be a self-published, illustrated and autobiographical book. Exclusive and limited edition for this crowdfunding. Collected and hand-bound. It will be a hybrid between diary, "homemade" book, macrofanzine, piece of art and craft. With a lot of love and humor.

There will be no argument, the images will take you wherever you want. You can observe my experience in drawings, which will be yours as well. This book also will remind us that we are so different and equal at the same time.

What will you find in this book? (My mother is going to freak out)

Emotional imbalances. Psychedelic drugs, shamanic ceremonies, dreams, visions and other paranormal experiences. Sex and all kinds of love. The life of the artist, overcoming fears to survive. Feminism and "women stuff" that are also for men. Period. Breaking stereotypes and labels. Tired of the concept of static, everything changes, accept and live. And more things that will come along the way. All of this always accompanied by processes, anxieties and insecurities. Of course. But also overcomes, learning, joy and a lot of self-love, because it's also a happy flower book.

I explain it to you

I have always been artistically active and eternal explorer of myself. While changing and walking I have reached several places. I crossed my fears and insecurities after a long journey in the dark, and at the end of the tunnel: markers and papers **. All that journey of personal exploration and emotional cleaning gave me the strength to start curing and be self-confident. Since I haven't stopped drawing and **sharing.

And this experiences gave the name to my book: Going far to be closer. Many times we go away because we miss for ourselves. When I miss myself I go so far to find me. And on those trips I go from top to the bottom, sometimes in a hurry and sometimes very slowly. I stumble, I get dirty, and I get hurt. Sometimes I go into spirals and sometimes I go in a straight line. The synergies, the magic and the visions arrive. Sometimes laughs and sometimes crying ... Strike! Welcome to the fucking journey of self-knowledge. And it's fucked because once you start there is no way back. You're fucked up and blessed, girl.

And I love it. And as I love it, I'm going to share it. Because during those trips I have been drawing and writing in my notebooks and learning a lot about it. Because I've realized that I am what I draw and I draw what I am. So I'll draw more, write more, order everything, scan, design, lay out, print, and bind these books !!

What makes this book special?

SUPER HANDMADE because I will collect and bind them with my hands one by one. Very beautiful and marvelous. Size 15x21cm. 100 pages of illustrations. Printed in Offset. Cool paper. DM hardcover handmade printed with stamps. Sewing in sight and braided with black thread. And there will also be some drop-down pages.

As they are limited edition, these books will be very exquisite and exclusive. All unique, with their numbers, signed with personal dedications and illustrations.

Why crowdfunding?

Because feeling that other people trust me, support my work and get involved gives me the strength and motivation I need to start. Because I want to dedicate to this book the time and affection that it deserves. Because I want to immerse myself in this project without pressures or financial crises that block my creative process. Because I will know in advance how many copies to print, without passing or staying short.

What do I offer as a reward?

  • The books will be signed with dedication and original illustration.

  • Super heartfelt thanks for having supported my small format and handmade project. Thanks for your little bit. ALL people who contribute to the project will be named on the page of acknowledgments.

  • If any patron wants to receive the book also in digital format, I will send it without problems.

  • There will be a super event of presentation in Barcelona and all of you are invited and you can come with whoever you want.

  • The illustrations of the POSTCARDS will be surprise, extracted from the book.

  • The CRAZYPORTRAITS are handmade custom portraits. I will make them from photographs and will be size 20x15cm

  • The PRINTS are limited editions. A3 format (30x42cm). Signed and numbered. FRAME NOT INCLUDED

  • The ORIGINAL are unique. Paintings, collages and mixed media. Format A3 (30x42). Signed and dedicated. NOT INCLUDED FRAMEWORK.

-ORIGINAL INFRA 33X41cm acrylic on plywood in 4cm deep structure.

-PICTURES FOR CUSTOMER To be specified with the patron according to the contribution.

Scheduled calendar

I will start with the production in May 2017. I calculate 6 months to produce, prepare the rewards, print and bind by hand all the copies. So, it will be ready by late October, early November 2017. It's perfect to include it on the Christmas gift list ;)

I will organize a super presentation party in Barcelona (place not specified yet) where I will deliver the rewards and books to those who come to enjoy.

And what if I get more money as I ask for?

I will make more books, so no one will be without it! I hope it happens and you give me a lot of work. It will mean that we are already many supporters!!! Thank you!!!!!

My work and the process in my profiles:



There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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Mecenas! Vuelvo a estar aquí. 3 cosas muy importantes:

  1. Para lxs que queráis libros extras: tal vez queráis regalar o reservar un libro a alguien. Ya está en mi tienda online la edición tapa blanda del libro. Con el código RESERVALIBRO2017 podréis reservarlo con un 10% de descuento y gastos de envío gratis. A lxs que os envío el libro por correo os lo adjuntaré en el paquete y a los que lo recogéis en mano os lo entrego el día del evento. (veréis que cuando finalicéis la compra se os reflejará el envío, no os alarméis, se os restarán 7€ que corresponden al 10% + envío). ES IMPORTANTE QUE LO RESERVÉIS SI QUERÉIS ASEGURAROS ALGUNO. ESTO TAMBIÉN ME SIRVE PARA SABER LAS CANTIDADES QUE NECESITARÉ.

Link para reservar aquí . Los gastos de envío nacionales están incluídos en las aportaciones a partir de 30€. Si tu aportación fue inferior, es que escogiste la opción "entrega en mano en el evento". Si no vas a poder asistir y quieres que te lo envíe ponte en contacto conmigo.

  1. read more


Hola hola!

Ya tenemos fecha y lugar de presentación del libro!


Viernes 15 de diciembre de 17h a 22h en CREA en la agenda de CREA FRIDAYS

Habrá exposición y venta de obras originales y PRINTS, tiendita Thenonoshop, birra artesana y música en directo.


20-21h CONCIERTO de "SALT & SOUL DUO" video del grupo

21h-22h más birras, guateque y cierre.




Hola mecenaaasss!!!

Como siempre, antes de nada muchas gracias por vuestro montoncito de arena :) Estoy muy contenta de tener esta oportunidad gracias a toda/os vosotra/os!

El libro sigue gestándose con normalidad. En la última ecografía me dijeron que era una niña! :p Estoy muy ilusionada.

Alguno/as me habéis preguntado y estáis impacientes por saber cuándo estará listo. Como ponía en la descripción del proyecto, pasado el verano (eso quiere decir en octubre) podré deciros cuándo y donde será el evento de presentación. Os toca aguantar un poquito y a mi currar un montón...

Ahora estoy generando nuevo contenido y recuperando mogollón de cosas antiguas. Lo siguiente será maquetar y después impresiones, estampaciones y encuadernación.

Quiero mantener la exclusiva, y no publicaré nada definitivo en redes antes de la presentación. Así estrenarlo dará más gustazo ;)

Un abrazo muy grande a toda/os!


Holaaaa!!!! Este es un mensaje de agradecimiento!!!

Hemos conseguido entre tod@s llegar al objetivo e incluso superarlo de sobras!!!

Muchísimas gracias por el apoyo y la confianza que habéis depositado en mi y en mi trabajo.

Ahora lamentablemente, os toca esperar!!! Tal y como decía en la información del proyecto (espero tod@s hayáis leído detenidamente, y si no lo habéis hecho hacerlo ahora, hasta el final) necesito unos meses para diseñar, ilustrar, maquetar, imprimir, encuadernar, hacer los portraits, preparar prints, cuadros... Calculo que después del verano estará todo listo y podremos disfrutar de la fiesta de presentación!!!

Os iré informando del proceso!! Más adelante os enviaré un formulario para que me mandéis vuestras informaciones de contacto y direcciones de envío.

Ahora me toca curraaaaaar!! Mil gracias de corazón. Ha sido una experiencia brutal, y un subidón de la hostia!!! jajajaja 105 abrazos para vosotr@s!!!

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