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Nuevo disco de Bates Motel

LP compuesto de 11 pistas de punk rock cargadas de rabia, sinceridad y fuerza para todos los amantes de Much The Same, Mute o Belvedere.

Bates Motel

A project of


Created in

From 1.500€
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View project in Castellano

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Bates Motel was born in late 2013 as an ambitious project started by Bruno, Angel, Guille and Sergio, to whom Fran later joined. Since then we haven't stopped writing songs and growing as a band, always influenced by punk rock and melodic hardcore.

In 2015 our first studio work came out, "Surrender Is Not An Option", self-edited, with which we toured twice the most important cities of the country. Since then we've had the pleasure to play with bands like: Atlas Losing Grip, Darko, Dead Neck, Antillectual, Adrenalized, Main Line 10, Acid Snot, Sarabix, Spin-Off, Gas Drummers or Kill The President! among many others.

This is how our album will sound:

We've been working on this project for two years. Two years of hope, persistence, and sacrifice that now see their reward. At the point we are right now we want to ask for your help in order to be able to finance all the expenses that come with a project this big, that's why your collaboration is essential. This is your chance to be a part of this with us.

To what we will destine your contributions

Thanks to you we will be able to pay the recording in Rockaway Studios, Castellon with Raul Artana (Puk2) guiding our steps and helping us all the way.

Also we have other projects in mind like recording a music video, and the physical copies and merch of the new CD.

About the rewards


LP 12" "High Expectations Higher Deceptions"

"Bates Motel" limited edition T-shirt and Hoodie

"Bates Motel" cap

Scheduled calendar

The project will come out June this 2017.

We will give you the details as the dates come near . It will be then that all the people that helped will receive their rewards.

+ Info

If you haven't listened to our EP yet, you can find it in our social networks. We leave you here an advancement of how our live shows are!



There are none published yet.

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#04 / NEW MUSIC VIDEO | For a Trick

↓↓↓English Below↓↓↓

¡Muy felices de presentaros nuestro primer videoclip!

Infinitas gracias a Rbnisonfire por entender tan bien lo que queríamos y hacer un gran trabajo.

¡Compartir es vivir!

Recordad que podéis seguir pillando nuestros packs y de esta forma, echarnos una mano.


We're very happy to show you our first music video!

We are infinitely grateful to Rbnisonfire for understanding so well what we wanted to do and for doing a great job.

Share it!

And remember, you can still buy our packs and help us.

#02 / For a Trick [Music Video] May 1st

↓↓↓English Below↓↓↓

Tenemos tantas ganas de mostraros lo que hemos estado preparando con Ruben Juan que no podemos esperar a enseñaros cosas y por eso esta semana va a estar cargada de sorpresas.


We are so excited to show you what we have been doing with Ruben Juan, we can't wait to show you. This week will be full of surprises.

#01 / Built to Last feat. "Gunner" McGrath

↓↓↓English Below↓↓↓

Estamos muy felices de poder presentaros el primer single de nuestro nuevo disco. Se trata de una colaboración con Chris McGrath, vocalista de Much The Same.

Ha sido una experiencia increíble poder trabajar junto a él y no mentimos si decimos que también hemos cumplido un sueño. ¡Esperamos que lo disfrutéis! Pero eso no es todo, porque el próximo 1 de mayo estrenamos videoclip grabado por Ruben Juan y podemos aseguraros que será algo brutal.

¡Recordad que podéis seguir entrando en el crowdfunding para llevaros nuestro merchandising y de paso ayudarnos en la financiación del nuevo disco, toda ayuda es bien recibida!

Link debajo.


We are very happy to show you the first single of our new album. This is a collaboration with Chris McGrath, Much the Same's vocalist.

It has… read more

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