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Carrete Magazine Vol.1

Carrete is a platform dedicated to film photography, whose main goal is to be able to launch its first physical publication.


A project of


Created in

From 5.500€
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¿What is Carrete?

Carrete is a platform dedicated to analog photography, whose main objective is to spread the work of artists who use this format, and to share a lot of other content such as interviews, events, material reviews, reports, etc. Everything related to this world.

This is a project in which we have invested a lot of time and hope. Our main goal is to entertain, inform, share... a world that we love and we are passionate about, with people around the world.

Three years ago we started our journey in social media. During all this time we have shared information, events, curiosities and lots of photographs that have been provided by artists from all over the world. Artists who were looking for a platform where they could share their creations and concerns with people as passionate about photography as they are. We have been meeting point for all these people. We are a community in crescendo.

It is now and thanks to all of them, when the Carrete team intends to take the next step: to translate everything that has been virtually till now, to the paper, into a physical publication that will be launched every six months. A magazine that pretends to be the meeting point of all those who want to show their work, and of all those interested in this art, whether they are gallery owners, collectors, teachers, photographers, amateurs... A magazine for everyone.

Who wouldn't like to see their photographs published in an old fashioned way? This is what analog means: something physical, something that can be touched, smelled, felt in your own hands. Something that will remain in time and will leave a mark.

Could you help us to make it happen?

How will the first number of Carrete be?

In the first edition you will meet a large number of new talented photographers, thanks to the sections of Gallery and Projects, where we will find your most current and original proposals.

We interview Rafa Badia, renowned photographer, publisher and teacher at Grisart School. With him we will talk about his photographic vision and his latest book dedicated to the city of Barcelona: "Barcelona Blues".

We will also interview Eduardo Pavez, multi-faceted photographer and Youtuber who will tell us about his channel, his photographs and his new and successful book.

We will have an extensive review of one of the most famous cameras of the Olympus brand, the Olympus Trip 35. Reviewed by Daniel Freire, face and soul of Olympus Trip 35 Repair. Ramón Jiménez, Brand Ambassador and Store Manager of Lomography Embassy Barcelona, collaborates with us, which will unveil the wonders of the film Ilford XP2 400.

All this accompanied by our Agenda in which we will include the best contests and events of the guild so you do not miss anything.

Technical data:

Pages: 100

Format: 26x21 cm

Interior paper: 40 pages in Coated paper 150 gr and 60 pages in Inuro Recycled 100gr.

Cover paper: Inuro 300 gr

Binding: Paperback PUR

Number of copies: 400

Frequency: Every semester

The images of the magazine are previews of what the first number will look like, but it is not the definitive content of the magazine

Objetivos de la campaña

The first objective of this campaign is to help us get 5,500 €, which is the minimum to cover most of the expenses of the first number.

But this does not end here. We want to invite everyone to a presentation party where we will also present the photographs that will appear in the magazine. We also want to update Carrete's website to use it as a complement and support to the magazine, spreading analog photography online aswell. For this we need your help and get 7,000 €.

And last but not least, we want to ensure the future of this publication, making the second number of Carrete, to reach further and grow the community of readers. For this we need your help and try to reach 10,000 €.

We only need one thing: we need you in our team. If you support us, we will continue working. Are you joining Carrete?

Where do your contributions go?

The contributions will be used for the production of 400 copies of the magazine, for the production of rewards, shipments and management fees. This costs total € 5,500.

About the rewards

The rewards you will get for supporting this project range from receiving the printed magazine in your home, ** tickets** for the raffle to win a camera and other gifts, graphics of the magazine, such as badges, T-shirts and tote bags, and also we will show our thanks to you collaboration featured on Carrete's website and in the printed magazine.

Magazine Carrete Vol.1

Pack de 2 pins / badges Carrete

Carrete Tote bag: "Todavía disparo en analógico"

Ticket for the raffle to win a Konica C35 EF + film Ilford HP5 Plus 400

Carrete T-shirt

Planned schedule

If we achieve the objective of the campaign to get the first number of Carrete, here is the production schedule you can expect:

We promise you that you will get a magazine before anyone else, in appreciation of your trust and support. It will arrive at your house along with the rest of the rewards before it is available at the points of sale.

+ Info



There are none published yet.

Do you have any other queries or questions?

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  • Carrete


    about 7 years

    Hola L'ESPAI!

    Muchas gracias por el apoyo, nos alegra mucho que os guste el proyecto. En cuanto a las camisetas, una vez acabe el Verkami nos pondremos en contacto con los mecenas para recoger los datos del envío, y si se trata de una camiseta, también los datos de la talla!

    Saludos y gracias de nuevo!

  • rafbio


    about 7 years

    Enhorabuena por la iniciativa. Ojalá salga adelante. Somos una escuela de fotografía en Alicante (L'ESPAI) apoyamos cualquier iniciativa de este tipo en pro de la fotografía. Aparte de esto, no tiene importancia, pero ¿se puede elegir talla camiseta?

  • Carrete


    about 7 years

    Hola Jose, muchas gracias por interesarte en Carrete, estaremos encantados de que tengas la revista en tu punto de venta. Déjanos tu email o escríbenos a [email protected] para poder facilitarte los detalles.


  • Jose Porto

    Jose Porto

    about 7 years

    Estoy interesado en ser punto de venta

    Podrias ampliarme informacion al respecto?

    Gracias por anticipado

  • Carrete


    about 7 years

    Hi Marcin, yes we will have ads,

    we have a contribution of 100 € to be able to advertise on a page of the magazine!


  • Marcin


    about 7 years

    Hi there! Will you have any ads in "Carrete"? Kind regards, M.

  • Carrete


    about 7 years

    Hola de nuevo J, la única diferencia que hay es el envío, donde pone únicamente "revista" es envío para toda España, y donde pone "revista internacional" al resto de países. Un saludo!!

  • J


    about 7 years

    También quiero saber, ¿qué diferencia hay entre "Revista y revista internacional"?

  • Carrete


    about 7 years

    Hola J!! Pues en caso de no llegar a los 5.500€ el dinero será retornado a todos los mecenas que hayan colaborado. Es decir, la plataforma verkami, no hará efectivo el cobro. Gracias por interesarte por nuestro proyecto!

  • J


    about 7 years

    buenos días, disculpad por la pregunta pero es desde la mas profunda ignorancia. Tengo intención de participar en el mecenazgo pero, ¿qué sucede si no se alcanza la cuota estimada de 5.500,00 €? t


Hola a todos de nuevo!

Queremos comunicaros que, en principio, ya hemos realizado todos los envíos de las personas que han respondido a los e-mails dónde pedimos vuestras direcciones.

Si alguien no nos ha comunicado su dirección, o no ha respondido a los e-mails, no se le ha hecho envío.

Si todavía no has contactado con nosotros, te damos una nueva oportunidad, hasta el 1 de Julio estaremos esperando vuestros correos, porque se están acabando las revistas y hay mucha demanda.

Muchas Gracias a todos de nuevo, esperamos que os haya gustado la revista.

Un abrazo!

#03 / Fecha de publicación de la revista confirmada!

Queridos mecenas!

Hemos tenido algunos problemas con la imprenta y para ofrecer una mayor calidad hemos decidido hacer las revistas en otro sitio por lo que se ha retrasado la producción. Pero ya están en proceso y las tendremos exactamente en dos semanas. Las enviaremos inmediatamente nada mas recibirlas. Sentimos mucho este pequeño retraso.

Un abrazo a tod@s y saludos!


#02 / Envío de las recompensas

Hola a tod@s!

Escribimos este post para pediros disculpas e informaros que nos hemos retrasado un poco con el calendario que teníamos previsto, pensábamos que seriamos más rápidos! Esta semana empezara la producción de la revista junto con las bolsas y camisetas. Así que si todo sale según lo previsto enviaremos vuestras recompensas a partir de la semana que viene.

Muchas gracias por vuestra paciencia y por ayudarnos a hacer este proyecto realidad!

#01 / ¡Muchas gracias!

Y se acabó! Ayer a las 21h terminó la campaña de crowdfunding de Carrete!

Han sido 40 días llenos de sorpresas, ilusión y retos cumplidos gracias al trabajo en equipo y a tod@s vosotr@s!!!

Desde Carrete queremos agradecer a todas las personas que se han involucrado en la campaña y nos han ayudado, ya sea con una aportación económica o haciendo difusión del proyecto.

Ahora toca seguir trabajando y materializar este sueño que muy pronto tendréis en vuestras manos! GRACIAS!!!!

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