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MARC DURANDEAU "Pirineus 13"

I need your support for mixing, mastering and do the duplication of "Pirineus 13", the name of the album I'm finishing which includes 11 new songs arranged, recorded and composed largely in the High Pyrenees during the winter of 2013.

Marc Durandeau

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Created in

From 2.700€
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The days have gone slow but unstoppable. Sitting at the computer. In front of the microphone. Stuck on the stove or fire. Writing down ideas. Developing arrangements for each instrument. For each song.

Alone. Silent. Alone. In front of the window. In front of the mountains. Under the sun, rain and snow ...

Today the days are gone. For me the time has stopped. I'm walking again into the cities. Chasing decisions again, resolutions, the "goal" that will be a fact after your collaboration.

And finishing with you all together, the album "Pyrenees 13", ...

… to do the mastering and mixing.

The design of the cover and duplicate it 500 times as the first edition.

Make the first video of the record from the song "Dormir sol".

and promote it to the media.

The amount I would like to achieve from micromecenatge to cover part of the final costs is: € 2,700

All professionals (the best in their field) that collaborate in this final stretch (journalist, graphic designer, sound engineer, video producer, cinematographer, photographer, etc..) are adjusting its budget substantially to help me in the completion of this work.


I am so confident in the quality of the new album "Pirineus 13" and the beneficial rewards to which you have access from here.

And the gap in supporting and working methods from music industry.



In late April the CDs will be traveling to your house or via email link, depending on the option chosen by you from Verkami.

In fact you can listen a piece of each song by visiting my blog:

Thanks for your attention, time and support.

Marc Durandeau


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  • Zambombero


    about 11 years

    Necesitas a alguien que toque la zambomba?...

    Yo soy un As y estaria encantado de tocarla por un módico precio de unos pocos de miles de euros.

    Animate e incluye sonidos de zambomba en tu producción, contratame no te arrepentirás.

#03 / Una empenteta més va!

Has fet un tomb pels boscos i muntanyes de l'entorn?

Tot està radiant, electrificant, vibrant, exuberant, purificant...

El proper divendres finalitza el Verkami de "Pirineus 13".

Estic i estem fent feina per aconseguir assolir els 2.700€

No en falten massa més de diners però alguna promoció d'última hora m'ajudarà a aconseguir-ho sense haver de prendre tantes infusions de camamilla.

En aquests casos la promo "casolana", de barri, a la feina.... la teva...és la millor.

Si creus que al teu veí, cosí, padrí, capellà, amant... li pot agradar tenir a casa un disc actual i de "cançó acció" fes-li saber ràpidament.

Divendres vinent es tanca la pagina de "Pirineus 13" a Verkami!

73 mecenes! Creus que arribarem als 85?

Una abraçada forta! estic emocionat, literalment, de poder tenir ben aviat aquest grapat de cançons a les mans en un àlbum.

Visca Els Pirineus i la Mare que els va parir :-)

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#02 / Us presento la cançó "Gent del nord"

Una cançó que vol expressar l'energia dels Pirineus a través de la descripció de moments quotidians de la cultura Pirinenca com pot ser (garlar vora el foc amb un porró, una secallona.... o la sensació que sempre hi ha una porta oberta i una brasa ardent., ... (hi ha molts pobles on hi falta gent).

Musicalment he intentat recollir l'energia tant transparent i potent, clara com neta de la natura que caracteritzen les nostres muntanyes.

La melodia d'aquesta cançó va estar composada pels vorals dels prats de la vall de Manyanet. Els primers oients d'aquesta cançó van ser les vaques, braus i vedells.

Ara et toca a tu ;-)



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