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New Disc Sherpah - H

A new album is something we have been waiting long time, you and us. Our musical maturity will be reflected on this LP, exponentially. Feel proud of what we do is important... But it is most important for us that you will really enjoy the new LP!! HELP US TO DO IT POSSIBLE!


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Once upon a time...

As many know, we are*Sherpah* a band of 10 musicians, we have characterized for the way that we mix different musical styles, giving more emphasis to the Rumba and Reggae.

Now ten years later, what started as a game, we get into record our fourth album.

On the LP we will find, Rumba, Reggae, Cumbia, chachachá, Latin ... but this time more defined and differentiated by songs, an LP where we will find songs in Catalan and Spanish, unquestionable stamp of the band.


Ten years later...

Well, here we are ten years later as the first day, with the same energy and desire to "eat the world singing”.

With a different way of seeing and understanding the music, we have listened, learned, matured ... And now, with your contribution, we will publish a new Album that will be released in 2017.


Album H

On 18 March 2017, we will be the official launch of our fourth album. - Adress: Cal Gallifa Sant Joan de Vilatorrada - Time: 23h.

Well yes, but before to that!! We need to raise some money in order to finance the recording and edition of the new Album.

Crowdfunding, it is an easy and simple way to do it. In exchange for your donation, we will give you a piece of Sherpah. In this way, the album will be part of everybody.

¿What will happen if we do not reach the budget? cross the fingers because will not happens, because if it happens finally, your donation will not arrive us. But that will not happen, ¿Right? We are very confident on you!


We still thank...

All people, who for ten years support us, giving us warmth in the concerts, sharing and singing our songs, being not only a loyal but our friends, our family. We also thank those who follow us know that, from different parts of the world to hear us and make us a little larger every day.

So, without further ado, thanks in advance to continue to support us, we hope to be many people who are part of this record.


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  • Juan Pablo Garrido Sánchez

    Juan Pablo Garrido Sánchez

    over 7 years

    El día 13 vaig mirar de fer una aportació de 45€.por ser que ho hagi fer malament? No m han descontar res. Merci.

#08 / ÚLTIMS 5 DIES!!

Ens queden 5 dies i, tot i que encara falti una miqueta, sembla que això serà una realitat. Estem molt contents. Moltes gràcies a tots i totes per formar part d'aquest disc.

Recordeu d'anar-nos enviant a l'adreça [email protected] el que us demanàvem en les diferents recompenses: noms, selfies, talla samarreta... Sobretot els noms i les selfies que ens fan falta per poder incorporar-ho al disseny del disc.

Moltes gràcies!

#06 / Sara Roy & Sherpah

Sara Roy gran veu i bona amiga del nostre guitarrista ens envia aquest vídeo en suport amb la campanya d'autofinançament del nou disc. Gràcies bonica, ens veiem aviat!!

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