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Charity edition of "Winterreise" on CD to help "Le Refuge Kol"

Release of Schubert's "Winterreise" on CD, a charity concert that took place on March 13, 2016 at Teatre de Sarrià (Barcelona) in order to help Cambodian NGO "Le Refuge Kol".

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From 1.600€
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NEW GOAL: 2000€







A release consisting of 500 CDs of Schubert's "Winterreise", a charity concert that took place on March 13, 2016 at Teatre de Sarrià (Barcelona) in order to help Cambodian NGO "Le Refuge Kol".

A recital given by baritone Joan Martín-Royo and pianist Pierre Réach.

The event was hosted by poet and literature critic Sam Abrams.

What will be the use given to your pledges

Your pledges will be used to fund this 500 CD copies edition.

Once the edition will be completed, the full amount of the incomes obtained by the sell of these CDs will be sent to NGO Le Refuge Kol (in Kol, Cambodia) in order to help support their humanitarian mission.

Regarding the rewards

Rewards (depending on the amount of your pledge) include:

  • Your name will appear on the acknowledgment credits in the booklet

  • A copy of the CD

  • A copy of the CD signed by the performers.

  • Tickets to attend the recital taking place on December 20, 2016 as part of the Life Victoria Barcelona Festival

  • Backstage meeting with the artists (a 10-minute chat plus picture with the performers at the end of the recital)

Planned schedule

You will get your reward on December 20, 2016 if you attend the Life Victoria Barcelona Festival recital (a charity concert to support the Refuge Kol).

In case you cannot attend the aforementioned concert the reward will be sent to you

by ordinary post.

Informations regarding the concert

All the informations regarding the concert taking place on December 20, 2016 in Barcelona can be found on the following website:


Informations regarding Le Refuge Kol

Le Refuge Kol is based in Cambodia at some 60 km from the capital of the country, Phnom-Penh. It is a social and educational centre which sits in a poor village that has an economic system grounded on rice culture and unstable jobs. The dispensary has a regular staff of 9 people, which also helps in providing some families of the region with a way of living.

Le Refuge Kol, with a little structure in itself, is managed in the most scrupulous way and through the personal implication in the project by its founders (specially that of mezzo-soprano Sophie Koch). Thus allowing to allocate the 100% of the donations to the exclusive benefit of the “Refuge”.

The humanitarian mission of the Refuge is divided into different and many objectives, its action articulated in the following branches:

  • First of all it is a school that offers education to some 150 pupils, whose ages range from 6 to 18 year-old boys and girls. Its first objective being the fight against lack of schooling and illiteracy. The courses therefore focus on Khmer (the official language of the country) as well as English for all the students. Also courses in Maths are being imparted to the youngest amongst them. As a result of this the institution has 3 teachers on its payroll.

  • The Refuge also takes in some 30 children who were abandoned, the institution thus being entrusted with their care by their own families.

  • Le Refuge Kol also set up a couple of years ago a dentist consulting room, which is at the whole village disposal (and also to the whole province's), children though taking priority. The Refuge therefore has a couple of Cambodian dentists on its payroll, but also unselfish missionaries collaborate on a regular base with the institution.

  • 38 out of all the children (whose families are in a most dramatic economical situation) also receive a sponsorship. They are therefore provided with rice and nourishment for themselves and their families.

  • Medical consultations are being organised twice a month.

  • A nurse provided with basic medical essentials is at disposal on a 24/7 base in case of emergencies.

  • Le Refuge is also a place for convalescence. An associated partner that offers heart-related chirurgy to indigent persons sends their patients for a post-operative recovery period to our institution. The number of people benefitting from this service is of 2 persons a month. They are also allowed to bring a person accompanying with them. The patients and the persons accompanying them receive lodging, nourishment and medical curative treatment.

  • Le Refuge Kol finally offers 3 times a week (in the mornings) an extra meal to 80 children, whose families can only offer them a meal a day and just a rice soup as a breakfast.

Many thanks to all of you for your collaboration in this project!

Didier Laclau-Barrère

President of “Le Refuge Kol”


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#04 / 2525€!!!!

Estimados mecenas:

Muchísimas gracias por vuestra colaboración en el proyecto de edición del CD solidario "Winterreise" para ayudar a la ONG "Le Refuge Kol" en Camboya.

Hemos superado con creces nuestras expectativas llegando a un total de 2525€.

Muchas gracias a todas las personas que lo habéis hecho posible.

El CD saldrá a la venta el día 21 de diciembre. El día antes (20 de diciembre) los mecenas que asistan al concierto solidario pro "Le Refuge Kol" que tendrá lugar en el marco del Festival LIFE Victoria Barcelona podrán recoger ya sus ejemplares. Recordamos informaciones del evento:


Los mecenas que no asistan a este recital recibirán vía correo ordinario su ejemplar (o ejemplares) del CD.

¡Un saludo cordial y el más sincero agradecimiento en nombre de la ONG "Le Refuge Kol"!

Benvolguts mecenes:

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#03 / Nuevo objetivo: / Nou objectiu: / New challenge: 2500€

Para celebrar que ya estamos a punto de conseguir los 2000€ y a la vista de que nos quedan aún 10 días para financiar el proyecto, añadimos NUEVAS RECOMPENSAS que incluyen más CDs, más entradas al concierto del día 20 de diciembre y hasta una oferta para grupos de 10 personas (oferta limitada a un máximo de 5 grupos).

Nuevas posibilidades de colaborar con: 40€, 60€, 65€, 75€, 85€, 90€, 125€, 150€ y la oferta para grupos de 10 personas (por un total de 300€).

Las recompensas originales (5€, 10€, 15€, 20€, 25€, 50€ y 100€) siguen activas para poder seguir siendo escogidas.

¡Gracias por vuestra solidaridad!

Link del proyecto:


Per tal de celebrar que estem a punt d'aconseguir els 2000€ i davant del fet que ens queden encara 10 dies per a seguir finançant el projecte, afegim NOVES RECOMPENSES, que inclouen més CDs, més entrades pel concert del dia 20 de desembre i també una read more

#02 / Nuevo reto / Nou repte / New challenge

Una vez superado el primer objetivo (recaudar 1600€), nos proponemos ahora llegar a 2000€ para asegurarnos que todos los gastos quedan cubiertos al 100% vía Verkami. Así evitamos que la ONG tenga que asumir coste alguno.

Desglose de los costes:

Coste de los 500 CDs + 21% IVA: 1650€

Comisión Verkami (5%) + comisión Visa (1,35%) + 21% IVA: aprox. 150€

Gastos envío recompensas vía correo ordinario a los mecenas: aprox. 200€

Coste total: 2000€

¡Ya hemos llegado a los 1600€! Nos faltan 400€ y tenemos aún 17 días para conseguirlos. En caso de superar este objetivo y en el supuesto de que recaudáramos más de 2000€, el superávit sería ingresado en su totalidad en la cuenta corriente de la ONG "Le Refuge Kol" de Camboya junto con la recaudación de la venta del disco y de los ingresos conseguidos en el recital del próximo 20 de diciembre (concierto incluido dentro del Festival LIFE Victoria Barcelona):


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#01 / Portada del disco / Portada del disc / CD cover art

¡Ya tenemos la portada del CD del "Winterreise" para ayudar a la ONG "Le Refuge Kol" en Camboya!

We just received the cover art of the "Winterreise" CD to help the humanitarian mission of Cambodian NGO "Le Refuge Kol"!

Ja tenim la portada del CD del "Winterreise" per a ajudar l'ONG "Le Refuge Kol" de Cambodja!

Foto de / Photo by Josep Colet

Diseño / Disseny/ Graphic design by Tresa Calbó

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