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2nd CD of Intergenerational Brigade for the Recovery of Historical Memory

It's been 80 years since the Spanish Civil War took place, the Intergenerational Brigade for the Recovery of Historical Memory (open collective of musicians and artists) want to release the 2nd CD to keep drawing an emotional map of our recent past painting it with poetry our identity.

Dani Caracola

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From 2.000€
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The first CD of BIG (Brigada Intergeneracional) was released a couple of years ago. The collective has organised and collaborated in many memorial activities since then (eg 3 editions of Jornades FEM MEMÒRIA en Record de la Batalla de l'Ebre in different places where the Battle of Ebro took place), many concerts, cinema and conferences.

We need to keep adding more sensibilities with new songs. We need to remember what happened before, during and after the Spanish Civil War. Those who suffered and died deserve to be remembered and have their memory dignified. It is our struggle and we have our massive constructive weapons of great power: culture and education.

Intergenerational Brigade crowdfunding campaign video in english

Our allies are all the artists of the Intergenerational Brigade for the Recovery of Historical Memory. For this 2nd CD we will have (if no last minute problems occur): Sergi Dantí, Berni Armstrong, Jordi Montañez, Darània, Xavier Carles & X. Batllés, Sabina Witt, Mike Wild, Joe Solo, Lo Gitano Blanc, Mariona Sagarra, Os Chotos, Joanjo Bosk, Rusó Sala, Jaume Arnella & Rafael Sala, Turnez & Sesé, Xavier Baró, Bruce Barthol, Arturo Gaya, Paco Prieto i Kike Pellicer.

Our brigadiers are mainly catalan musicians and singers, but international artists have joined the cause, too. We'll publish in our blog all the lyrics and translations to English of all the new album songs, as we did with on the first one.

What will be the money for

To get the CD released we need 2000€ minimum which includes:

  • Manufacturing of 1000 copies of CDs

  • Tax expenses for copyrights (SGAE, etc)

  • Studio hours for the recording of some new unreleased songs by Rusó Sala, Darània or Sergi Dantí for example)

If we exceed the amount of money we'll make a better edition with more leaflet pages (lyrics and translations) and if there is even more we'll use the money to organise more memorial events or publish more memorial products.

About Rewards

There is a wide range of rewards. Search for yours! Any help will be very gratefully received to keep this project alive. Shipping costs are not included unless you live in Barcelona province.


All the rewards will be given by the end of winter or during spring.

+ Info

Blog de la Brigada Intergeneracional

Facebook de la Brigada Intergeneracional


[email protected]


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#03 / Entrades 2x1 (5€ per persona) limitades per aquest dissabte 25F

Si voleu entrades 2x1 (5€ per persona) pel concert d'aquest dissabte de presentació del 2n CD de la Brigada Intergeneracional per la Recuperació de la memòria Històrica només ens heu d'escriure amb el nom i cognom de cada parella que voleu convidar a [email protected] dient que voleu entrades 2x1. Recordeu que l'oferta és limitada i el concert aquest dissabte al centre cultural Albareda a les 20h. Els artistes que actuaran són: Sabina Witt, Kike Ubieto, Sergi Dantí, Jaume Arnella, Mariona Sagarra, Berni Armstrong, Rusó Sala, Arturo Gaya, Paco Prieto i Kike Pellicer, Darània, Turnez & Sese i Xavier Baró. Recordeu que qui no pugui venir aquest dia i vulgui pactar com recollir la seva recompensa un altre dia pot escriure al mateix email per fer-ho.

Ens veiem dissabte!

#02 / Ja tenim el CD a punt pel concert del 25F

Ja hem rebut els CDs de la fàbrica. Aquest cap de setmana estarem a Rivas VaicaMadrid presentant-lo en un homenatge a les Brigades Internacionals i a la Batalla de Jarama amb molts altres artistes nacionals i internacionals. La setmana vinent ja sabeu que el presentarem a Barcelona al Centre Cultural Albareda a les 20h. Recordeu els mecenes que teniu la recompensa de l'entrada ens heu de confirmar l'assistència a l'email [email protected] Us hi esperem!!!

#01 / El 25 de febrer presentació del 2n CD

Moltíssimes gràcies a tothom qui ho heu fet possible, el 25 de febrer serà una realitat aquest segon CD i ho celebrarem en directe al Centre Cultural Albareda (C/ Albareda, 22) al barri del Poble Sec de Barcelona. Tothom qui assistireu sisplau confirmeu la vostra assistència per email a l'adreça [email protected]

El dia del concert entregarem la majoria de les recompenses però les que quedin per entregar mirarem de fer-ho el més aviat possible. Qualsevol dubte ens podeu escriure per email. Seguim en contacte...

Aquí teniu més informació del concert: http://barnasants.com/wp/index.php/concerts/brigada-intergeneracional-3/

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