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Remarkable journeys and instant photographs

In this collection of memories I wanted to write about the journeys that have been important to me, as well as the images and portraits that have been printed for ever after in my life. To all of you I wish you a very long trail. We’ll keep on walking!

Roser Raluy

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I would like to publish "Remarkable journeys and instant photographs" as a book.

I have written it to be read, that’s why I thought about making a crowd funding campaign with Verkami to be able to reach many people.

In the same book it will be both versions, Catalan and English, and about 300 pages in total.

This year I celebrated my 60th anniversary, and the book goes through all that time. It portraits people, places and different periods of time in my life. For example the beating of the people that went to meet Serrat when he came back from exile, Greece in 1976, the speech Havel did in New Year when he had just been elected president in Czechoslovaquia, the train journey from New Delhi to Madras....

There are some more personal ones like looking for the remains of the Spanish Civil War with my father that had been a Republican lieutenant at that time. The Secret Garden Paul had invented for us in London, and the Human Sundial in the Citadel of Roses.

The contributions

They will be to finance the edition of 100 books in paper form.

I would like that this project could be shared among the people than know me, but also with the people that could be interested in the subject of travelling as a source of learning and documenting the last 60 years.

The rewards

I think that the best I can offer is the book, sent to your house by post.

But if you want to collaborate even more, I can offer you some special guided visits in Girona They are based on an idea developed sometime ago: The Feminine Girona

In that visit we’ll start by the trace of the Mermaid in Pont de Pedra, we’ll see the map of the homesick Parisian, the live birth of Eve in the Cathedral......It will be 2 hours with stories and legends walking around the ancient town of Girona.

Another thing I like to do is to organise special dinners for friends, sometimes with a set theme like Volcanoes in Sicily or with Aphrodisiac Poetry, for example.

For this occasion the reward will be to have dinner in my garden with the theme of "historical banquet "; there will be in the menu some of the dishes that appear in the book and that I’ll cook for you. It will be suitable for children and adults.

Planned Calendar

The book should be ready to be given by Christmas – New year.

The rewards I’ll give apart from the book will be:

  • The guided visits to Girona, to be chosen between three different days for groups between 5 and 20 people approximately.

Girona : Sunday 15th of January, 5th February and 26th of February. Meeting in Pont de Pedra at 11am.

  • An historical dinner in my garden: there are 3 different possible dates. Available for groups between 5 and 15 people.

Historical dinner in the garden :Saturday 11th of March, 25th of March and 8th of April.

+ Info

Instagram: @roserraluy


There are none published yet.

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#05 / **Bon Nadal**

Avui celebrem Nadal que vol dir naixement, i voldria agrair-vos a totes les persones que heu col·laborat en el projecte de la publicació del llibre Viatges memorables i fotos instantànies que hageu fet possible que el llibre esdevingui una realitat.

Tant bon punt vaig saber que tindria els fons necessaris vaig encarregar-lo a l'impremta i és possible que arribi abans de que acabi l'any o en els primers dies de gener. Em farà molta il·lusió portar-vos'el personalment en els que sigui possible i en els altres el rebreu a casa vostra per correu postal.

També molt aviat, quan els del Verkami em passin totes les dades, organitzarem els grups per les visites guiades a Girona i els Dinars històrics al meu jardí.

Seguirem celebrant el nostre viatge per la vida, avui i els dies que vindran.

Una abraçada molt gran!!!!!!

#04 / **Objectiu assolit!!!!!**

Ahir vespre em van comunicar que ja havíem arribat als 2000€ per finançar els 100 llibres *" Viatges memorables i fotos instantànies" * Soc molt feliç!!!

Si voleu seguir col·laborant en aquests pocs dies que falten el que faré és demanar més llibres, els que facin falta per entregar els llibres per les vostres col·laboracions.

Ha estat un viatge extraordinari i ho seguirà sent amb els dinars i visites guiades que farem

Moltes gràcies i una abraçada a tothom

#01 / El primer capítol : **Viatges Somiats**

Viatges somiats

El primer viatge somiat és el que estic a punt de realitzar aquest any. L’Àngels ja fa uns anys em va demanar què voldria fer pel meu 60è aniversari, i jo li vaig dir que em faria molta il•lusió veure un volcà en erupció.

El 14 d’agost anirem a l’Etna amb els meus fills i amics per ser al costat d’un volcà viu on les forces de la terra tenen el seu tempo particular; serem allà, pujarem als cràters que el 2012 es van crear i, si tenim sort, sentirem el batec del cor del magma.

Hi ha molts altres llocs on voldria anar: a Konia per seguir la petjada de Rumi Mevlana i els sufís; a Irlanda per fer un viatge musical i literari; a Islàndia per veure les llums de l’aurora boreal i el volcà per on s’endinsen en el Viatge al centre de la Terra; a l’Àfrica de les tribus nòmades, dels grans baobabs que Xavier Moret va relatar, la terra dels cels infinits i les grans cases de fang. Voldria anar a la Biblioteca d’Alexandria quan n’era director l’Eratòstenes, al poble inventat de

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