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Portraits of Palestine

Portraits of Palestine is a documentary and photography project done over the course of a two and a half week journey through the West Bank and the historic Palestine, where it tries to illustrate the daily lives of Palestinians under Zionist occupation.


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From 1.200€
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Portraits of Palestine: Lives in the Shadow of the Occupation

"Portraits of Palestine" is a documentary and photography project done over the course of a two and a half week journey through the West Bank and the historic Palestine, which tries to illustrate the daily lives of Palestinians under Zionist occupation.

At each stop along the way, we met fascinating people with surprising lives, and an incredible ability to offer you the best of their smiles.

We were able to witness firsthand the many faces of the occupation, but also many faces of resistance, as well as famailiar faces of hospitality and warmth in all of the cities and villages we visited, from Hebron to Jenin, without forgetting the lands of the Historic Palestine.

Where your contributions go

The money raised through the project will be used for a project at the LAYLAC Social Center in the Dheisheh refugee camp in Bethlehem.

LAYLAC is a Palestinian youth center for action and community development, whose mission is to mobilize youth and empower the systematically marginalized by giving them the opportunity to taek action in their own community. The objective of LAYLAC is to encourage youth to be more active and involved in Palestinian society.

The funding will go towards the costs of editing the book, after which all the money raised will go towards a project which "Portraits of Palestine" and LAYLAC will develop together, through a collaborative process. We will keep all donors informed about the advances of the project.

About the Rewards

The chief objective of the project is to contribute our grain of sand in spreading the word about Palestinian resistance in the face of Zionisit occupation; for this reason, the main reward is the project's book, "Portraits of Palestine" which will be edited in both Engligh and Spanish.

In addition, we have widened the range of options for those who are interested in and have the possibility of making a bigger contribution, which would allow us to be able to work with better resources with LAYLAC Social Center.

Forecasted Schedule

We plan for the book to be edited in October 2016

+ Info

[email protected]


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  • Sarah Hart & Aitor Lobato

    Sarah Hart & Aitor Lobato

    over 7 years

    Hola Joao,

    Hicimos los envíos en diciembre, intentamos contactar contigo a través de correo y Facebook, pero no pudimos, algo haríamos mal. Si te parece, danos tu dirección y te lo mandamos en cuanto podamos.


  • joaobamartins


    over 7 years

    Buenos días,

    He aportado 10€ en su momento y gustaría de saber como proceder para pagar el envío del mismo a Madrid.

    Cordial saludo

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