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The recording of a multiple concert at the Monegros desert.

The project consists in the recording of a multiple concert at the Monegros desert. Recording sessions will take place at base of the church “Iglesia de la Virgen Vieja” in Sariñena, at a borough named Pallaruelo de los Monegros, an ancient settlement called Moncalvo.


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From 1.650€
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We would like to offer you the possibility of collaborating with Lubianka’s new adventure:

We are a psychedelic band from Barcelona named Lubianka.

We are playing since 2009 and we have released two records, ‘Naufragis’ (2011), self-published, and "Cerimònies" (2015), published by the German label Tonzonen Records.

The project consists in the recording of a multiple concert at the Monegros desert. Recording sessions will take place at base of the church “Iglesia de la Virgen Vieja” in Sariñena, at a borough named Pallaruelo de los Monegros, an ancient settlement called Moncalvo.

The origin of this project goes back to 2011, when we performed two shows at the Monegros with the idea in mind of releasing a DVD. Owing to a lack of adequate technical means, the result was no accurate enough to show it, but you can anyway watch a sample of it in youtube:

The intention is to return to the Monegros desert and to finish what we started in 2011. Thus, we will record, both in video and audio, different sessions in this very peculiar site and the recording will be edited in a DVD during the following months.

We will be playing for two days at this location and we will video and audio record our performances both during the day and during the night. The recording will be released as a DVD.

What will be the allocation of your contribution:

Your contributions will be used to finance all the expenses derived from the hiring of a sound technician (Albert Palomar from Aviram Estudi), the hiring of all the audio material necessary for the recording as well as the hiring of a film technician (Xavi Badet) and all the video and lights equipment.

In addition, your contribution will be used to defray the cost of logistic material to ensure that nothing fails during the recording.

In the case that we exceed the expected aim, we are considering the making of more copies of the DVD than initially planned. Moreover, it will give us the possibility of hiring additional material in order to make the result more attractive and with higher technical quality.

About rewards:

What do we offer to the sponsors helping us in our project? Rewards go from the digital download of our records, through our last record in a vinyl format, to the DVD displaying the Monegros concerts, which is the aim of this campaign.

Moreover, we offer the possibility of assisting personally to the recordings of the performances at the Monegros desert. A unique experience for us and, we hope, for you as well.


Performances will take place on the 3rd and 4th or on the 17th and 18th September 2016.

The digital download of ‘Naufragis’ and ‘Cerimònies’, together with the vinyl copy of ‘Cerimònies’ will be delivered once the campaign will be over. The possibility of assisting to the concerts will take place on the dates sated above. Finally, the delivering of the DVD released will be done once it will be ready for distribution.

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Bandcamp de Lubianka


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  • ApOt


    almost 8 years

    Oerili Seeker Secer

#03 / Presentation of the DVD Lubianka: Sessions al Desert dels Monegros

Dear sponsors:

We are delighted to invite you to the presentation of the DVD Lubianka: Sessions al Desert dels Monegros, which will be held on Sunday, 16th of July, in Barcelona. The presentation will take place at Carrer Verntallat 29, local 1, in the neighbourhood of Gràcia.

We would also like to inform you that, during the presentation, we will deliver the token of our gratitude corresponding to all those who collaborated on this project.

If you are unable to attend, we will send you an email to organise delivery of the token of our gratitude.

Lubianka would like to thank you for your contribution, which has made our DVD possible.

Best wishes!


#02 / Presentación del DVD Lubianka: Sessions al Desert dels Monegros.

Apreciados Mecenas:

Nos complace invitaros a la presentación del DVD “Lubianka: Sessions al Desert dels Monegros” que efectuaremos el próximo domingo 16 de julio en Barcelona. La presentación se realizará en la Calle Verntallat 29, local 1, en el barrio de Gracia.

También os informamos que durante la presentación haremos entrega de las recompensas correspondientes a todos los que colaborasteis en el proyecto.

Rogamos que nos confirméis la asistencia escribiéndonos un correo electrónico a [email protected].

En caso que no os resulte posible asistir a la presentación, os enviaremos un correo electrónico para concretar la entrega de la recompensa.

Desde Lubianka queremos agradecer vuestra aportación, que ha hecho que la grabación de este DVD haya resultado posible.


#01 / Presentació DVD Lubianka: sessions al desert dels monegros

Benvolguts Mecenes:

Ens complau convidar-vos a la presentació del DVD “Lubianka: Sessions al Desert dels Monegros”, que efectuarem el proper diumenge 16 de juny a les 18h a Barcelona. La presentació es farà al Carrer Verntallat 29, local 1, al barri de Gràcia.

També us informem que durant la presentació farem entrega de les recompenses corresponents a tots els que vau col•laborar en el projecte.

Preguem que ens confirmeu l’assistència escrivint-nos un correu electrònic a [email protected].

En cas que no pugueu assistir a la presentació, us enviarem un correu electrònic per tal de concretar l’entrega de la recompensa.

Des de Lubianka volem agrair-vos la vostra aportació, que ha fet que l’enregistrament d’aquest DVD hagi resultat possible.



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