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Help us to create a School/workshop of natural dyes!

In the Obrador de Tint Natural we do like to imagine a world without chemicals, full of natural colors, full of organic tissues... Now we want to put the dreams in practice and to CREATE A SCHOOL, giving service to textile industry and also to train professionals in natural dyes!

From 2.941€
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Have you ever wondered how is been dyed the clothes you wear?

Most allergies comes from he chemical dyes that we carry in our clothes... in the pajamas, sheets, towels, t-shirts...

Most chemical dyes are synthesized in the laboratory. Until the early twentieth century, most of the clothes were naturally dyed, but when the Bayer Pharmaceutical Chemistry invented the chemical dyes -they were more cheap and gave uniform and durable colors- the trouble began. Frightening, right?

This is the reason why we intend to show to the world that things can be done in a different way, and that the industry is not incompatible with health.

Yes, we can! We can wear organic clothing, of a good quality and also dyed with natural colors, really kind to our skin and environmentally friendly, with intense and beautiful colors, at an affordable price, made in proximity, in a real and sustainable economy ...!

** Why the dyeing industry is still not organic???**

So far no one had found the way to produce natural dye industrially. We have spent two years and a half researching, with plants and minerals, here in Catalonia and also in Guatemala, Peru and Brazil ** ... and finally we have found the way! ** And it is so simple...!, it is so cheap...! We want that more and more people start using natural dyes!

How our project was conceived?

As usual, the main discovery was accidental. When I still lived in Guatemala, there's 12 months ago, I was experimenting with the classical processes with natural dye plants.

But one day some fibers accidentally were dyed by a process absolutely unthinkable.

Since then, I started to investigate with cotton thread, trying to repeat the event. The first tests gave unstable colors, that fade with that sunlight or with washing. Sometimes the cotton threads were dyed and sometimes not, not knowing the reason why. I still did not know how to apply the mineral and vegetable pigments that we got by the new procedures, nor how to fix them, nor how to turn them to a stable color ... I tested it with wool and silk, with equally variable results.

But one day, reading an American patent in biochemistry, dedicated to the study and isolation of a virus type of application in nanotechnology, I realized the WAY!

I made some very simple changes (that now seems obvious...!), and the processes started to run!
The first tests gave unstable colors...

Suddenly I found a natural dye process that:

  • There is no wastage of water in the process (it is recycled).

  • Do not uses energy to heat the water (chemical dye processes spend much energy heating the water), because we make it with cold water!

  • It can be applied on any type of fabric: cotton, wool, silk, hemp, bamboo...

  • It Is a very simple process; to dye with chemicals, several hours are needed... to dye with our natural processes typically require 5-10 minutes, depending on the color.

  • The Process of absorption of the color is so powerful, the fiber absorbs it so quickly, that as soon as you take out the fabric out of the dye, clear water starts flowing from it! All the pigment is adhered to the fiber!

  • It Is so easy to do, that you can do it almost without machinery, in small craft workshops.

  • It Is so cheap, even in a small scale, that it can compete on cost with traditional chemical dye.

some results... t-shirts, cotton scarfs, tricot...

Of course, if we use natural dyes, then we need to wash with natural soap too, isn't it?... The ecological soap and the ecological softener are usually very expensive ...! That's why, we have developed a special soap for clothes and a natural softener, both to use at hand or with washing machines. Made at home, ecological and super-cheap! So cheap that we are planning to market it!

This is really fantastic! We are so excited! But... WE CAN'T DO IT ALL ALONE. We need your help to launch the first natural dye workshop and school. This is the reason why we ask for your collaboration.

What do we want to do?

Until today we have been investigating and consolidating the processes. Next we need to make a step forward. Your contributions will allow us to acquire some machinery to start a school/workshop, a place were to make specialized courses.

We need stainless steel tanks, some agitators, water pumps, manual extractors, eco-washing machines... It's not so much, but with this we could make up to 200 t-shirts per day! We could supply the demand of a lot of small designers!

We must also start to create a stock of vegetable and mineral pigments to fill the world with colors!: Fabrics, t-shirts, blouses, sheets ...!

All the pigments we use come from the earth and the plants that we manufacture by ourselves. In the process we use no chemical... in fact, many "soups of colors" can be eaten!

We do want to encourage also the artisanal sector and the local market. But we need your support, at least to start.

We intend also to give visibility to all the people involved in the process of creating garments (traceability) from the producer of the raw material to the packer and the finishers.

About rewards

We need everybody... no matter if you can provide much or less, whatever be your donation, it wil be welcome and you'll become part of the "family. You can help make this dream possible and start to change the world!

For all the people involved, we have these beautiful t-shirts in organic cotton, hand-dyed with our natural dyes, signed and numbered (for men, women and children, three sizes):


If we get the money we are asking, we can begin to dye clothes immediately, so that we can deliver the rewards immediately.

In fact, we plan to have a party at the end of the project, with all the people who did collaborate in the project, and yourself will dye your t-shirts!

Who are we?

Some of you may already know me... I am writer and publisher, and also a professor at the University of Girona in spiritual values ​​of nature and Buddhism. I am also cooperating with NGOs and some other beautiful initiatives. The money does not moves me, but the desire to do the right things and bring something new and good to the world: natural dyes!

+ Info

We have created a website and Facebook where we explain what we do and what we do want to do ... We are small, we are artisans. Here you can find out a little more, review and contribute with good ideas ...:

Our website
Our Facebook


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  • Manel Subirats Costa

    Manel Subirats Costa

    over 7 years

    Pues la verdad, no lo sé... Tendria que funcionar. Otras personas han aportado con Paypal... (?). Remito la pregunta a los informáticos de Verkami. Gracias Maria José.

  • Maria Jose Ibarz Gutierrez

    Maria Jose Ibarz Gutierrez

    over 7 years

    Quiero apoyar a través de PAYPAL. ¿Por qué da la opción y luego no permite continuar?

    He leído en el encabezado que las aportaciones son mediante tarjeta.

  • Manel Subirats Costa

    Manel Subirats Costa

    over 7 years

    Hola Maria José,

    No, no se necesita ningún tipo de conocimiento específico para poder hacer el curso. Todo lo que necesitáis saber lo voy a explicar yo y a mostrar con ejemplos.

    Un saludo,

  • Maria Jose

    Maria Jose

    over 7 years

    Hola, ¿se necesitan conocimientos previos para hacer el curso?

  • Manel Subirats Costa

    Manel Subirats Costa

    over 7 years

    Hola Carmen, el curso es presencial y suele durar dos dias. El sitio lo decidiremos más adelante, cuando veamos cuanta gente hay y de qué lugares. Si participas en el proyecto con 100€ ello te da derecho a asistir al curso gratis.

  • Carmen


    over 7 years

    Muchas gracias, soy de Asturias ,cómo sería para hacerlo presencial o on-line,me gustaria presencial, duración?lugar? Precio final si participas en proyecto?

  • Manel Subirats Costa

    Manel Subirats Costa

    over 7 years

    Hola Carmen, el curso es muy completo. Se aprende desde las técnicas de mordentado de algodón, lana, bambú o la fibra que sea, hasta las técnicas de tinte con plantas, flores, raíces, hojas... Especificando en cada caso las particularidades y pequeños secretos. También se ve en la práctica los efectos del cambio de pH. Se enseña tanto la preparación de la fibra como el proceso posterior de lavado y secado, poniendo especial hincapié en los distintos tipos de jabón y sus efectos, así como el suavizante (se enseña a fabricarlos en casa, ecológicos y baratos). El objetivo es que cualquier persona pueda seguidamente empezar a teñir en casa. Se acompaña de un libro en formato pdf con todas las explicaciones detalladas.



    over 7 years

    Hola, me gustaría saber que se aprende exactamente en el curso y duración.Abrazo

  • Manel Subirats Costa

    Manel Subirats Costa

    over 7 years

    Si, imagino... por eso desarollamos estos otros procesos que permiten trabajar industrialmente.

  • Ivana Viña Oro

    Ivana Viña Oro

    over 7 years

    Ah, vale, yo la técnica de tinción y estampación con tintes naturales es la que utilizo para los tejidos de las prendas que diseño, necesito una forma más rápida.

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