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Filla de la Terra

The Filla of Terra (The daughter of the Earth) as a project involves recording and later editing and dissemination of the record bearing the same name.

Sissa Viva

A project of


Created in

From 1.500€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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The Filla of Terra project involves recording and subsequent editing and dissemination of the disc bearing the same name.

It is a bit by chance that this record exists, without luck and some sort of fate, it would not be here

It is a compilation of songs and poems set to music:

Lluna Plena (Full Moon) is a song dedicated to the Old Cathedral of Lleida and taking place in the cloister full moons, when we can enjoy a real show .. !!

Foc (Fire) is a song inspired by a meditation practice and actually is like a prayer for humanity to reconnect to the earth, the beautiful planet that houses us.

Temps de Papallones (Butterflies time) is a song I wrote a long time ago which we have now adapted to the rhythms of Bossanova.

Tinc (I have) is a happy and carefree song, with the collaboration of a choir of young famale voices..

U + u = U is an issue that takes us to in a potential new reality ... WE’ve been never told that 1 + 1 equals 1, right?

And there is also the Catalan version and set to music of a poem by Thich Nhat Hanh: Respia(Breathe)

Aigua Clara (Clear water) a song for the moments in which love comes back to our lives and, when water cleans our wounds. We must be able to flow like rivers that know where the sea is and just trust in life, which is always smarter than us.

Oh, and finally, I wanted to pay tribute to Jaume Sisa (because my name Sissa Viva, although I am not related to him ...), but I feel his song 7 Skies is amazing. We have made our own adaptation. (I hope you like it, . Jaume.... if you ever get to hear it .

your contributions

Your contributions will be allocated to cover the costs of the recording and release of the album, and collaborations of musicians involved.

If we exceed thetarget amount, the remainder will be devoted to the publication of a visual show for the concerts and recitals and 10% of it will be donated to www.olvidados.org (forgotten), a charity provides support to families fleeing war.

I’d like to mention that, when filming the show, 10% of the profits from the concerts will go to humanitarian and / or planetarium causes.

About the rewards

new proposals (legal and honest ..!) are accepted

Calendar I planned

We are already recording.

Calculation to deliver rewards in the spring and summer concerts
+ Info

You can keep up with the evolution of the campaign and the project on my facebook page.



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#08 / Filla de la Terra, a punt

Ja ho tenim tot a punt per enviar a fer les còpies.

Ens hem currat un llibret preciós per tal que pogueu gaudir de les lletres de les cançons.

En breu rebreu missatge amb el formulari que cal omplir amb les vostres dades per poder-vos enviar el disc i les recompenses.

També us informaré més endavant de on i quan es farà la presentació del disc en l'entorn natural que estic valorant.

Els que teniu família amb fills, estic pensant en un lloc acollidor també perque puguin venir amb vosaltres. Així gaudirem tots plegats!!

Fins aviat!!

#07 / grabacio dia 6 maig

Seguim treballant . Aquest cop ens ha visitat la Marta per posar veus a Filla de la Terra i Temps de Papallones.

Espero que no us impacienteu, mecenes, tot està en marxa i tot vol el seu temps!!

Fins aviat!!

#05 / seguim endavant

Molt bones mecenes!!...

Finalitzat ja el periode de facturació,( com hauràs pogut veure al teu compte corrent)....t'agraeixo de nou la teva col·laboració.

M'agradaria fer-te partícep del procés que ara continúa, ...

De moment, ja tenim data per continuar amb la grabació, serà el dia 8 d'abril, i m'agradarà compartir-ho amb tu i si fem fotos o hi ha alguna sorpresa, us la compartiré al blog.

Estic tenint idees molt xules per al disc, i em sembla que quedarà molt bé.

Per la meva part hi posaré tot el que calgui perque gaudiu de Filla de la Terra al 100%.

Un projecte que sense vosaltres , no hagués estat possible.

Una abraçada,

Sissa Viva

#04 / El mar

Gràcies Pili. El mar del delta també em coneix i confio poder venir aviat amb les meves cançons a cantar per aquestes contrades.

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