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Last stop: freedom

"Last stop: freedom" is a photographic documentary project, accompanied by the stories told by their protagonists, the refugees. In 2015 alone around 60 million refugees have been forced to leave their homes, most of them Syrians. We want to give them our voice.

From 6.000€
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What is "Last stop: freedom"?

It is a photographic documentary project that aims to show the refugees' situation through words and images.

Our intention is to follow the path the refugees traverse, since the moment they get into Europe and until they find asylum. We want to document the difficulties they face at the borders and make their situation more visible.

Our main goals are to inform and raise awareness about the reality of being a war refugee.

The results of the project will be:

  • A travelling national photographic exhibition.
  • The presentation and publication of a photobook, with the images and stories gathered during the trip.

When will it be conducted?

In February 2016 we will head to Greece to begin from there the route until Germany, going through Macedonia, Serbia and Hungary. After returning from our journey, we will dedicate several months to work on the results of the project, imint to present them in the summer months of this year.

Why do we need you?

2015 has been the year of the greatest human exodus of all time, comparing even with the numbers of the Second World War.

More than a million people have fled from the Syrian war seeking for asylum in Europe. And it is only now that more information about this issue is starting to be shown in the media.

Many of us did not know about the magnitude of the Syrian war and its consequences because no one told us about it. "Last stop: freedom" wants to emphasize the importance that this drama deserves and tell real stories about people, who also have a full name.

We want to get you involved in our project so you are part of the change as well, and so you can help us to make sure that more people know about this situation; therefore, they can *act, or not, basing their decision on an objective reality.

About the contributions.

As you know, we need the support from all of you to be able to go through with this project. That is why we chose crowdfunding, a collective funding system that allows people to support a cause with which they feel identified.

This funding method is our approach to make that "Last stop: freedom" reaches more people, since we consider that the results of this project will generate a long term benefit for the whole community.

All the contributions will be destinated strictly to "Last stop: freedom" and the expenses generated by the project.

  • Expenses derived from the transfers and materials that are needed for the journey.

  • Edition and impression of the photobooks.

  • Expenditures generated by the campaign rewards.

  • Management and administrative expenses, such as taxes, Paypal fees and platform charges.

We have reduced our journey expenses to the minimum, since a great part of the contributions will be destined to perform the results of the project.

What happens if we raise more than expected or if an external sponsorship to this campaign comes up?

That would be great because, in case of exceeding the established quantity, we would be able to substantially improve our project and make it more complete.

Our goals, in the case of raising more funds, would be the following (in priority order):

  • Extend our time in the field to gather more information.

  • Perform and upload a video diary to tell you all the news about the route and our impressions about the situation.

  • Improve the photobook (more pages, better quality, etc.).

*If there still was money left over, because it turns out, for example, that we DUPLICATE our initial target, then we will be happy to donate all the remaining funds to an NGO of humanitarian help in Greece, which has the greatest needs at this point.

The rewards.

In exchange to your help we want to reward you with some little gifts related to our project. According to the quantity provided, you will be able to opt to one or several rewards that appear in the right square of this exact web page.

  • The rewards will be sent once the journey is over. The exact dates will be available in the project blog shortly.

  • If you live outside of Spain, you will have to choose the quantity you want to donate and contribute as well as 10 euros extra, so we can make the international shipping of your rewards.

  • If you wish to make the donation in the name of someone else, as a solidarity gift, indicate the address where you want us to send the rewards to, and specify in the form to whom it is for. We can send a gift card to your email once the campaign is over.

  • All the images of the rewards are indicative and may suffer changes regarding color and/or design.

1. Appreciation

Your name will be mentioned in the photobook acknowledgments.

2. Postcard

We will send to your home a postcard with one of the photographs of the project.

3. T-shirt

4. Mug

5. Sweatshirt

6. Framed photograph

7. Photobook

The photobook is the most valued reward by us, since it will assemble the results of this project in it. It will include full-color photographs printed in high-quality photographic paper and will be accompanied by their stories.

8. Photo session with Alicia Petrashova.

Photo session in the exterior, Granada or Alicante.

The reward is limited to the first 5 requests.

9. Official sponsor + publicity + honorary guest in the exhibition.

In addition to all that, you have the option of receiving any of these rewards outside of Spain with the international shipping.

How to make your contribution.

The method is easy. You chose the quantity you would like to donate or the rewards that are the most appealing to you and you click on the selected choice.

To be able to make your contribution, a registration or a log-in with your Facebook account is required, but that won't take you more than two minutes.

Afterwards, the page will ask you for some personal data so we know who you are, even though you can also make an anonymous contribution, if that is your wish. This is a safe collection method and your personal data, such as your email or home address, will only be used by us to contact you or send you the rewards.

The payment can be made through a credit card or PayPal.

We've made a video explaining how this works in case you still have any doubts about it.

We invite you to make us any kind of consultation if you have problems with the payment or doubts about the safety of this method. Write us an email to [email protected] and we will answer you within 24h.

About us.

Alicia Petrashova

Freelance photographer with experience in social projects and a future Social Worker. I define myself as an unceasing entrepreneur.

My passions are photography and people. I believe in humanity and in the image as a tool to merge people, as well as a tool to make a social protest.

The power of photography has the ability to take us to other worlds and to awaken consciences.

"We photographers do not have anything to say but we do have a lot to show."

Raquel Ferrando Tavira

Potential writer with an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a great interest in human relationships.

I want to embody the –so far ignored– voices on paper; the pain, the relief and the fear, all drawn with words in a way that only lyric can express, so it can be listened with the eyes.

You may find us on our Facebook pages:
Raquel Ferrando Tavira
Alicia Petrashova
Alicia Petrashova Fotografía

And, to conclude...

This platform facilitates us a blog through which we will update all the news of the project and we will publish the last news, so we keep you all our patrons informed.

We consider that communication is crucial, therefore we are open to any kind of doubts and suggestions that may arise from the collaborative persons.

You can write us an email to [email protected] or write a comment right here and we will try to answer you as soon as possible.


There are none published yet.

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#07 / Nuestra última presentación (de momento...)

¡Hola queridos mecenas!

Este viernes 20 de Enero a las 19:00 vamos a tener la última presentación del proyecto y del fotolibro (de momento).

Ambas nos vamos fuera de España, pero eso no significa que nuestro fotolibro se vaya a quedar en el olvido ni mucho menos.

Como ya dijimos cuando empezamos el Crowdfunding, todos los beneficios serían para una ONG de nuestra elección, y para los que nos habéis seguido en las redes sociales o en nuestra web www.ultimaparadalibertad.com, ya debéis saber cuál es: PROEM-Aid.

A partir de ahora ellos se encargarán de la venta de fotolibros para quienes no lo consiguieran en su día y utilizarán los beneficios para poder seguir ayudando en las costas de Lesbos.

Por lo tanto, si estás interesado en adquirir un fotolibro, envía un email a [email protected] y ellos te explicarán lo que hay que hacer.

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#06 / ¡Ya está aquí el fotolibro!

¡Hola queridos mecenas!

Sabemos que habéis sido muy pacientes y no sabemos cómo agradecéroslo. El trabajo que ha conllevado el fotolibro ha sido un proceso largo y lleno de obstáculos, pero por fin está en nuestras manos y lo más importante... ¡pronto en las vuestras!

Estamos súper contentas y orgullosas de poder mostraros el resultado más completo de nuestro proyecto, todas las historias que estuvieron acalladas y que por fin tendrán una voz y alguien que las escuche.

A lo largo de la semana del 9 de Enero recibiremos todos los libros y nos dispondremos a ordenar todas las recompensas y a enviarlo absolutamente todo para que lo tengáis cuanto antes en vuestras casas.

Además, hemos organizado dos presentaciones del libro en Madrid, el 12 de Enero en TuuuLibreria y el 20 en la escuela EFTI. Para saber más acerca de ellas síguenos en Facebook, ahí lo publicaremos todo, ¡como siempre!

Mientras tanto, te invitamos a que leas el prólogo completo aquí en primicia.

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#05 / Recompensas del Crowdfunding.

Queridísimos mecenas,

Como muchos sabéis, hace poco hemos vuelto a casa, y desde entonces no hemos parado de trabajar para poder tener los resultados listos lo antes posible. Los que nos conocéis, sabréis que no nos hemos tomado demasiados descansos, más que algunos días sueltos ya que nuestra responsabilidad con este proyecto y con todas las personas que han confiado en nosotras, no nos permite parar ahora.

Estamos impacientes por sacar los resultados prometidos, en forma de exposición fotográfica y foto libro para poder transmitiros todo lo vivido durante este tiempo. Toda la gente que hemos conocido y el apoyo que hemos tenido a lo largo de la ruta nos impulsa a seguir luchando y nos crea una impaciencia y unas ganas que a veces llegan hasta a bloquearnos.

De momento, vamos a centrarnos en las recompensas para todos aquellos que habéis hecho… read more

#04 / En la ruta de los refugiados: Novedades

Como bien sabéis, Última Parada: Libertad tenía como fin seguir la ruta de los Balcanes desde Grecia hasta Alemania. Este camino pasaría por Macedonia, Serbia y Croacia o Hungría antes de llegar a tierras germanas.

En todo momento sabíamos que la ruta podría variar dependiendo de las políticas y acontecimientos que estuvieran fuera de nuestro control, y así lo intentamos hacer saber en nuestra campaña de Crowdfunding.

Las decisiones que Europa, junto con Turquía, ha tomado recientemente, nos obliga casi por entero a cambiar nuestros planes. Las fronteras que planeábamos visitar están vacías o siendo vaciadas, y la ruta balcánica ha cerrado el paso a los refugiados indefinidamente.

Nuestra meta era y sigue siendo la de recopilar imágenes e historias de la situación de los refugiados, para así concienciar a la población de lo que realmente… read more

#03 / ¡Lo hemos conseguido!

¡Efectivamente! ¡¡La campaña de Crowdfunding ha terminado y hemos podido recaudar 6.441€!! No ha sido fácil, no ha sido simplemente lanzar la campaña y todo el trabajo duro terminaba, no ha sido dejar que siguiera su curso y ver cómo la cifra aumentaba cada día. Alcanzar e incluso superar nuestro objetivo ha requerido mucho esfuerzo y muchas noches sin dormir, y sobretodo, MUCHOS EMAILS.

Pero todo ese trabajo no habría significado nada al final del día si no hubiera sido por todos vosotros, toda la gente que ha creído en este proyecto y en nosotras. Personas que nos han donado su dinero, su tiempo o sus servicios y que nos han dado fuerzas cuando ni siquiera veíamos la luz al final del túnel. Es por gente como vosotros que vale la pena luchar, no solo por este proyecto, sino por intentar hacer este mundo poquito mejor.

La campaña ha finalizado pero nosotras… read more

#02 / ultimaparadalibertad.com ya está lista!

Buenos días!!

Queríamos hacer este post para, de nuevo, agradeceros habernos ayudado a llegar hasta aquí, y para comentaros el lanzamiento de nuestra web ultimaparadalibertad.com !!

Allí subiremos los vídeos acerca del avance del proyecto en terreno, además de todas las novedades!

Os invitamos a conocerla y suscribiros para estar siempre al día de Última parada:Libertad!

Muchísimos besos a todos!

Alicia & Raquel!

#01 / 1500 euros!

Buenos días!

Queremos dedicaros este post a todos vosotros, que habéis hecho que hayamos llegado y pasado los 1500 euros!

Este sábado hicimos un evento solidario en Granada, y con la participación de Tercer Deseo, Stereo 6, Luis G. Lucas, Cristina Ybarra, Eloy Ars, Javi Tejero, como artistas sobre el escenario; y Miguel Bangalter y Eric Trey como DJs para finalizar la noche, podemos decir que fue todo un éxito! También queremos mencionar a la preciosa Ana Bravo que, aunque no cantó esta vez, hizo de presentadora con su inigualable presencia en el escenario.

Recaudamos 500 euros que ya han sido aportados a la campaña :)

No podemos olvidar la participación del Boogaclub cediéndonos su espacio de manera altruista, además de la imprenta Ingenia con su aportación de flyers promocionales y, por supuesto, la imprenta Printalias, que no solo ha aportado una enorme cantidad de materiales para promocionar el evento, sino para absolutamente todo el proyecto.

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