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NEW EP Street Wings - Keep the sound

After two albums released (Synchronized y Up to Heaven) and succesfully presented live over Europe (Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain...) Street Wings are back to the studio to record some of our new songs with José Nortes, one of the best Spanish producers.

Street Wings

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From 2.500€
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After two albums released (Synchronized y Up to Heaven) and succesfully presented live over Europe (Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Czech Republic, Spain...) Street Wings are back to the studio to record some of our new songs with José Nortes, one of the best Spanish producers.

[Soundcloud item unavailable]


Thank you for each album you have bought, each concert you have joined, each song or video you have shared, all your supporting messages...

Thank you for being part of it and being always the real authors of Street Wings

Where will your money go?

All the money will be spent in the whole process of recording (studio renting, sound engineers, recording sessions, mixing, mastering...). In the case you get over the budget, we will use that money to promote the new EP through social media and produce a videoclip of one of the songs. We all dream about making these songs fly far far away.

About the rewards

With every contribution you are making you are being an active part of this project 'Street Wings' that we all have so much affection. We hope that with the rewards we propose and the ones we may be able to offer to you in a future, we can give back to you and thank all you have always done for us...

Both albums, 'Synchronized' and 'Up To Heaven' will be provided in physical format. For the ones who attend to the private concert, rewards will be given there.


Shipping will be done a few days after the Crowdfunding campaign is over.

+ Info

You can follow our news at our Facebook page and our
Official Website


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  • Miquel Plana Murciano

    Miquel Plana Murciano

    about 8 years

    Hola chicos! Acabo de donar 17€ para hacerme con vuestros discos (ya que aún no los tenía), mi pregunta es: los podéis firmar y dedicármelos? Muchas gracias y seguid así! :D

  • Street Wings

    Street Wings

    about 8 years

    Hola Carolina. Lo primero, darte las gracias por interesarte en el proyecto.

    Al igual que hicimos hace dos años con nuestro EP 'When The Town Was Blacked Out', este nuevo EP solo existirá en formato digital. De ahí que por ningún lado aparezca una opción de tenerlo en formato físico.

    Un saludo!

  • Carolina


    about 8 years

    Y para quienes ya tenemos los dos discos anteriores, no hay opción de pre-compra del disco físico? Sólo cabría la opción de descarga, ¿o me he saltado alguna opción?

  • Street Wings

    Street Wings

    over 8 years

    Hola Alfredo!

    Entiendo que la opción que dices se corresponde con la séptima de las que hemos planteado nosotros:

    Aportando 25€

    Descarga anticipada de los nuevos temas
    + Doble invitación a un concierto privado (Madrid)
    + Uno de nuestros discos (Synchronized o Up To Heaven)
    + 2 Chapas
    + 2 Pegatinas
    + 2 Imanes

    ¿Es así?

    Un abrazo y gracias por tu interés! :)

  • Alfredo Vicenti

    Alfredo Vicenti

    over 8 years

    Es posible descarga anticipada de temas + 1 disco + invitación doble? Un saludo y gracias como siempre 😊

  • Street Wings

    Street Wings

    over 8 years

    Hola David. Hemos considerado incluir nuevas modalidades para que sea posible conseguir una doble invitación. Gracias por tu sugerencia! Street Wings.

  • David


    over 8 years

    La invitación al concierto privado es solo para el mecenas o puede llevar un acompañante?

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