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El Beso

The Kiss is more than a short film, is the tale of two lovers that meet on the subway tunnels that plow the city. Francesca is the magician that changes Paolo’s life waking up with an unforgettable kiss. Written by David Priego, with Lourdes Hernández and Carlos Troya.

David Priego

A project of


Created in

From 10.000€
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Who doesn’t like kisses? And the unexpected kisses?

We like them! And that is why we are proud to present to you the Story of Francesca and Paolo.

"El Beso" will include English and Spanish subtitles.


Paolo takes the subway everyday afflicted by the solitude of the big cities, a kind of curse that hovers over his life. But everything changes when magic finds him. In the subway tunnels that run under the city he meets Francesca, the magician that comes into his life and that will show him the way to the surface.


There is a need for stories that revert the classic formula and the kiss is the answer to that need. The female character gets always rescued by the “blue prince”, at the end of the story she is “saved” by him, and I ask myself, are there no male characters that need saving? … Yes there are! Paolo is one of them and The Kiss is the story where she gets to sweep him off his feet.

The Kiss is the story of how Francesca wakes up Paolo from the curse he is being condemned to. Paolo’s daily routine has withered his life, he lacks hope, and his dream of finding love has faded away. That’s why Francesca’s unexpected and eventful arrival turns into an act of providence. She shows him in most peculiar and unpredictable way a new reality where dreams and love not only exist but also magic.


If you cannot contribute economically but still want to help us, there are a lot you can collaborate with.

You can share the project on the social networks.

You can give us feedback about the project or asks us what you don’t understand.

You can talk with your friends and family about The Kiss.


The Kiss resorts to crowdfunding as a way of financing itself because it couldn’t get financed any other way. Shooting in an old subway cart like the one we will use is a high expense. Why shoot in an old subway cart then? It is key to the story since the old subway will give a tale atmosphere to the film.

The Kiss is the story of a personal travel, an intimate voyage where Paolo finds out magic is possible, and we, the audience, know this can take place in the story because our characters are in a tale. In order to achieve this tale atmosphere we need to resort to elements such a classic and very romantic old subway train. Therefore, crowdfunding is the only way we have to finance this big expense.

If you like tales, or whish for stories with magic, help us make this tale come true and we will fulfill you dream.


A grate part of the work is already done. The script is written, the crew and each

department director has done their preproduction, the actors are casted and on board with the project. We have done costume fittings, rehearsals, camera test in possible locations (you can see the pictures in our cover)

We only need a little help, We Need You!


The majority of rewards below are exclusive to our crowdfunding. Neither the t-shirt, or the DVD special edition would be available once the project is done.




There are none published yet.

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  • Sandra


    over 8 years

    Hola, necesitáis ayuda en el departamento de fotografía? Me gusta mucho el proyecto¡Muchas gracias!

  • David Priego

    David Priego

    over 8 years

    Hola Richard,

    Ser productor significa que tu nombre aparece en los créditos bajo ese título, quedaras registrado en IMDB (Internet movie data base) la mayor base de datos de profesionales de la industria, como uno de los productores o coporductor del cortometraje. Te incluiremos en el equipo de trabajo y estarás informado semanalmente de todo el proceso de preproducción, producción, posproducción. Asistirás a todos los eventos y festivales como miembro del equipo. El coproductor o productor recibirá un porcentaje de todo beneficio generado acorde a su inversión en relación con el presupuesto final. Para más información Richard manda un email a [email protected]

    Muchas gracias por tu interés ojalá te unas al equipo!



  • Richard Nivin

    Richard Nivin

    over 8 years

    Que beneficios obtengo al ser productor?

  • David Priego

    David Priego

    over 8 years

    Hola Aarón,

    Gracias por la pregunta. Aproximadamente unos 18 minutos (con créditos incluidos)

  • Aarón


    over 8 years

    Hola ¿cuántos minutos durará el Corto?.

    Saludos desde Lima - Perú.

  • David Priego

    David Priego

    over 8 years

    Thank you for you interest Anthony,

    The DVD will have subtitles in English, French, and Spanish.

    Hope you join us soon.

  • Anthony O'Sullivan

    Anthony O'Sullivan

    over 8 years

    Hello David, as a sponsor from England will the dvd include a English subtitle track? Many thanks and congratulations on the project.

  • David Priego

    David Priego

    over 8 years

    Hola Sebastián,

    Muchas gracias por tú interés Sebastián . Sí que necesitamos ayuda, y también contamos con una jefa de departamento que es quién se encarga de gestionar a la gente en su equipo. Para más información por favor escríbenos a [email protected]

    Un saludo,

    David Priego

  • Sebastián Rubilar Viera

    Sebastián Rubilar Viera

    over 8 years

    No necesitan ayuda tecnica, en el departamento de arte del equipo? ambientación, decoración de set, producción de arte o vest.? feliz les ayudo <3

  • David Priego

    David Priego

    over 8 years

    Hola Ines,

    El DVD viene firmado por Lourdes, Carlos, y David (yo). Además aparecerás en los créditos finales y tendrás acceso al visionado online (dónde quieras, cuándo quieras).
    ¡Gracias a ti por tú interes!
    ¡Un Beso!

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