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*Erbeste* is a theatrical research-creation on the topic of “belonging”. *Erbeste* shows us the unstable reality of an unemployed woman who has to deal with ever-changing circumstances -some geographic, others occupational and even some linguistic- as she searches for somewhere to belong to.


A project of

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From 2.890€
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Erbeste. Mad about pleasing


We are currently producing the play Erbeste and we seek your collaboration in seeing this project through in the best way possible.

Erbeste is a contemporary multidisciplinary play based on the investigative and creative works surrounding one's sense of belonging. The creative process has relied on three directors of different backgrounds, each using different methods of scenic creation -some based on text, others emotional and corporeal, and others still a mix of visual and sensual- each exploring separately, using the same biographical material and one common theme: the reflection of one's self onto another. The scenic material produced by each one of the three gave shape to the playwriting efforts which we are now producing.

The opening of Erbeste has just taken place on the 27th of October in La Fundición, located in the city of Bilbao, under the auspices of the International Contemporary Theatre Dance Festival known by its' acronym BAD. We are very happy with the outcome. New opportunities and gigs have appear from this opening. Although much work lies ahead of us and we need your support to achieve our goals.

General synopsis:

Erbeste is the name of our protagonist. Her main vocation is that of an actress who travels through multiple destinations, goes through multiple occupations, changes from one language to the next, one texture to the next, one context after another, in her efforts to find where she belongs. She grows so accustomed to adapting and trying to fit in that she begins to forget who she is. Erbeste wants to one day become capable of being what everyone asks of her, as somebody once told her that this was, at least in part, what it takes to be an artist. That person also told her that she could only achieve success by being genuine... but how does anyone go about reaching genuine success?

About us:

Two theatre companies known as Errateke and l'Especifica, begin a coproduction of a play titled Erbeste. Later on, the International Theatre and Dance Festival of Bilbao (BAD) comes on board as co-producer and hosts the grand opening of the play.

Errateke theatre company was founded in the Basque city of Gasteiz in the year 2014 with the goal of creating and producing new works from a theatrical, musical and movement based (dance) perspective. The Plataforma l'Especifica is a Barcelona-based association involving more than thirty professional actors, dedicated to supporting those projects borne out of its' members' own inspiration and/or initiative. In its' seven year history, l'Especifica has (co) produced fourteen theatre plays, six theme-shows and two street performances, among other events.

Erbeste was created midway between Barcelona and the city of Gasteiz by one actor, three directors (one Basque, the other two Italian and Catalan), one singer/songwriter and one consultant; between sociology essays, experimentation and fun activities; half-way between an academic thesis and the need to survive due to job scarcity.


Erbeste: Rakel Ezpeleta

Bestea: Hèctor Boada

Texts & dramaturgy: Rakel Ezpeleta

Created with the help from the following directors: Simona Quartucci, Neus Suñé & Iñaki Rikarte.

Dramaturgy & director's assistant: Esther Belvís

Original music: Daniel Higiénico & Rakel Ezpeleta

Choreography "Waiting": Elisenda Moya

Acting coach: Blanca Martínez

Light design: Hèctor Boada

Graphic design: Marta Extramiana

Photos: Beatriz Marahver, Carlos Torrico, Sandra Sousa, Josep Tobella.

Production: Errateke - Plataforma l’Específica - BAD

With support from: Laboratori Tisner & Baratza Aretoa

How the budget will be spent:

The IDEAL budget for the production of Erbeste is 19.735€

The CURRENT budget we are subsisting on is 9.660€

Most of the current budget is being covered by the promotional entity attached to this project. The BAD Festival, as coproducer, has financed a part of this budget so as to obtain some technical tools which have proven to be indispensable to the initial creative and investigative phase, as well as to pay members of the art department who have collaborated throughout the initial creative phases.

These days, we still lack the funding to record the original score in a real studio which will otherwise be sung live. We also lack funding for the following: the creation of some props; the purchase of a cordless microphone for performances; the filming and editing of opening night so as to promote and put the show on the road; to pay all of the professionals who worked on this project in some capacity...

If you help us meet the goal of this promotional campaign, all funds will go to paying the studio and the musicians who will be recording the original soundtrack, to paying the costs associated with set design and props in addition to the recording and editing of promotional videos of the show, and, you will also be helping us with providing a salary to those professionals involved in the creative process. If, by chance, we exceed our expectations in terms of fundraising, we would then be able to pay them a decent salary as opposed to just a symbolic amount, as well as actually purchasing the microphone we'll be needing for our upcoming performances.

If you want to know more about us, about the project or about its funding, feel welcome to contact us with your enquiries. We'll be happy to answer you.

About our rewards policy:

Thank you very much for entering into a collaborative effort with our project. All contributions, be they large or small, are important to us just the same. Every little bit counts!!

There are some practical points we'd like to share with you regarding conditions to be taken into account when enjoying your rewards:

The Free Tickets to the shows will be good only in those venues where Erbeste is playing. Transportation costs are to be covered by the ticket holder. For the time being, in addition to the city of Bilbao, we also have shows scheduled for Barcelona (December, 2015), Gasteiz, Lekeitio and Madrid. All performance dates are pending confirmation and we will inform ticket holders in advance of said dates.

Shipping and handling costs of CD's and DVD's are included in the package. If you prefer picking up your order when coming to see the show, this is also an option.

The dinners scheduled with the artistic crew are scheduled to be held in Barcelona city and/or in Vitoria-Gasteiz. Exact dates will be organized ahead of schedule. Transportation costs of our sponsors will not be covered by production. If, on the other hand, a given sponsor decides to wait until Erbeste comes to their neck of the woods in order to enjoy dinner with us, then production will take note of this and will do everything in its' power to organize a show there.

The Workshops (Voice and Singing, or Speech and Diction in Spanish, or Creativity through theatre , or Artistic research …) should be scheduled by the sponsor themselves. Rakel Ezpeleta offers her time and her experience as a teacher/facilitator/coach on the aforementioned subjects, and she can give you advise on how to schedule the workshop.

Rakel will also put the syllabus together for each course -both content and methodology- according to the potential students' individual needs, the number of participants and the duration of the individual workshops as well as any other agreed upon set of conditions between teacher and student. The ideal number of participants will be established by Rakel according to the exact needs and goals of a given workshop, while always taking into account the needs and/or goals of the sponsor(s) themselves. The dates and times will be established under mutual accord. Transportation costs and related travel stipends of the workshop instructor are included when classes are held in the provinces of Barcelona or Araba. Classes held in all other locations will be subject to prior arrangement.

Available languages for most workshops are either Spanish, Catalan, Euskera (Basque) and English. Spanish diction classes will only be held in Spanish.

Are you a member of an association and/or theatrical organization? Do you feel that these workshops might be an asset for your creative efforts? Contact us now! Your association may yet be a sponsor of Erbeste!

Private shows of *Erbeste, or excerpts of *Erbeste will be held on mutually agreed upon dates between both parties. Transportation costs for both the technical and artistic crew -a total of 2 people – are included for shows held in Barcelona or in Vitoria-Gasteiz. They are not included anywhere else.

Image rights for the actress will be given by signed permission as a gratuity for being a sponsor supporting our project for a period of up to a year, beginning on the date said written agreement is signed. The geographical restrictions with regard to advertising and/or television commercial will be regional. A looser geographical restriction may be agreed upon in exchange for a shorter period of time. If a given commercial campaign is held over the internet, then no geographical restriction will be imposed. The costs of creation, organization and production of any commercial campaign with our image, along with any associated costs derived thereof, with the exception of the rights to the actress Rakel Ezpeleta's image, are the sole responsibility of the advertising entity.

Sponsors who are based abroad: you are more than welcome to come collaborate with our project, despite the fact that we cannot guarantee we will ever be in a position to come do a show in your country or offer you any in person perks outside of Spain, we can nonetheless give you a quick preview of the places we hope to take Erbeste. These potential future destinations include the United States (specifically New York, Nevada, San Francisco and Los Angeles in the summer of 2016), Santiago de Chile, Buenos Aires, the city of Warwick in the United Kingdom and possibly more!! Become a sponsor and together we'll come up with an alternative reward to thank you for your support; they could easily include the songsheets used in the show or copies of the script with real notes written by the directors.

Calendar forecast:

All rewards will be processed and distributed after the campaign ends.

+ Info:

web Festival BAD
web L’específica
facebook l’Específica
facebook Errateke
web La Fundición
web Rakel Ezpeleta


There are none published yet.

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1 comment

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  • horman Poster

    horman Poster

    over 8 years

    Kaixo Rakel! Ointxe sartu naiz weborrian eta gaur bertan itxi dela crowdfundinga diño, jo! Hala ere, oraindik partehartzeko aukera balego esaiguzu, ongi? besarkada bat! Igor

#13 / Erbeste: nuevas actuaciones / New venues / Data berriak / Noves actuacions

(Below ENG, abaix CAT, beherago EUSK)


¡Hola mecenas y colaboradores!

Gracias a vuestro apoyo, Erbeste no sólo se estrenó sino que está actualmente en gira por el Estado (venimos de Tenerife, Burgos, Lledoners... y faltan Madrid, Barcelona, Logroño...). Estamos muy contentas. El público agradece lo que les ofrecemos y esto nos llena de satisfacción.

Y para no alargarme mucho, os pongo el listado de las actuaciones previstas en 2016. Quienes aún no hubieseis reservado vuestras invitaciones para las actuaciones anteriores tenéis una nueva oportunidad de hacerlo y disfrutar de la obra. Escribidme a [email protected] para confirmar número de invitaciones.

Martes 25 de octubre a las 17h en el Teatro de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (campus de Bellaterra).

Miércoles 26 de octubre a las 20:30h en el Teatro… read more

#12 / Erbeste Bilbon hurrengo ostiralean, ekainak 10! (For patrons in Basque Country)


Erbeste vuelve a Bilbo. ¿Te la perdiste en el BAD 2015? Pues ahora tienes ocasión de verla en Bilborock este viernes 10 de junio a las 20:30h.

El aforo es limitado. Si quieres que te guarde invitaciones escríbeme ([email protected]) y te las reservo. Después de la actuación tendremos ocasión de charlar, comer y beber en la sobremesa. Y me encantará poder darte las gracias por tu aportación, en persona. Laister arte!

Horixe: oraindik ez baldin baduzu ikusi Erbeste, etorri zaitez Bilbora, Bilborock-era (muelle de la merced, 1), ekainaren 10ean arratsaldeko 8 t'erditan. Idatzi egidazu [email protected] helbidera sarrerak erreserbatzeko (dohakoak). Antzezpena eta gero jan eta edan egingo dugu elkarrekin, eta zure aportazioa pertsonalki eskertzeko unea izango dut. Ikusi arte, agur ben-hur!


Rakel Ezpeleta

#11 / Erbeste en Gasteiz este fin de semana / Erbeste Gasteizen asteburu honetan / Erbeste in Vitoria this weekend

For patrons near Basque Country:

Euskaditik gertu zaudeten mezenasentzako:

Para mecenas cerca de Euskadi:

Este fin de semana llevamos a Erbeste a la sala Baratza de Vitoria-Gasteiz.

El sábado a las 20h y el domingo a las 19h.

Nos encantará encontraros allí, y si traéis amigos/as ¡aún mejor!. Si aún no habéis usado vuestras invitaciones de colaboradores-mecenas, podéis escribirnos a [email protected], indicando qué día vendríais y os confirmamos la invitación.

Sábado 19 de marzo a las 20h

Domingo 20 de marzo a las 19h.

enlace a la web sala Baratza / Baratza aretoaren esteka:

Asteburu honetan Gasteizko Baratza aretoan aurkeztuko da Erbeste. Zuen gonbidapeneak oraindik erabili ez duzutenok, idatzi ahal diguzue [email protected] helbidera zein egunean etorriko zinateke esanez, eta mailez konfirmatuko genizueke gonbidapena. Pozik elkar topatzen bagara! eta lagunak ekartzen badituzue, hare gehiago!! :-)

Martxoaren 19an, larunbata, 8retan.

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#10 / ¡Última función para mecenas de Barcelona! /(For patrons in Barcelona)


Ya llevamos 3 funciones en el Antic Teatre. Y nos queda una: el martes 1 de marzo, a las 21h.


Ha sido un placer veros a muchos y muchas por el Antic, y también comprobar que la propuesta os ha tocado. Estamos muy satisfechas del recorrido que va haciendo Erbeste, creciendo y madurando con cada pase; contentas de los comentarios de amigos y de desconocidos que se van publicando; ilusionadas con las perspectivas de difusión y distribución...

Esto es un recordatorio para quienes aún no la habéis visto ni me habéis enviado mail. Para poder disfrutar de vuestras invitaciones escribidme a [email protected] . Yo entonces os indicaré cuántas invitaciones tenéis disponibles. Tenemos un número limitado de invitaciones por día y las estamos adjudicando por orden de llegada de mails. Aún quedan 5 invitaciones disponibles para este martes. :-)

Más información

Os deseo un magnífico día.

Visca el teatre!


#09 / Cartel y enlace

Parece que hoy no conseguiré colgar el cartel en este blog...

Podéis seguir las noticias del proyecto y ver el nuevo cartel en la página de facebook de la compañía coproductora Errateke. Abajo el enlace.

It seems like I won't be able to upload the new poster this time. You can see it and get news about the project on facebook's site of the co-producer company Errateke. Link below.

facebook cía. Errateke;}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Ja ho tenim! Estrena a l'Antic el 9 de febrer.Bartzelonan estreinaldia otsailaren 9an Antic-en.Posted by Errateke on domingo, 24 de enero de 2016)


#07 / ¡Tenemos actuaciones en Barcelona! / Tenim mini-temporada a Barcelona!

Estimats mecenes i col.laborador(e)s:

Tenim mini-temporada a Barcelona!

Els dimars 9, 16 i 23 de febrer i el 1 de març. A les 21h. A l'Antic Teatre. (www.anticteatre.com)

Els que encara no heu fet servir (totes) les vostres invitacions per a actuacions a Barcelona, aquesta l'ocasió! Ens encantará que vingueu. Per confirmar invitació, sisplau, escriviu a [email protected] dient quin día voleu venir i quantes entrades voleu.

Atenció: tenim un número limitat d'invitacions per a cada actuació. Llavors, us haurem de confirmar les que us partoquen pel dia que trieu. Asignarem les invitacions per ordre d'arribada de mails.


Queridas/os mecenas y colaboradoras/es:

¡Ya tenemos mini temporada en Barcelona!

Los martes 9, 16 y 23 de febrero y el 1 de marzo a las 21h en el Antic Teatre (www.anticteatre.com).

Si aún no… read more

#06 / Aquest dissabte a Barcelona (/about this Saturday in Barcelona)


Gràcies a tot(e)s pels vostres comentaris. Ja he trial el cartell que anuncia la funció d'aquest dissabte i el veureu rulant pel facebook... :-)

Sobre les invitacions i l'informació que heu donat al formulari:

Els que viviu fora de Barcelona, us avisare quan ens apropen a la vostra comunitat. Encara no tinc dates asegurades.

Els que esteu a Barcelona pero m'heu dit que no podeu venir aquest dissabte, cap problema, us avisarè quan tornem a Barcelona. Encara no tinc dates.

Els que heu indicat que vindreu aquest dissabte: encantada! Deixarè el vostre nom en una llista de convidats a l'entrada, amb el número d'invitacions que us partoquen. Podeu fer servir totes les invitacions d'un cop o guardar-ne per la propera actuació.

Els que teniu una invitació i m'heu demanat entrade(s) extra per aquest dissabte, Indicarè a la llista que es reservi una entrada extra pel vostre acompanyant.

Desprès de la funció, sobretaula amb vi i formatge!

Aqui la info del lloc:

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#05 / poster

Hello! / Kaixo! /¡Hola!

¿Queréis decidir conmigo cuál será el cartel que publicite Erbeste? Entre estas dos opciones ¿cual preferís? Puedes votar comentando este post. El martes hago público el cartel definitivo. Thanks!

Do you want to choose with me which one of these two options will be Erbeste's promotional poster? Comment this post with you vote. I'll decide on Tuesday.¡Gracias!



#04 / We made it! **Lortu dugu!** Ho hem aconseguit! **¡Lo hemos conseguido!**


Thank you very much for your support. We made it! The play Erbeste will have a better distribution (= life ;-)) thanks to you!

With the money crowd-funded we will be able to, first, pay to some of our artistic collaborators; then, pay for the construction of some props; and next, we will commission the video recording and edition of the piece and the studio recording of some of the songs for de OST.

Meanwhile, we keep working on the piece. We are adapting 2 scenes to Catalan language for next gig of Erbeste in Barcelona. It will be on December 12th in Basque Cultural Centre (Euskal Etxea Barcelona).

The recording and editing of audio and video may take some time (a couple of months). Therefore, your CD and/or DVD of the piece will arrive afterwards. We'll contact you when we have them ready for you. :-)

Before that, in… read more

#03 / First Pics! ¡Primeras fotos! Argazkiak! Tenim fotos!

Primeres fotos de Erbeste, fetes pel Carlos Torrico! A l'escenari, part de l'equip creatiu; a les grades, part del public, pensatiu.


First pics of Erbeste by Carlos Torrico! On stage, part of the artistic team during the applause. On the stands, the audience thinking.


Fotos de Carlos Torrico: en el escenario, parte del equipo creativo; en las gradas, el público pensativo...

Erbeste amaitzerakoan: goian, antzezlanaren egileen zenbait; behean, ikuslegoa pentsakor...

#02 / A 5 días...

Thank you so much for your pledges!! We are almost there! 5 days left and 800€ away from our goal. We'll make it!

Mila esker zuen laguntzagatik!! Gertu-gertu gaude. 5 egun geratzen dira ta 800€ falta. Lortuko dugu guztion artean!

¡Muchas gracias por vuestras aportaciones! ¡Estamos cerca! Quedan 5 días de campaña y 800€ por conseguir. ¡Lo lograremos!

Moltíssimes gracies per les les vostres aportacions! Ens manca poc per aconseguir-ho! 5 dies i 800€. Ho aconseguirem!!

#01 / ¡Ya hemos estrenado!

¡Muchísimas gracias a todos los que estáis colaborando en esta campaña de micro-mecenazgo! Quedan 12 días de campaña para conseguir llegar al objetivo marcado. ¡Entre todos y todas lo conseguiremos!

Anteayer hicimos el estreno de "Erbeste" en el festival BAD. Fue muy bien. Estamos muy contentos con el resultado. Y, sobretodo, tenemos otra gran noticia asociada: ¡nos han ofrecido una nueva actuación en Bilbao!

Os avisaremos cuando se confirme la fecha (será en junio 2016) para que los mecenas de la zona podáis asistir.

Seguimos trabajando en llevar la historia de nuestra protagonista Erbeste allá donde su lucha por no dejarse arrastrar por la precariedad laboral pueda servirle al público.

Si quieres seguir ayudándonos, puedes hacer difusión de esta campaña y animar a tus conocidos a sumarse. ¡Gracias!


Mila esker zure laguntzagatik! 12 egun geratzen dira eta, guztion artea, lortu dezakegu 12 egun hauetan kanpainaren helburua lortzea!

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