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Conservation programme for the Dusky Large Blue butterfly

The project will guarantee the conservation of the largest population of this endangered species in Spain, through the signing of land stewardship agreements in areas where colonies are found. This will also permit the development of environmental education activities in the Palentine Mountains.

From 6.000€
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Conservation programme for the Dusky Large Blue butterfly

The Dusky Large Blue is one of the most endangered species of butterfly in Europe and Spain. It is one of four species of daytime butterfly listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive ‘animal and plant species of community interest in need of particularly strict protection’. Thus, the global aim of the project is the conservation of one of Europe’s most endangered Lepidoptera.

In the north of the province of Palencia, within the limits of the Fuentes Carrionas y Fuente Cobre Natural Park, can be found the largest Iberian population of this recently discovered butterfly.

The conservation project for the Dusky Large Blue butterfly has a budget of 42.453 euros, counting on the support of the Fundacion Biodiversidad (Biodiversity Foundation). At present 14.000 euros are required in co-financing.

We have knocked on many doors to attract this co-financing but until now we have not been able to raise the necessary amount, so in order to achieve all the objectives of the project we need your help in raising funds. A small economic gesture can help to safeguard more than 50% of the Spanish population of this endangered species for the next ten years.

At present the project is in its second phase of implementation. During the first phase the fieldwork has been undertaken which has enabled us to obtain up to date and precise information regarding the distribution of Dusky Large Blue butterfly colonies, to quantify the population in the Palentine Mountain and to know other aspects, like habitat characteristics or the conservation problems for each colony.

The second phase of the project is the one we are embarking on at present and which aims to undertake the following two activities:

1) Initiation of a land stewardship programme with livestock farmers in the area which will allow the management of four hectares of wet grassland or peatland. These areas will be maintained using traditional methods such as harvesting of grassland and extensive grazing during a period of ten years, guaranteeing the conservation of the majority of colonies of this butterfly in the Palentine Mountains.

2) The creation of an environmental awareness campaign directed at the local population, which emphasises the need for conservation of invertebrate fauna, especially the Dusky Large Blue butterfly. To this end publication of educational material, talks and environmental educational work have been planned for the Palentine Mountains.

In the event of our exceeding the basic goal of this crowdfunding campaign, all funds will be dedicated in their totality to the project, incrementing the number of land stewardship agreements and, thereby, the surface area of the colonies which will benefit by this improvement.

What your contributions will be used for

The money raised will be used to cover costs of buying feed or hay, which will be distributed to the farmers on signing the land stewardship agreements, as compensation for the grass left un-mowed.

Another part of the funds will be used to pay for the design and printing of educational material. 2000 leaflets, 2000 posters, 8000 stickers, 2000 cloth bags and 2000 keyrings will be produced and distributed for free in all the educational centres and municipalities of the Palentine Mountains.

About the rewards

All the backers who participate in the project will receive part or all of the educational material designed for the project as their reward.

For those who pledge 50 or 100 euros a special reward has been planned: a personal visit to the colonies of Dusky Large Blue butterfly in the Palentine Mountains. This reward will be programmed for the summer of 2016, coinciding with the flight period of the Dusky Large Blue butterfly, and during this time a member of the project team will accompany the visitors during the whole day, visiting various colonies and enjoying the spectacular scenery in exceptional natural surroundings.

Timetable Envisaged

The project has entered its final stage. The areas where we hope to sign agreements for stewardship have been identified and the owners have been contacted. The educational material has been designed and is waiting to be printed.

The final implementation of these project actions is planned for October and November of 2015.

The rewards will be sent out between the months of November and December 2015.

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#05 / Envío de material a los mecenas

Estimados mecenas,

Con un poco de retraso, pero ya tenemos en nuestro poder todo el material alusivo al proyecto de conservación de la hormiguera oscura, por lo que en los próximos días procederemos al envío postal a todos los mecenas del proyecto.

Una vez más, aprovechamos este correo para agradeceros vuestro apoyo a este proyecto.

Un saludo,

Asociación de Naturalistas Palentinos

#04 / Lo habéis hecho posible ¡muchas gracias a todos!

Gracias a vuestras aportaciones hemos conseguido culminar con éxito de la campaña para la conservación de la mariposa hormiguera oscura.

Pero esto es solo el principio. Nuestras protagonistas, las larvas de hormiguera oscura, están ahora en una completa penumbra en el interior de un hormiguero, haciendo lo que mejor saben hacer, alimentándose de larvas y puestas de hormigas del género Myrmica. Pero aunque no lo sepan, se están produciendo muy buenas noticias para ellas. El próximo verano tendremos un importante número de ganaderos adscritos al programa de custodia del territorio y cuando los mariposas emergan como imagos, allá por el mes de julio, encontrarán en sus colonias un importante número de franjas de pastizales sin segar y repletas de sanguisorba mayor, la planta nutricia que necesitan para realizar sus puestas.

read more

#03 / ¡Ya hemos conseguido superar el 50% del presupuesto!

La campaña de micro mecenazgo para la conservación de la mariposa hormiguera oscura ha superado ya los 3.000 euros de recaudación. Quedan poco más de diez días para conseguir el objetivo final, entre todos tenemos que conseguir que la campaña llegue al mayor número posible de personas para alcanzar el objetivo final y conseguir con ello mejorar el estado de conservación de esta amenazada especie.

Vuestra ayuda es imprescindible ¡un último esfuerzo entre todos es necesario!

#02 / ¡Ya hemos conseguido los 1.000 primeros euros!

El proyecto para la conservación de la mariposa hormiguera oscura ha conseguido superar ya los 1.000 euros de aportaciones. Desde la Asociación de Naturalistas Palentinos queremos agradecer su esfuerzo a todos los donantes, pero necesitamos seguir difundiendo la campaña para alcanzar el objetivo previsto.

Si todavía no lo has hecho, por favor, difunde el enlace de la campaña entre tus círculos de amistades y a través de las redes sociales: http://www.verkami.com/projects/12863-programa-de-conservacion-de-la-mariposa-hormiguera-oscura

#01 / La campaña de crowdfunding de la mariposa hormiguera oscura en los medios de comunicación

Varios medios de comunicación se han hecho hoy eco de la campaña de crowdfunding promovida por la Asociación de Naturalistas Palentinos para llevar a cabo el proyecto de conservación de la mariposa hormiguera oscura en la Montaña Palentina.

Este es uno de los enlaces donde ha aparecido la noticia: http://www.ileon.com/actualidad/tierra_verde/055170/crowdfunding-para-conservar-la-amenazada-mariposa-hormiguera-oscura-en-palencia

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