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Benimaclet conFusión festival - II edition

It is a no-profit artistic-cultural event based on free expression. An unique, explosive and exciting experience that invites all the participants to open themselves to the others. The magic of collaborating, sharing and donating in a wonderful atmosphere where everything becomes possible.


Created in

From 2.100€
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The Benimaclet conFusión festival is an artistic-cultural event based on free expression, it is free and no-profit. It tries to promote and stimulate collaboration and social cohesion among people by any kind of activity.

Anyone can be part of the festival by an open call in our web: it can be his/her art, his/her knowledge, his/her time or also his/her space. With the proposals received, we organize a program that during the 17th and 18th of October will transform the streets, the houses and the cultural centres of the charming Valencian neighborhood Benimaclet into a stage of concerts, theatres performances, circus shows, exhibitions, workshops and much more.

An unique, explosive and exciting experience that invites all the participants to be opened to the others.

All the people will have the possibility to enjoy the festival for free planning their proper route.

Motivation and to whom the project is directed

Simply by being human beings, beings so complex who are able to think, feel emotions, communicate, grow day after day ... we all have an enormous potential. Behind each life there is hidden a so special and particular world that would be worth of being explored, which would surely teach us something new.

It is across creativity that people transmit their vision of these worlds and their way of estimating the reality in which everyone is a teacher. Creativity flows with more force when we do not put limits to what we can say or think, when we are free of expressing any idea. It is at that time when innovation appears, and from innovation there comes the change.

The Benimaclet conFusión festival is born with the aim to motivate any person to share his/her creativity with the others.

For whoever wants to take part, the festival can be an occasion for sharing arts and ideas. For the attendees, it is a possibility to enjoy different types of performances, workshops and exhibitions. For the neighbourhood itself, it is a perfect occasion for being valued in all its aspects.

Previous experience and team

This is the second edition. The first one, in October of the last year, had a great success since more than 130 artists took part in 40 different spaces among houses, cultural associations and points in the pedestrian street. During the two days of the festival, there came more than 5.000 attendees.

Our team is composed by dozen people, each one specialized in a different field and constantly compromised with the organization.

In addition, last year, more than 40 volunteers helped us and took part in the phases of management and accomplishment of the festival. We are a dynamic group, always open to the dialogue and to support forms of horizontal participation, without hierarchies or restrictions. 

What we need your contributions for

The organization of a such kind of festival requires long time and many efforts. We do it because we strongly believe in the others, because we are sure that sharing ideas, knowledge and gifts is something which can make each other closer. We do not want to get any money return but we do have expenses we must cover:

  • Web hosting (€ 90)

  • Printout of posters, flyers and program of the festival (€ 900)

  • Telephone expenses (€ 150)

  • Stationery (€220)

  • Insurance (€230)

  • Staff T-shirt (€150)

  • Material for expositions (€125)

  • Administrative expenses (€60)

  • Maintenance and management of the working space (€175)

If anyone who trusts our project contributes with a small drop, soon the glass will be full and nobody will be thirsty.

About the rewards

Any of our supporters will receive a personalized program of the festival and will have the possibility to send us a photo or an image that we will use to create a thanksgiving picture which will be showed during the event.

All the rewards are original of the festival. Our supporters will receive by email a special ticket which can be used to collect the rewards at the info-point of the festival.

The shakers and the ocarinas are printed by Laboratorio de Fabricación.

The T-shirts and the tote bags have been designed by Menta and printed by Goatxa.

While the printmakings of Toto can be recollected starting from the first day of the event, the personal portrait will require some more days. Who decides for this reward will have to send a own photo or organize a personal meeting with Toto.

Finally, talking about rewards, it is important to remark the collective returns which are generated by the festival:

  • Cultural free activities
: Concerts, theatre performances, recitals of poetry, workshops, exhibitions, chats, etc., free during the days of the festival

  • Platform of free expression open to everyone: Whoever can be part of the festival

  • Social cohesion and good vibes: The
 Benimaclet confusion festival is an act of union and collaboration

  • Free digital files: We will share all the photos and all the videos of the days of the festival. Moreover we will publish a free dossier about the preparation and the management of the festival

Other ways to collaborate


The more, the merrier. Be part!

Performances’ material

During the two days of the festival, we need to borrow amplifiers, microphones, lights and everything that you could lend to the artists during their performances.

Write us at [email protected]


For the workshops that will organize in the streets, we need stationery material of all kinds. Write us at [email protected]


The festival will be in the weekend of 17th and 18th of October 2015, from 11.00 am to 10.00 pm. The idea is to deliver the rewards during the event and eventually to mail them by the end of November.

+ Info

Benimaclet conFusión festival


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  • Possibility Association

    Possibility Association

    over 8 years

    Ci sono tante altre maniere per farlo. Dipende un po' da dove vivi, da quanto tempo hai, da quello che ti piace fare... Puoi aiutarci investendo il tuo tempo nella organizzazione dell'evento, puoi donare materiale per gli artisti, puoi parlare, scrivere e diffondere il festival e la sua filosofia, puoi organizzare un conFusión nella tua città...puoi cominciare con scriverci di te all'email [email protected] e da lì, insieme, trovare la forma migliore attraverso la quale contribuire.

  • Teresa


    over 8 years

    Complimenti per il vostro impegno ! Vorrei contribuire al progetto anche senza dover scegliere una ricompensa ...come è possibile? Grazie e..ciao a tutti

#07 / GRACIAS!! + recordatorio foto/imagen

Queridos y queridas mecenas,

Muchas gracias, moltes gràcies, grazie mille y thank you very much.

Hemos logrado nuestro objetivo con 4 días de antelación y eso lo debemos a tod@s vosotr@s que creéis en este proyecto y habéis invertido en ello. Estamos muy felices y ilusionad@s por el apoyo que nos habéis demostrado y tenemos unas ganas enormes de repagar vuestra confianza montando un Benimaclet conFusión festival inolvidable.

Para quién todavía no lo haya hecho, os recordamos que nos gustaría recibir antes de este domingo (11 de octubre) una foto o una imagen de cada un@ de vosotr@s para crear un cuadro de agradecimiento que queremos exponer durante el festival. Podéis enviárnosla al correo [email protected]

Un abrazo,

conFusión Team

#06 / RECOMPENSA - cuadro de agradecimientos

Hola a tod@s!

Como ya sabéis, el festival está a punto de llegar y necesitamos una foto o una imagen vuestra para el cuadro de agradecimiento.

La idea es hacer un collage con todo lo que nos enviéis y que vosotros forméis parte del festival. Podéis enviar cualquier cosa que os inspire.

Enviadlas al correo [email protected] antes del próximo domingo 11 de Octubre.

Un abrazo,

conFusión team

Ciao a tutti e tutte!

Come saprete, il festival é ormai alle porte e abbiamo bisogno di una vostra foto o immagine per realizzare il quadro di ringraziamento.

La idea é fare un collage con tutte le immagini che ci mandate affinché possiate essere anche voi parte del festival. Potete inviarci qualsiasi cosa che vogliate.

Mandetela all'email [email protected] prima di domenica prossima 11 di Ottobre.

Un abbraccio,

conFusión Team

Hola a tothom!

read more


Muchos se estarán preguntado a que punto estamos con la PROGRAMACIÓN de las actividades del festival....

Pues, vamos bien, muy bien... tenemos sí un poco de retraso, pero es porque al final estamos organizando 206 propuestas artísticas en 54 espacios.

Al final, hemos logrado dar la posibilidad de participar a todas las personas que se han apuntado entro los términos de la convocatoria. Ya hemos contactado con los espacio para comunicarle su programación. A partir de hoy contactaremos con los artistas con la idea de sacar la programación en nuestra web para principio de Octubre.

Una cosa es cierta, gracias a tod@s, organizador@s, artistas, espacios, voluntari@s, colaborador@s, etc., el conFusión de este año será una experiencia inolvidable.

#02 / FAQ: ¿Cuándo recibiré mi recompensa?

Muchos pensaréis: Bueno y ¿cuando elijo el modelo de tote bag que quiero? o ¿y la talla de mi camiseta, cómo os la digo?

Fácil, cuando finalice la campaña de recogida de fondos. A PARTIR DEL 10 DE OCTUBRE nos pondremos en contacto con todos vosotros para ir administrando las recompensas, de forma confusa y con amor.

Recordad, no hacemos envío de recompensas a domicilio, pero podéis recogerlas durante el festival, después o podemos intentar coordinar el reparto con un voluntario que viaje o viva por vuestra zona, para hacer siempre una entrega de persona a persona.

#01 / conFusión Team 2015

Acabamos de sacar la foto del equipo de este año!!

Desde Junio invertimos voluntariamente nuestro tiempo y energía para que el festival pueda sacarse adelante.


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