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Archeological Campaign Cerro Bilanero 2015.

This is an archeological project planned to research the Bronze Age Site of Cerro Bilanero during the summer. We intend to do an exhaustive documentation of the materials found and a subsequent study during autumn and winter.

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This is an archeological project planned to research the Bronze Age Site of Cerro Bilanero during the summer. We intend to do an exhaustive documentation of the materials found and a subsequent study during autumn and winter.

Cerro Bilanero: what and where

Cerro Bilanero is an archaeological site located in Alhambra town, Campo de Montiel region, Ciudad Real. This area has been occupied by humans for more than 4000 years, gathering numerous evidences of different generations of population in its archaeological sites.

Cerro Bilanero is situated in a small promontory, surrounded by other small hills and cultivated valleys formed by fluvial deposits. Nearby, a natural spring provides the area with a small but constant water supply. Its dimensions range about 3000 m2. The material typology seems to correspond to a chronologic period appointing to Initial-Middle Bronze Age.

From the top of the site most of the surrounding territory can be distinguished. The promontory has a good intervisibility with several contemporary archaeological sites, which made Cerro Bilanero a suitable place for human occupation due to its strategic location. Several studies of visibility, landscape and territory as well as the archaeological excavation of the site will assist us in understanding the role of Cerro Bilanero during the Mancha Bronze Age.

The expected aims are:

  • Distinguishing the different phases of occupation at the site.

  • Searching for domestic spaces.

  • Dating the site.

  • Studying the formation process of the site as well as the founding materials, using innovating techniques in archaeology (such as 3D documentation).

Who are we?

We are a young multidisciplinary team of enthusiastic, well-trained professionals from several Spanish universities, willing to accomplish this project.

Archaeological direction

Alfonso Monsalve Romera (1988, Manzanares, Ciudad Real): History graduate by Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Master in Physical Anthropology by Universidad Complutense de Madrid and PhD candidate in Universidad de Granada.

Archaeological technical team

Alexia Serrano Ramos (1983, Valencia): History graduate by Universitat de València, Master in Archaeology by Universidad de Granada, where she is currently a PhD candidate.

Carmen Cortés Echevarría (1990, Salamanca): History graduate at Universidad de Salamanca, Master in Prehistoric Archaeology by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where she is currently a PhD candidate.

Gonzalo de Pedro Andrés (1986, Burgos): Graduate in History and Cultural Heritage by Universidad de Burgos, where he has specialized in pottery materials. He has also worked in the private archaeology field.


María Molina Moreno (1988, Madrid): History graduate by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, specialized in Physical Anthopology at the same institution, concentrating in the study of infantile individual.

Graphic documentation of Cultural Heritage

Pablo Aparicio Resco (1989, Guadalajara): History of Arts graduate, archaeologist and specialist in virtualization of Cultural Heritage. Moreover, he teaches several courses in Universidad de Burgos and in Universidad Politécnica Salesina de Cuenca (Ecuador).

Restoration and Conservation team

Gerardo Coleto Peralvo (1982, Madrid): History graduate by Universidad Complutense de Madrid, diploma in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, specialized in archaeological materials by Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración de Ávila. Currently he is a PhD candidate at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Ana Pastor Pérez (1981, Madrid): History graduate by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Restorator-Conservator of Archaeological Heritage (specialized in metal and bone materials) by ESCRBC de Madrid, and Master in Cultural Heritage Management by Universitat de Barcelona, where she is currently a PhD candidate.

Our Ethical Code

The technical team of Proyecto Arqueológico Cerro Bilanero has decided a series of premises to guide the proceedings within an ethical framework.

We firmly believe that Cultural Heritage belongs to all citizens. For this reason we are comitted to, once studied and deposited the materials in the corresponding Public Administration, keep all the data accessible to anybody interested, through our platforms in a free way. With this measure we intend to encourage the academic debate through several interpretations of the data, considering the discussion as the basis of development in our discipline.

We definitely oppose our volunteers to pay for doing formative experiences. The directive team firmly believes in the intrinsic value of the volunteers work in an archaeological excavation, and we are committed to further foster the learning of the volunteer students. This will be carried through by the guide and explanation of the archaeological methodology and the resolution of all the doubts that can come up during the excavation process. There will be specialized lectures to complement the formation, but also to favour the ideas exchange among all the members participating in the archaeological field.

For all these reasons, we need an economic basis for covering the volunteer’s needs. Likewise, we will like to set an example within the profession, using alternative methods of funding. Considering this, the technical team of Proyecto Arqueológico Cerro Bilanero is determined to address our archaeological campaign with austerity and commitment, being our accounts and budget clear and public during all the process.


Desayuno, almuerzo, comida y cena para 13 personas durante 30 días: 2160 €

Gasolina: 150€

Seguro de responsabilidad civil: 300 € (aproximadamente)

Materiales para la excavación : 500€

Food: 2160€

Gas: 150€

Public liability insurance:300 € aprox

Excavation equipment: 500€


The archaeological excavation will be held from 10th of August to 9th of September, 2015. (For all interested people that would like to see the work in process). This is a way of involving the people of the region where we are working in their Cultural Heritage. In addition, these days will allow our sponsors to see the development of our project.

Scientific guarantee

The project is guaranteed by the Prehistory and Archaeology Department of Universidad de Granada and supported by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad de Burgos, Asociaciación Alhambra Tierra Roja, Town Council of Alhambra and the participation of Virtua Nostrum and PAR Tecnologías de Representación Gráfica del Patrimonio.




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  • Alfonso Monsalve Romera

    Alfonso Monsalve Romera

    almost 9 years

    Puedes mandarlo a través de nuestra página web.

  • Rosalba Delgadillo Torres

    Rosalba Delgadillo Torres

    almost 9 years

    Soy Arqueologa mexicana mesoamericanista. como te mando mi curriculum?

  • Alfonso Monsalve Romera

    Alfonso Monsalve Romera

    almost 9 years

    Hola Carlos. Por ahora tenemos poco dinero pra poder traer a voluntarios. Por este mismo motivo realizamos esta campaña de mecenazgo. Rogamos que si te apetece venir, y es posible, mandes el curriculum vitae a través de nuestra página web o en facebook.

  • Carlos


    almost 9 years

    ¿Aceptais estudiantes del grado de Historia para excavar? ¿O es un proyecto cerrado? Un saludo

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