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The B-sides

Through PHOTOGRAPHY we would like to show you a musical world that is unknown to most people and that has crystallized in the historical quarter of the Andalusian city of Granada, the ALBAYZÍN. With this project we want to give you an understanding of amazing MUSICIANS of different styles,

Sweet Shot Photos

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From 2.500€
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There are cities with charm. There are cities with that certain something. And then there is the city of Granada. This provincial capital with about 240.000 inhabitants has been always linked closely with to culture and blessed with overwhelming views of the majestic mountains of the Sierra Nevada and with the astounding Alhambra. Throughout history, Granada was considered as a reference in the literary and musical field and even today writers, such as Andrés Neuman or Luis García Montero, or some of the most influential music groups of the Spanish indie scene, like Los Planetas or Lori Meyer, feel comfortable living there.

In Granada has arised a cultural mix that is barely possible to find anywhere else. And specially in the old Arab quarter of the Albayzín, which inspired us for embarking on this project.

Apart from the locals, every year uncountable tourists from all over the world stroll through the small alleys of this winding quarter of the former Nasrid capital. Everybody takes photos from the amazing viewpoint of San Nicolás while the last sunbeams immerse the Alhambra in a beautiful red light. But there are only a few who live and enjoy this musical goodies of this neighbourhood. Gypsies, Moroccans, Europeans… you can find any culture here and open yourself to the enchantment of their music – in its purest form or as a fusion.

We have the tremendous fortune to be witnesses of these reunion, while spontaneous meetings on the streets can turn into concerts, collective dinners at private houses with musical desserts or jam sessions in small places. But several times a week there are public concerts in charming tiny localities where fantastic musicians demonstrate their talent for little money.

This project is a tribute to that lifestyle in form of what we can do best: the photography. It is a lifestyle that –for the good and the bad- has not been commercialised yet and that has maintained its spirit. There comes the project title from: the B-sides. It is a project that builds up the cornerstone of this campaign and with which we would like to finance an exposition with the portraits of some of these musicians.

With the money raised we will organise the exposition in one of the most authentic places of the Albayzín, the El Tabanco del Tío Gregorio. We will print the portraits in a large format so that visitors can enjoy them in its splendour. Furthermore, we will use the money to finance the rewards which, we hope, will surprise you.

In case of reaching the goal of 3000,- €, we will publish a book with all the portraits and a brief CV of the musicians who participate in this project and we will try to move the exposition to huger showrooms.

For this project we need your help, but, of course, we would like you to participate in our work. Our rewards range from prints of the portraits to a photo reportage for the most generous sponsors.

In our opinion, the most special reward is an selection of some portraits in “vinyl-record-format”: an LP-cover in which you can find the portraits in a LP-format.

We will hand out the rewards at the day of the vernissage opening at El Tabanco del Tío Gregorio (Cuesta de San Gregorio, 24, Albayzín, Granada). The sponsors who cannot assist at the vernissage will receive their reward by mail. We will cover the cost of postage.

Concerning the portraits, the project is currently at an advanced status. On the pictures and the video we are offering a small foretaste, but the main dish we will serve at the vernissage!! We would like to inaugurate the exhibition in December of this year (2015). We are going to keep you updated!! Thank you very much for your help!!



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Hola a tod@s!!

Tenemos buenas noticias!!

Por fin se acerca el día de la exposición. Hay muchas ganas de enseñaros lo que han sido meses de trabajo y que sin vuestra ayuda no hubieran llegado a tomar la forma que está tomando.

Sábado, 12 de marzo, 13:30h, Tabanco del Tío Gregorio (Granada).

Grabaos esta fecha y no faltéis!!! Cervecitas, tapitas, conciertos y vuestras recompensas...sin olvidarnos de los retratos, ehhh!!

Gracias por vuestra paciencia!!! Nos vemos pronto!!!

P.D. Cualquier cosa en la que podamos ayudaros (alojamiento, indicaciones para llegar y/u otras cuestiones) no dudéis en escribirnos.


Fotos editadas, laboratorio de impresión elegido, recompensas en fase de creación...así vamos con nuestro/vuestro proyecto!!!

Hacemos parón de Navidad y aprovechamos para felicitaros las fiestas y agradeceros de nuevo vuestras aportaciones!!!!

Un besazo enorme de Rocío y mío!! Os deseamos que paséis unos días muy felices allá dónde estéis!!

Os mantendremos informados!!!


A falta de 23 días para cerrar la campaña de crowdfunding hemos conseguido el primer objetivo, conseguir financiación para realizar la exposición sobre músicos del Albayzín!!!

Gracias a tod@s por vuestra rápida respuesta!!! Sóis los mejores mecenas que existen!!!

Os dejamos en exclusiva la foto de otro de nuestros músicos, Joaquín Sánchez Gil, clarinetista y "tañedor" de instrumentos varios, convencionales y no convencionales. Realiza conciertos didácticos, conferencias y talleres.

Estudió educación musical en la UGR. Tiene multitud de maestros entre los que destaca a Paul Stocker, Melchor Perelló, José Luis Estellés, Ivo Hristov, Gabriele Mirabassi, Diego Guerrero, Dan Ben Lior, Jul Frayssinet, Andrew Lynch, Xristos Barbas, entre otros.

Como instrumentista participa en proyectos con Maui y los Sirénidos, Guga Murray, Guillermo Morente, Paul Stocker y la… read more

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