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To mark the centenary of the death of the famous composer Enrique Granados (1916-2016), we are recording our FIRST CD next June, of most of his chamber music works.

Trio Rodin

A project of


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Utrecht, Netherlands
From 3.500€
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Dear friends,

We are looking forward to starting a project which we would like to share with all of you; on the occasion of the centenary of the famous composer ENRIQUE GRANADOS´death (1916-2016), we are recording our first CD with most of his chamber music works.

The CD will include his piano trio, as well as lesser-known works for violin and piano (Sonata, Romanza and 3 preludes) and for cello and piano (Madrigal, Trova and Danza gallega).

Most of these works have been recorded just a few times, and some of them have not even been edited, so we had to check the original manuscripts. It will be the first recording of the 2nd movement of the Sonata for violin and piano!

When, Where and with Who?

The recording session will be on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2015 in ”Center Bratuz” Hall in Gorizia (Italy). Gorizia is very close to the School where we undertook a master study with Trio di Parma during 2 years.

The recording session will be held by Alessandro Simonetto, with the label ”OnClassical”.

Planned schedule

We estimate the CD will be ready in January 2016!

Which advantages do you have as a patron?

If you collaborate with this project, we offer you some exclusive rewards (you will only find them here!) at a very good price. Choose the reward you like most in the menu of the right side -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

About the rewards

To be able to carry out this project, any contribution you could do would be very helpful.

As soon as the project is done, each person will receive their reward according to each contribution (delivery costs are* included* in the donation). The donated amount will not be charged until the ending of this campaign, and only if it is completely successful.

Did you already have a look? You can get some CD´s signed and dedicated, your name in the CD booklet, or some invitations for the CD presentation!

Destination of the contributions

With the collected money, we will cover all the production, mastering and editing process of the CD, as well as the rent of the Hall and the preparation of the booklet.

We know this is not an easy project, but we hope that with enthusiasm, effort, and your two cents, we all can see this project become true!

Thank you very much to all of you for your collaboration!

Big hug,

Trio Rodin



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(english text below/ text en català més avall)


Queridos amigos y familia,

perdonad por haberos tenido desinformados este tiempo sobre nuestro proyecto! Os escribimos para deciros que todo ya está en marcha: el CD fue grabado en junio y todo este tiempo ha sido dedicado a editarlo y masterizarlo. Esperamos que este listo para finales de este año y todos podáis contar con vuestro/s ejemplares para principio de 2016. Nos encantaría que fuerais los primeros en verlo, ya que sois parte de él!

Os mantendremos informados sobre los distintos actos de presentación del CD tanto en España como en Holanda. A ver si os podemos ver ahi presentes y compartir ese momento.

Un abrazo,

Trio Rodin


Dear friends,

first of all, we would like to apologize for not having contacted you in a while. We have been very busy preparing all the… read more

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