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B (The film about Bárcenas' papers)

Bárcenas gathered 200,000 euros in 48 hours to get out of prison. His friends have more money. But we are more.

Bolo Audiovisual

A project of


Created in

From 50.000€
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15th of July 2013, Judge Ruz interrogates Luis Bárcenas:

Judge Ruz - Who did you give it to?

Bárcenas - €25,000 to Mariano Rajoy and 25,000 to Maria Dolores de Cospedal.

During five hours, Luis Bárcenas, ex-treasurer of the Spanish People´s party, declared to the judge that he managed a slush fund since the 90´s. According to his statement, all the senior party members knew about it and they pocketed cash-filled envelopes in addition to their salaries. Today, two years later, Judge Ruz continues investigating the "Bárcenas' papers". The case has been named as such due to the 14 accountancy handwritten records and other papers that were leaked to the press.

Bárcenas gives names, lots of names: PM Rajoy, former cabinet members like Arenas, Acebes or Jaime Mayor Oreja, Maria Dolores de Cospedal (party's secretary general), J. M... He also points others as corrupt (since, according to him, they filled the party´s safe box with cash handed in briefcases). These others are big company owners and businesmen like Villar Mir (OHL), Luis del Rivero (SACYR) or Roig, owner of the supermakets chain Mercadona.

Using the transcript of the interrogation, Jordi Casanovas wrote an amazing theatre play. It is called Ruz-Bárcenas and it is produced by Teatro del Barrio, a cultural cooperative from the Madrilian neighborhood Lavapiés. It is directed by Alberto San Juan. At the moment, the play is on tour with a great success among critics and audience.

David Ilundain (director of B), Alberto San Juan (director of the theatre play Ruz-Bárcenas) and Jordi Casanovas (writer of Ruz-Bárcenas)

Both Jordi and Alberto will participate in the film adventure as co-writer and cast director. David Ilundain, who is leading this project, will direct it too.

Characters Bárcenas and Ruz are brillianty interpreted by actors Pedro Casablanc and Manolo Solo. We will see more characters in the film, like prosecutors and defense attorneys.

Hearing about corruption is not the same as seeing it with your own eyes.

Hearing about Bárcenas is not the same as having him in front of you.

Check this video to see the reactions of the audience after the theatre play.

As producers, we have paid for all expenses until now. Our commitment is to pay for everything until the premiere. However, we need you to bring this film to life. Thanks to your contributions, we will be able to pay for the basics of production: renting equipment, lights and cameras, the logistics for the technical team and cast (food and transport), building the main film set... etc.

Crowdfunding will not be the only way to pay for the film, but it is the most inmediate one. It is indispensable to secure the basics. This film will only begin to exist freely thanks to you all. Otherwise, it will just not exist at all.

We have named the rewards in ways so that they pay homage to some of the names that appear in Bárcenas' papers. We just didn´t have any envelopes.

All the rewards include watching the film (online, on DVD or at the cinema). We think that´s the logical thing to do. Benefactors are the first ones in believing in this project so you will be the first ones to watch it too. Your name will appear in the credits and in our hearts (oh...).

What if I do not want my name in the credits?

Just tell us so in an email!

For those who want the private premiere reward, we can do it in Madrid, Barcelona and Pamplona-Iruña. Cast and team will attend these premieres, in case you want to take a selfie with them.

We want to organise live connections so that the cast and Q&A can be seen in all cinemas. We also trust that, due to the foreseeable success of the film, we will be able to enlarge this list and organise more shows with the team in other cities. ;)

If you belong to any colective, association, society, movement, party or club, you might be interested in the reward for associations. We will go to your premises with the film so that you can watch it, we can comment it and tell you some little secrets about it (which we will later deny before the judge). If this happens somewhere other than our three working cities (Madrid, Barcelona or Pamplona), you will have to pay for transport fees.

We hope the film we will be worth your support. The script and cast are already a guarantee for it, but with your help, the project is a reality that they will not be able to stop.

  • Shooting will take place in May.

  • Editing and post-production, in May, June and July.

  • Private film shows for benefactors will be done in September.

  • Premiere in cinemas will take place at the end of September.

  • Private online shows will be available at the beginning of October.

  • Your online code or DVD, also in October.


official website


There are none published yet.

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  • Simón


    over 8 years

    Hola, os he escrito un correo, ya que me dijisteis que tendria una entrada para el estreno y no he recibido ningún correo. Espero que lo recibais, muchas gracias!

  • Bolo Audiovisual

    Bolo Audiovisual

    over 8 years

    Hola Yuliana

    Repasando los listados del crowdfunding tu recompensa es "Cospedal". Dicha recompensa era el DVD, el pase "on line" y el PDF. Ya están en elaboración. En cuanto los tengamos, os los enviaremos. Aproximadamente, a primeros de noviembre.

  • Yuliana / Юлиана

    Yuliana / Юлиана

    over 8 years

    Estoy muy, pero que muy cabreada y necesito decíroslo!Acabo de enterarme que el preestreno en Barna fue ayer y no fuisteis capaces de enviar una aviso general.
    ¡Lo cambiaría ahora mismo por la recompensa! Y pagando la entrada.
    ¡No es de recibo!

  • Bolo Audiovisual

    Bolo Audiovisual

    over 8 years

    Buenos días,

    La película se estrena en salas el 18 de septiembre. Ahora están sucediendo los Pre Estrenos.

    Las recompensas se empezarán a repartir a partir de mediados de Noviembre.

    Muchas gracias!

  • Bukran


    over 8 years

    Leo en las redes que ya se ha estrenado la peli, ¿cuándo la vemos online y recibimos los PDFs?

  • Bolo Audiovisual

    Bolo Audiovisual

    almost 9 years

    No nos retes, Almudena, no nos retes...

  • Almudena


    almost 9 years

    Y a los que hemos aportado para, por supuesto, que la peli salga adelante pero también para irnos de parranda ,fiesta posterior dice, con vosotros , luego no nos diréis que no os dejan quedaros y que una vueltita y os vais no? 😜

  • Bolo Audiovisual

    Bolo Audiovisual

    almost 9 years

    Tienes tiempo hasta el 28... pero no nos hagáis sufrir hasta el último minuto!!

    Si quieres cualquier aclaración puedes escribirnos directamente a [email protected]

  • Maria


    about 9 years

    Tengo tiempo para hacer mi aportación hasta el dia 22 o 23?

    Me podeis contestar por mail?

  • Bolo Audiovisual

    Bolo Audiovisual

    about 9 years

    Estamos trabajando en ello...

    Y esto tira. Vamos!

#01 / Actualización "B"

Buenos días!

Ayer, realizamos el Pre-Estreno de "B" en Madrid y os queríamos agradecer a todos los asistentes los maravillosos momentos que nos brindasteis. Llenos de emoción y de alegría.

Estamos muy contentos de que esta película empiece a ver a la luz, y os queríamos dar las gracias de nuevo a todos los mecenas por hacerlo posible.

También anunciaros que la película se estrenará en salas en 18 de septiembre, así que ayudarnos una vez más a correr la voz.

Finalmente, haceros saber que estamos cerrando calendarios para poder enviaros el resto de recompensas a los domicilios que nos facilitasteis en su momento con los formularios hacia mediados de Noviembre 2015.

Ser pacientes, en breves sabréis más de nosotros!

Saludos y abrazos!

Equipo de B

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