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We started our way many years ago and now it is time to make the next step. With new band members and with a celtic punk/rock style defined, Lád Cúig wants to record a new LP, “Poemes de Destrucció”, which shows the work done in recent times. Can you help us to make it possible?

Lád Cúig

A project of


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From 2.500€
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Lád Cúig

Lád Cúig began long time ago. It has progressed through different styles until a clear fusion between a powerful punk/rock and the traditional folk/celtic spirit.

With the first project “Tenim les Arrels” on our back, the group thinks that is necessary to record a new LP, more according to the new band members and the actual style. And this is how along the time, with passion and curiosity, all the ingredients have been ready to create “Poemes de Destrucció”.

In line with the success obtained on the scenarios including both national (Granada, Jerez, Zaragoza, Donosti…) and catalan region, the group has been working on their own songs, with strong character and full of the critic messages that we want to show, through this album, to all the audience.

Be part of it!

But, unfortunately, the music is expensive and our pockets are empty. The process to create an LP is long and it has a high price; unreachable for a group of young people as Lád Cúig.

This is why we claim solidarity in order to go on with our project, to which we dedicate a lot of enthusiasm. If you have read until here, we hope that you understand that this is not a merchandising online shop, and neither an entreaty or a project to take direct profit from it. It’s all about transmitting our musical project in a collective dimension to make everyone feeling as a part of a dream, a wishful thinking.

For this reason we believe in crowdfunding as a tool to make it real. For this occasion we have put available some rewards, fair retribution for every donation. Look at all of them! There are some different types, from the more classical (like t-shirts and hoodies, cd…) until some more ingenious: parties with the Lád Cúig members, customised songs and even more. Everyone that want to participate will have more than material rewards, you could feel that a part of this project is yours.

About the Rewards

All the rewards include digital gratitude and those which include the cd will have gratitude words inside the cd.

All the gifts from 20€ include entrance ticket in the presentation concert, and from 40€ also include appearance in the videoclip.

The designs of the t-shirt and the hoodie are not definitive. Once achieved the aim, we are going to create the definitive designs taking care of the opinion of our contributors.

All the rewards that are not involved with the conclusion of the LP (merchandising, digital gratitude, meetings with the group members, customised song) could be given as soon as the crowdfunding project has finished. Regarding the ones situated on the earlier days of the CD presentation (anticipated download, appearance in the videoclip…) would be carried out when they are available. The rest of the rewards, the ones that implicate the complete integration of the project, will be handled once all the production is finished.

The rewards will be delivered by hand or on the day of the presentation concert whenever possible. However, if it is not possible we will send the rewards to your home (taxes and costs by our charge).

Original art prints handmade by Maria Farré:


This holidays and the beginning of the year will surprise us with the achievement of the last details in the recording studio, with the songs already recorded and having a lot of luxurious collaborations. The process doesn’t finish here: It starts the mixing of themes and, after the magic of mastering, the songs will see the light. Through all this time, Lád Cúig will not be inactive, it’s necessary to focus on new approaches, as the recording of a presentation videoclip or the preparation of an important direct concert, that will be showed this spring, and we hope that could play in a lot of festivities and concert halls around the region.

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