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AixòNostre is a documentary film about the actual countryside society. The project explores the small town of Osor, with 380 people, located in the middle of the beauty mountains of Les Guilleries.


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From 1.457€
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AixòNostre is a transmedia documentary about the current countryside society in the small town of Osor, La Selva (Catalunya). This project came from the interest of six students of the degree of Audiovisuals and Multimedia from Escola Universitària ERAM (University of Girona) to explain the importance of the rural schools in the countryside society. The project starts at the rural school of Osor, to explain from there the relations and the cooperation between people.

Most of the countryside values started to get lost unconsciously in the industrialization period and they are still being lost on the current situation of Globalization. Nowadays, there are only a few people who enjoy the “countryside life”, and sometimes they don’t even know it. For this reason we are asking ourselves: is it important to be aware of this lifestyle? There should be an inverse process to the industrialization to recover some aspects abouts the countryside life. Are people conscious of these changes?

Interactive documentary, an innovative support

The interactive documentary or web documentary (webdoc) is a non common audiovisual production. The website is supported with a complementary multimedia tools to create a new user experience. On webdocs, the website becomes the distribution support of the documentary,exposed in a non linear way and it is viewed for the user like an adventure. The user has to to take decisions to go forward into the history.

Why do we need the contributions

The contributions will be used to cover the transport to Osor. The members of the team live in Girona, so this means that we need to drive the 27km that separates Osor from Girona twice a day. We will as well use the contributions to buy technical stuff for the project (Hard Disc, Memory cards, etc.). And we will finally use the contributions to hire the website domain and to buy the materials for the campaign promotion (DVD’s, school stuff, merchandising, etc.). To be able to do this part of the project we have calculated that the minimum quote, is about 1457€.

In the case that we overcome the quote, we would like to develop the project farther. We would like to edit a project book and an exposition to show the experiences of the characters of our project. The exposition will present the hard job that the teachers are doing in the school and could be used to show their life in the big cities. To be able to do this part of the project we have calculated that the minimum quote, is about 3139€.


Currently we are in the production phase, this phase will go on until January 2015, the month that we will stop the shooting to start the post production. The closure of the project will be between march and june of 2015, coinciding with the end of the scholar course. The final launch for the documentary is dated for the middle of july, giving way to the final phase of the project.

About the rewards

If we have success in the crowdfunding, the rewards will be shipped during the march 2015. If we arrives up to 3139€, to do the book and the exposition, the rewards with (*) will be shipped during the august 2015.

The rewards with (*) will only be sent if we have success with the 3.139€

The team

We are a six student of Escola Universitària ERAM (University of Girona). This course is our last university year and we have decided to throw ourselves into this ambitious project because we would like to explore the new audiovisual language and to raise awareness of the situation of the rural schools in our country. This is us and our roles in the project:

Direcció: Marc Auladell Casadevall

Producció: Ivette Serrallonga Triadó

Càmera: Laia Font Casellas

Cap de so: Àngels Teixidor Ribas

Disseny gràfic: Helena Corbera Duran

Programació: Albert Sánchez Prada

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#05 / Això Nostre ja és una realitat!

Primer de tot, volem donar les gràcies als 58 mecenes que han posat el seu granet de sorra a la campanya de Verkami així com tota la gent que ens ha fet arribar les seves aportacions en persona. Sense vosaltres, aquest projecte no seria possible.

Avui fa 40 dies que va començar la campanya a Verkami, han estat uns dies molt intensos per a nosaltres, i la veritat és que ens ho hem passat molt i molt bé, ha estat una festa de 40 dies!

Hem al·lucinat amb les dades de la campanya! A part, de les més de dues mil visualitzacions del projecte i de les visites diàries de molta i molta gent a les diferents xarxes socials, el feedback que hem rebut per part vostre ha estat genial. Aquesta campanya ens ha portat per moltes aventures, com les diferents entrevistes que hem realitzat per a mitjans, on destaquem les de la Cadena Ser i Ràdio 4.

Per tant, Això Nostre… read more

#04 / Tallers Audiovisuals, gravem un conte?

Hola de nou amigues i amics,

avui tenim l'honor de presentar-vos els dos curtmetratges que varen realitzar els nens de l'Escola La Vall durant el taller audiovisual dut a terme durant la primera setmana de rodatges. Aquesta primera setmana va ser especialment màgica per l'equip de rodatge, ja que des del primer minut és va crear un vincle molt fort tant amb professors com amb els nens.

El conte escollit durant el taller va ser "La Caputxeta Vermella". Tot i que un canvi de guió la va convertit en "La Caputxeta d'Osor". A continuació podreu veure els curtmetratges gravats íntegrament pels nens de l'Escola La Vall.

Making of dels tallers audiovisuals

La Caputxeta d'Osor - Equip 1

La Caputxeta d'Osor - Equip 2

#03 / Això Nostre a la ràdio!

El passat diumenge 21 de desembre, el programa Tot és comèdia (Cadena SER Catalunya) ens va donar l'oportunitat de parlar sobre el projecte en el seu espai "creadors". Estem molt contents i molt agraïts tant amb el resultat com amb l'oportunitat, moltes gràcies!

#02 / Ja tenim música original per Això Nostre!

Hola amigues i amics,

El passat cap de setmana els Campiki-Pugui i l'equip d'Això Nostre vàrem entrar a l'estudi per enregistrar la música original del documental. Aquí us deixem un petit tastet de l'enregistrament. Esperem que us agradi!

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