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NAIF Magazine_ Especial ANÍMATE!

Hagamos posible entre todos la publicación de un número especial dedicado al optimismo. Dentro encontraréis en clave de juego, algunas pistas secretas para ser feliz!

Naif magazine

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From 6.000€
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Among the thousands of things you do each year, there will always be at least one that brings you true joy. No matter how fleeting or unexpected, it happens and it happens to you.

At Naif Magazine we believe that in 2012 it is essential to be optimistic, and want to encourage you to look for, find, and create moments of happiness. There are thousands of ways to do it… We will be sharing our best tips in the only way we know, in print! With the support of Verkami, share our positive attitude in a special issue dedicated to optimism; a magazine with more than 50 pages that will reveal some of the secrets to happiness.


For three years Naif Magazine has been bringing you interviews and reportage on education, fashion, travel, leisure activities and life styles to parents and professionals working with children. It is the first magazine in Spain to bring design and the world of children together whilst at the same time, reviewing activities and products for the family from an intelligent perspective. Leading figures from the worlds of architecture, books, illustration, music, photography and sport have paraded through its pages; people who have shared their experiences of what it means to be a parent in these times. At present the magazine enjoys notable popularity in Japan, Brazil, Korea, Taiwan, China the United States and Europe. It hits the stands every four months and includes a version in English.


But what really sets Naif apart is that it emerged at the same time that Valentina, our editor’s first child, was born. Valentina and Naif grew together: while one wore their first nappies the other organised their first editorial meetings, when one cut their fist tooth the other changed format. Valentina participates in the spirit of the magazine but until recently had not been able to voice her opinion. But, after 11 issues and 3 years in existence, Valentina has found her voice and it is loud and clear.

“¡Animate!” or in English “Liven up!”, was the spontaneous and inexplicable battle cry that she and her friends (none over 5 years old) surprised everyone with during tea. What was the cause of such fervor? Where had they picked this up from? We really don’t know, but we welcome her word and this call to positivism to launch this special issue where we invite you to put all your energy into the things that you really want to do, and the happiness that you want to find.


Some familiar faces from the world of Naif will feature in this next issue, but we also need your participation. We will be inviting you to take part and tell us about your experiences through the Naif Magazine blog, just as soon we reach our funding target.


There are none published yet.

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  • Carta Gráfica

    Carta Gráfica

    over 10 years

    Buenas tardes

    Soy Juan José Franco de Carta Gráfica, dedicada a la impresión de libros y posicionamiento en redes sociales , blogs, tiendas online…….

    Nos ofrecemos para presupuestar futuros proyectos.

    Un saludo,


  • Naif magazine

    Naif magazine

    over 11 years

    Hola Nora!

    El especial anímate será enviado a mediados de mayo, ya os avisaremos la fecha concreta.

    Naif número 12 que ha salido esta primavera esta incluída dentro de la suscripción.

    ¿Has enviado tu dirección postal? Si la respusta es No, envíanos cuanto antes a :

    [email protected]


    y nosotros te haremos llegar la revista.

    Un fuerte abrazo,


  • nora


    about 12 years

    Hola!! Me gustaría saber cuando recibiremos la revista y si el numero de este mes de naif entra dentro de la suscripcion que hemos hecho. Gracias!

  • Naif magazine

    Naif magazine

    about 12 years

    Hola Mario, nosotros que haremos la selección de los 10 fotógrafos.

    Un saludo.

  • Mario


    about 12 years

    Hola, soy fotógrafo, de México. No entendí muy bien: ¿Puedo yo enviar una foto de mi sobrina para ser de los 10 fotógrafos? ¿También el texto? Gracias, saludos!

  • Naif magazine

    Naif magazine

    about 12 years

    Estimada Belén, muchas gracias por tu aportación al proyecto! Si, este es un número independiente!

    Te agradecemos que nos ayudes a difundir esta iniciativa a través de tu blog o a viva voz. A mayor difusión, mayor respuesta.

    Un abrazo!

  • Belén


    over 12 years

    Estupenda iniciativa ;-)

    una pregunta ¿este número es indendiente de la suscripción?...

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