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The Seams from the Skin

Textile workers in Bangalore are on the warpath. They know that the only way to achieve fair working conditions is to adopt direct confrontation with their employers. With this documentary we aim to transmit their story about dignity, but to get this we need you.

No Dust Films

A project of

Created in

From 6.000€
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View project in Català and Castellano

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Teaser in English below

Documentary synopsis

Bharati and Yamuna live in Bangalore and they have spent all their lives sewing for the big brands that fill the wardrobes in most of the world. Like other women, they have decided not to be afraid any more and to fight in order to achieve a dignified future: they have become activists of Garment Labour Union. A union that’s formed only by women who became aware that the only way to accomplish fair labour standards was to face a direct confrontation with their superiors.

Whether they conquer their rights or not, will depend on their ability to empower themselves, to bring together mutual help and resist repression by the powerful ones. But, as Yamuna says, “The owners of the factories are five or ten… but how many are we? Thousands and thousands.”

This is how The seams from the skin begins:

The project

The big garment multinationals have found in the Indian South-East a paradise to locate most of their production. A sector of the impoverished, mainly women and unprotected by the law work for them in precarious conditions and extreme confinement. All in all, we shouldn't forget, to make these t-shirts that can be easily found in our city.

This thought hit us so hard that we would never feel detached from the situation of these women any more: we, as consumers of these clothes, play an active role in their suffering. Without too much reflection, and with more hope than resources, we decided to get involved in their fight, which, as consumers of the product they sew, is also ours.

The Seams from the Skin is a documentary that aims to explore this problem and attempts to do it by assuming that our model of society and consumption has its counterpart on the other side of a globalized world.

What will allow your contributions?

This project has been built by the energy and illusion of four young graduates in Audio-visual Communication. But that has not received any economical help. Neither the main characters of the documentary nor us are waiting for an economical retribution for our job. Our main objective is to finish the piece and make as much diffusion as we can.

The contributions will be destined to:

  • Finish the documentary: give it a professional ending in order to project it in cinemas.

  • Make a good promotion: don’t forget that our objective is to transmit the message of our characters to the maximum of people.

  • Afford part of the production expenses, specially the Kannada – English translation.

If the project had benefits, part of them would be destined to the garment workers that helped us during the shooting.

Which rewards we offer?

Individual rewards

  • The reward that make us the most glad is the DVD of the documentary “The seams from the skin”. Is the product of two years of hard work, and six more months of living with the garment workers from Bangalore.

We also invite you to the pre-premiere!

  • An organic fabric bag designed by Berta Vila

  • Frames of the documentary in postcard format that will bring you to India.

  • Malas compañías and Guía para vestir sin trabajo esclavo, two books that deal with the exploitation problem in garment industry from a structural and educational perspective:

  • Malas compañías. Las empresas transnacionales contra los derechos humanos y el medio ambiente | Col·lectiu RETS

You can find more info about this book in the link below: link.

  • Guía para vestir sin trabajo esclavo | Albert Sales

You can find more info about this book in the link below: link.

Businesses and Organization rewards. But, attention! You must be a responsible and sustainable business or initiatives. (no Inditex allowed!).

  • We advertise your business in our web as an alternative sustainable way of consumption.

  • Special mention in the documentary credits as a collaborator with your logo

  • We elaborate a promotional clip about your business or commerce in order to promote it.

  • We come to your place to talk about the garment industry problems.

  • We write a sponsored article about your business or your initiative.


Near the endings of 2015 January, we have planned two different projections as a pre-premiere, one in Barcelona and another in Reus.

In both occasions we will deliver all the gifts. You will have all the February to pick up your gift, or you’ll receive by order postal, in case that you can not came the planned days.

Who are we?

No Dust Films is a collective of young people who share our interest in cinema and the will to express ourselves, to explore and to learn. We develop audiovisual works and we believe in cooperation as a means to achieve our objectives in an individual process, which is also a collective one. We understand cinema as a constant tension with social reality. We value the transformational potential in any cultural production. We observe the need of raising awareness about the world we live in and we believe that the documentary is a perfect tool to give voice to those who are always deprived from it: the invisibles.

We reject commodification of culture and we assume that it can’t be monopolized by the state, nor for private economic interests. We support free circulation and socialization of knowledge, which should be for public use. That’s why The seams from the skin will have a creative commons license.

+ Info


If you want to contact with us, send a mail to [email protected]


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  • No Dust Films

    No Dust Films

    almost 9 years

    Buenos días! Qué bien que te haya interesado el proyecto, nos alegramos! El documental completo aún no está colgado en Internet, podrás encontrarlo una vez éste haya completado su circuito de festivales.

    Este próximo mes de mayo Las costuras de la piel se proyectará en ciudades de toda España. No dejes de seguirnos en la web (www.nodustfilms.org) o en Facebook para saber las últimas novedades y sumarte a la ciudad donde puedas verlo.

    Muchas gracias y hasta pronto! Un abrazo de todo el equipo

  • Almudena


    almost 9 years

    Hola! He estado leyendo sobre este proyecto y me parece realmente interesante el problema es que no encuentro como ver el documental, donde puedo acceder a él? Gracias de antemano

  • No Dust Films

    No Dust Films

    about 9 years

    Muchas gracias Vicky por tus buenas palabras y por tu apoyo. ¡Un abrazo!

  • Vicky


    about 9 years

    Maravilloso vuestro documental, ENHORABUENA por un trabajo que sabe llegar al corazón desde la sensibilidad de vuestra mirada, gracias.

  • No Dust Films

    No Dust Films

    about 9 years

    Buenos días Antonio,

    Tu aportación nos ha llegado correctamente. Gracias por interesarte por el proyecto y por querer ayudarnos a difundirlo y transmitir el testimonio y la denuncia de las protagonistas.

    Si quieres recibir el dvd de Las costuras de la piel, mándanos tu dirección postal y te lo haremos llegar sin problemas.

    Esperamos conocerte pronto! Un abrazo.



    about 9 years

    Buenos días, ¿me podeis confirmar que os llegó una aportación de 25 € en mi nombre? Soy Antonio José Jiménez San Pedro.

    Muchas gracias.

    Un saludo.

    PD: ¡Enhorabuena por el proyecto! Me acabo de enterar en Radio 3 y no dudé en hacer una aportación

  • No Dust Films

    No Dust Films

    over 9 years

    Hola Isabel!

    En primer lugar, gracias por interesarte por el documental y por querer ayudarnos a transmitir el mensaje de las protagonistas a tanta gente como sea posible.

    Encantados de que personas como tú quieran seguir colaborando con el proyecto una vez acabada la campaña de Verkami, decidimos abrir una cuenta corriente para que podáis seguir haciendo vuestras donaciones por transferencia bancaria.

    Las aportaciones que recibamos en esta cuenta recibirán las mismas recompensas que ofrecíamos mediante el Verkami. Por eso es importante que en el concepto de la transferencia pongáis vuestro email, para así poder contactaros.

    IBAN: ES56 2013 0228 1402 0109 1531

    Hasta pronto! Una abrazo.

  • Isabel


    over 9 years

    Hola, veo k se me ha pasado el tiempo de las aportaciones, asi k me gustaria k me dijerais la manera de hacerlo fuera de plazo. Un saludo.

  • No Dust Films

    No Dust Films

    over 9 years

    Hola María! Lugar muchas gracias por la colaboración! No te preocupes, tomamos nota de la petición; cuando preparemos los créditos tu aportación la contaremos a nombre de "moda Sostenible barcelona".

    ¡Muchas gracias y hasta pronto!

  • María


    over 9 years


    Acabo de hacer una aportación a nombre de María y me gustaría que se cambiara a "Moda Sostenible Barcelona".

    ¿Es posible?

    Un cordial saludo!

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