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Help us to fund "Otros Cuatro Litros" / The first Guatemalan film in Lake Atitlán.

A black comedy and the very first film shooting in the Lake Atitlán, Guatemala: about friendship, love, and the care of the environment around the most prestigious lake in Guatemala, and one of the most beautiful lakes in the whole world. The third film of the director Rodolfo Espinosa.

Teresa Jiménez

A project of


Created in

Guatemala City, Guatemala
From 12.000€
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Watch the pilot´s teaser: "Otros Cuatro Litros"


“Otros cuatro litros” is a comedy film that born from the creative mind and imagination of the screenwriter and director Rodolfo Espinosa. It will be filmed in Panajachel, Sololá, Guatemala. Surrounded by the Lake Atitlán, the most prestigious lake in Guatemala and one of the most beautiful lakes in the whole world.

It should be pointed out that historically it would be the very first Guatemalan film recorded in Panajachel and therefore by edges of the Lake. This leads to talk about some social and environment issues.

Unfortunately, the lake is being polluted each day more and more, which makes the lake get extinguished slowly. Even though this film will not threat the issue that the lake lives day by day, it will contribute in two ways:

- Firstly, this film will try to make the Guatemalan public aware, by some certain mocking scenes and critics, of why it is important to keep the Lake.

- Secondly, this film will contribute as historical reference of how is the Lake nowadays. This film will be part of the audiovisual and cinematographic Guatemalan patrimony.

The Guatemalan film industry keeps growing and getting stronger. There are about 3 to 6 films at the year, approximately. Therefore, make our film industry more trustworthy and competitive at the height of the international film industry. And it is good to say that is a strong fount to invest and to generate employment.

This film is not an exception; it is pretend to be done with a great narrative and technical quality, that way it could be exhibited and it could be competing out of our borders.


Three friends: Chente, Linares y Mijo, going through the crisis of the thirties, set out on a journey to Lake Atitlán, about 93 miles away from Guatemala City, to fulfill the last wish of his recently deceased childhood friend, Chacha, which is to throw his ashes to the lake and drink the last four beers in his name.

On the highway, a few miles away from their destiny, the three friends knock down a police. Nervous and thinking that the police is dead, they put him into the trunk. The situation gets harder: Linares pretends to throw the policeman into the lake, taking advantage of the fact that they have to throw Chacha´s ashes too; Chente decide to go for a forbidden love; and Mijo is “kidnapped” by independent filmmakers who are making a documentary.

In their own adventure and danger, each of them overcomes their existential crisis. And then, recognize the friendship, the love, and the care of the environment that surrounds them, which is the biological and cultural diversity that offers the Lake Atitlán.


The funds will be designated for a part of the shooting in Sololá, Panajachel; production expenses (lodging, catering, gas, professional fees), among other expenses. So as, the fees for using this Crowdfunding platform, PayPal´s commissions, bank´s commissions, and the prizes’ shipping costs.

REMEMBER: If we get 2,000 Euros more than the main goal of 12,000 euros, we will help the lake by making a Documentary Short Film for helping the Lake Atitlán.

If we get it those extra funds, will be designated for the post production process.

(More information in “Our commitment with the Lake Atitlán”)


This film, as we mention before, it pretends to make aware with some scenes, but not just that:

- If you contribute this project, you will be helping to put a sign against pollution in a vulnerable area of contamination.

We will put a sign for each contribution of 100, 250 and 1100 Euros.

AN EXTRA GOAL: If we get 2000 Euros more than the original goal, we will film a Documentary Short film.

The documentary pretends to give a sense of responsibility, education, and belonging to the habitants of Panajachel. It will talk about the pollution, the care, the importance of the lake, among other topics.

The documentary will be presented in schools, Cultural centers, and other areas, such as Cafés, restaurants, among others.

(Sings: “Would you imagine this place without a lake? Do not throw trash, the lake belongs to everyone.” “The lake is everyone´s responsibility! Keep clean the lake and its environments.” “Please, do not throw garbage. We want alive the lake forever.”)


From top to bottom: films, soundtracks, oficial dvd, postcards, oficial poster.

From top to bottom: Hats, t-shirts, book bags.


Name: Otros cuatro litros

Resolution: HD

length: 90 min

Country: Guatemala

Year: 2015


Location: Panajachel, Sololá, Guatemala, Centro América

Producers: Teresa Jiménez y Carlos Lux

Director: Rodolfo Espinosa

Screenwriter: Rodolfo Espinosa

Cinematographer: Melanie Dent

Sound direction: Alejandro Hernández

Starring: Carlos Hernández "El Gordo"

Carlos del Valle

Elvin Santiagos


Rodolfo Espinosa

A Guatemalan screenwriter and director, whose work have left a mark in the Guatemalan film industry.

He has studies in Galileo University, Guatemala; in the New York Film Academy, and in the Philadelphia State University. He began with short films like “Prohibido cortar rosas”, which motivate him to open his film producer “Me llega films”, and then make his first film “Aquí me quedo” recorded in Xela, Guatemala; released in 2010.

In 2014, released his second film named “Pol”, which won an Ícaro for best screenwriting, in the XVII Ícaro International Film Festival. The Film was well received by the public, that in its premier fulfill the Miguel Ángel Asturias National Theatre.

This year by his very peculiar style of comedy, he is producing his third film, Otros cuatro litros


The principal cast is formed by the independent singer, musician, composer, and actor Carlos Hernández, El Gordo (artistic name) who will play “Linares”.

El Gordo made his debut in the big screen in “Aquí me quedo”. He has had another appearances in other Guatemalan films like “Puro Mula”. Mainly, he is more recognized for his music: Soundcloud El Gordo

The actors Carlos del Valle and Elvin Santiagos will be making their debut. Carlos del Valle, who is a filmmaker, will play ”Chente”.
Youtube: Carlos del Valle

And Elvin Santiagos, who will play ”Mijo”, is also a filmmaker; is a graphic designer, and is in charge of the Film Producer Cinemayic.



A film producer dedicated to make comedy films. Is in charge by the great and original Director, screenwriter, and producer Rodolfo Espinosa. This would be the third film for the independent film producer, after releasing “Aquí me Quedo”, (2010) and ”Pol” (2014); that makes it, one of the most important Films Producers in Guatemala and Central America.

Link: Me llega Films


Is a young company that surges of the fusion of two female producers, each of them has 8 years of individual experience in several ways of production. It is in charge of the actress and TV presenter Tatiana Palomo.

Link: Canadrio


Is a young film producer, which is, more specialized in Photography and Cinematography. Leaded by Melanie Dent, who has professional studies in Buenos Aires and in Guatemala.

Link: Dent producciones


Is a young film producer that initiated in the 2012. The producer generates corporative and institutional audiovisuals; Video clips, publicity, and specially is dedicated to make documentaries and fiction film projects. Between its most important works are the spots to promote an initiative of the film law in Guatemala.

Links: Facebook Youtube Web Cinemayic


Pre-production phase

November/December of 2014 to January the 19th of 2015

Shooting phase

January the 19th to February the 15th of 2015:**

Post-production phase

March, April, May and June of 2015.

Promotion phase

July and August of 2015: In social media, press, TV, internet.

Exhibition Phase

September of 2015 and forward: In cultural spaces, movie theaters, and cafés. So as, international distribution.





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  • Paola


    over 8 years

    Hola soy una mecenas desde España, no tengo noticias del proyecto, quisiera saber como va y para cuando mandareis las recompensas. Un saludo

  • wilber  garcia

    wilber garcia

    almost 9 years

    Todavía se puede aportar? ?

  • lagildardo


    about 9 years

    Hola solo quería saber si cuando donas cierta cantidad es un único pago o son varios pagos?

  • Teresa Jiménez

    Teresa Jiménez

    about 9 years

    Más adelante vamos a vender camisas y gorras, mantente pendiente de nuestra página de facebook.

  • Vinicio


    about 9 years

    Donde puedo adquirir la gorra y la playera?

  • Teresa Jiménez

    Teresa Jiménez

    over 9 years

    ¡Hola Soledad! Puedes ayudar donando a través de esta página. Hacerlo es bastante sencillo: Al lado derecho de esta página encuentras el tipo de donación que deseas dar, le das clic, te registras, colocas tus datos de tarjeta de crédito, débito o vía Paypal y !Listo!. Nos puedes donar desde el valor simbólico de 4 litros hasta ¡Ser un colaborador y fabricante de la película! y lo genial es que al donar te ganas muchos premios.

  • Soledad Espada

    Soledad Espada

    over 9 years

    como se les puede hacer llegar un donativo me dan el numero de cuenta por favor gracias

  • Guillermo


    over 9 years

    Los felicito.Yo ya he tenido algunas experiencias y mi pregunta es ¿tienen a alguien que les critique sin pelos en la lengua y sin tapujos? Porque luego vienen los clavos de las actuaciones falsas, las sobre actuaciones,chistes que no son etc saludos

#03 / Un resumen de los que a pasado con Otros4litros en el 2016

¡Hola amigos cuatrolitreros del mundo! Hemos estado alejados pero no los tenemos olvidados. Gracias nuevamente a ustedes y a su aporte ya que con ello no se hubiera podido realizar este largometraje guatemalteco. Acá les traemos un resumen de lo que sucedió este 2016 con Otros4litros. También agradecemos por su espera y su infinita paciencia para este proyecto. En el mes de diciembre del 2016 salio a la luz el DVD de Otros4litros y en los primeros meses de este nuevo año 2017 estaremos haciéndoles entrega de sus recompensas.

6 de Marzo de 2016

| Estreno nacional en La gran Sala Efrain Recinos del Teatro Nacional |

Nuestra gira por los departamentos de Guatemala

| Marzo - Agosto 2016 |

*Alta Verapaz (Cobán)


*Antigua Guatemala



*Sololá (Panajachel)

*Ciudad de Guatemala

Estreno en salas de cine en Guatemala

Septiembre - Octubre

read more

#02 / Trailer "Otros4litros"

¡Hola amigos mecenas! hemos vuelto. Les compartimos nuestro trailer del largometraje "Otros4litros" que sin ustedes no se hubiera podido realizar.

Compártelo entre tus amigos y familia, enséñales que proyecto de cine has apoyado. No te olvides seguirnos en facebook y estar al tanto de esta producción ya que estrenamos este 6 de marzo en la Gran Sala Efraín Recinos del Teatro Nacional de la ciudad de Guatemala.



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