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La máquina del tiempo

LA MÁQUINA DEL TIEMPO Is a Saraiba Aitor and Furia Teatro de Madrid project. We traveled through the autobio(graphical) novels of Aitor to suit his particular world to the stage. We promise you that when you return, you will not be the same.

Furia Teatro

A project of


Created in

From 3.000€
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*“So we turn

unhappy children, distracted, disobedient,

always eager to take refuge

somewhere, usually

in ourselves. And if you had to suffer, we will suffer too ?”*
"The letter to my father", by Franz Kafka

“La máquina del tiempo” is the free stage adaptation of the autobiographical graphic novel artist Aitor Saraiba. An intense story that shows that we can tell the complexity of life in a few words, mixed with strong fantasy of his drawings. Fears, hopes, fantasies, ghosts, family, love, forgiveness and distance, narrated by a desperate man in search of his place in the world.

We founded the company in 2012. Its members live in the world of theater for over 10 years. We have already produced Furia 2.0 and the gods inherited and we are behind other cultural initiatives such as GEA cooperative. We instinctively created the Furia Teatro: we need to tell stories. We question, we seek, we play and we tell. It's so easy, when you receive such a story: you can not pass up such an opportunity, you know you have to tell it.


Like almost all good things, it starts with a party and, in this case, at Aitor’s. Some months ago, Aitor came to see our previous piece Furia 2.0 and he proposed me spontaneously: "Hey, why do not we do something together? Once the « fan effect » had gone and as we were eating a piece of cheese and drinking a coke, we determined a starting point : a vague intuition. After letting it settled for a whole summer, the improvisations began and we worked around a common fantasy, own language offered by the spaces created by Aitor drawings that now surround us. Everything is easier now. Our instinct tells us that we need to tell something different: what would happen if we were to meet face to face with the fear? We focus our energy on our primitive instincts and we take all the text that we have. Now yes. We have given birth to a creature. How beautiful is a job well done.


The team is composed of many professionals who are personally involved in the project:

Directed by: Victor Tamarit

Adaptation: Aitor Sariaba and Victor Tamarit

Starring: Victor Albanese Nacarino and Gabriela Albanese

Director: Furia Teatro

Scenography: Aitor Saraiba

Music: Eider Elorza

Lighting: Juan Ignacio Represa

Media: David Miñana

Production: Xavier Nicolle

Costumes and makeup : Furia Teatro

PR : Anna Roig

Sepcial thanks to Helber Morais for his help to create "La cabra de AItor Saraiba" in origami and to Philippe Leroux, Jerome Van Severen and Patrick Mengarduque to translate the project. THANK YOU SO MUCH.


So far, we've covered some of the funding through the capital of the Company, but also thanks to the help of our families and our friends. We are now focused on crowdfunding campaign. The collection that we organize will finance rehearsal rooms, stage design, compensations and other expenses. The additionnal money we will raise will go to the communication, design, media, sound and light ... there are always fees to cover.


Rewards including tickets to performances and / or access to events, tickets will be delivered by hand.

Video of "La máquina del tiempo", will be sent once the Premiere is over.

Aitor original drawings made for the occasion are in A4 format.

Verkami show: At the begining of the shows there will be a special performance in Madrid of "La máquina del tiempo" for Verkami donors to thank you for your help and to discuss about the project.

The sketchbook, in the « pack Gerardo » include 15 originale sketches originales.

The ceramic is the Aitor Saraiba's "Pajarillo".


Our goal is to start performing beginning of 2015.

Well, here we hope you have enjoyed our project. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. You can also follow the process Furia Teatro, Facebook, Twitter y Instagram And also Aitor Saraiba social networks: Facebook, Instagram.

La máquina del tiempo is a project from Factoria Cultural Madrid

¡¡Muchas gracias!!


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#03 / GRACIAS!!!

Desde el equipo de Furia Teatro y Aitor Saraiba, solo podemos mandaros un mensaje:


Hemos conseguido nuestro primer objetivo, y sin cada uno de vosotros no hubiera sido posible, mil gracias por creer en este proyecto, por acompañarnos, y por ser nuestro camino.



hola chicos!

Lo primero mil gracias por vuestra ayuda, gracias a vuestra colaboración podremos sacar este precioso proyecto adelante en buenas condiciones. YA CASI LO TENEMOS!

Otra buena noticia es que estamos teniendo una buena repercusión tanto en medios especializados como blogs y eso también os lo tenemos que agradecer.

Por otro lado tras varias sugerencias hemos sacado hoy mismo un nuevo pack especial para Navidades que incluye dos Christmas Cards y dos entradas para ver "La máquina del tiempo" que se enviarán en un bonito sobre.

Gracias por venir y SEGUIMOS!!

#01 / Evento en Factoría Cultural en Matadero

Hola chicos!

Este próximo jueves 13 de Noviembre, tenemos un evento en Factoría Cultural Nave 1 de Matadero Madrid a partir de las 19:00 para todos aquellos que queráis conocer de primera mano nuestro proyecto "La máquina del tiempo" además de otros proyectos de Factoría Cultural que lanzan campaña en Verkami.

Contará con la presencia de Jonas (Fundador de Verkami), Rosina Gómez de Baeza (directora de Factoría Cultural y fundadora de A.R.C.O.).

Los miembros del equipo junto con Aitor Saraiba os contaremos el proyecto además de resolver todas vuestras dudas mientras nos tomamos una cerveza y picamos algo del catering que estamos preparando para vosotros.

El evento es abierto pero os recomendamos que os apuntéis en esta lista:


Muchas gracias, seguimos!!

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