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Ruleset Wizard for Fantasy Grounds

Ruleset Wizard is an integrated development environment (IDE) aimed at creating Fantasy Grounds III rulesets. It includes a full visual WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) window editor, with full drag & drop, resize and alignment capabilities and many more striking features.

Alberto Zaldívar

Un projecte de


Creat a

De 14.000€
Aporta al projecte

Escull la teva recompensa

Dona-li suport amb una donació

Aporta sense recompensa
Fes una donació altruista al projecte sense rebre cap recompensa a canvi:


The Dragon turns its huge head towards you. Tendrils of smoke curl up and away from his nostrils.

The flight deck goes quiet as the comm screen lights up with a new incoming message…

“Do you feel lucky?” the gunslinger drawls as his hand hovers above his holster.

Role Playing Games bring our imagination to life. We fight monsters from the under dark, search out new worlds in far flung galaxies, enhance our cybernetic upgrades, investigate the supernatural happenings at the Arkham City Museum, battle sky pirates, save the princess, foil nefarious plots, steal magical jewels and generally have a great time with friends.

Many of us grew up playing RPGs with our friends but as time has gone by it gets harder to get your playing group back together to play.

Fantasy Grounds RPG Virtual Table Top lets you play with friends wherever they are and find new players and games. Fantasy Grounds is the premier RPG VTT in the market today.

Its powerful platform allows you to program rulesets with custom character sheets and code to handle the many complex calculations that occur throughout your game session. Fantasy Grounds includes 5 rulesets and a generic set in the base product. Additionally there are other commercial rulesets to purchase and community ones that are available for free.

Fantasy Grounds has introduced a layered ruleset model that makes it far easier to develop new rulesets. New rulesets can layer on top of the CoreRPG ruleset to inherit all the functionality and features of CoreRPG and add their own. Unfortunately creating a new ruleset is still a complex and difficult project.

Fantasy Grounds users want to be able to develop rulesets for their favourite games. Publishers want to develop rulesets for their game titles.

As a professional developer and experienced ruleset creator I have been working on a project to make this a reality. I am developing a tool that will allow Fantasy Grounds users to develop their own rulesets for Fantasy Grounds.

I bring you – the Ruleset Wizard for Fantasy Grounds!


The purpose of the Ruleset Wizard is to help users in the creation of Fantasy Grounds rulesets, through the use of a graphical integrated development environment.

It will be designed for the version 3 of Fantasy Grounds, and over the CoreRPG ruleset and its layering capabilities and will use common classes defined on it.


Ruleset content manager. It will allow to manage current ruleset content (windows, frames, panels, icons, fonts), giving access to common management options:

  • Browse existing content

  • Add new content

  • Open content for editing

  • Delete content


Full integrated IDE for windowclass objects. It will allow users to graphically design windows, add controls from the toolbox, resize and reposition them, in full WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) mode. It will also allow users to set all specific properties for each control type.

The window editor will have an integrated lua code editor. On selecting a control the lua editor will give direct access to the event function handlers available for this control, and allow users to write the lua code for them.

This is a preliminary list of control classes that will be available to the user:


Number field / control

String field / control

Window reference field

Token field

Dice field

Formatted text field

Image/Icon control

Text button control

Image button control

Group box

Check box

Icon cycler

String cycler

Scroll bar

Window lists



Graphic editor for framedef objects. It will allow users to select a background image for the frame, define the coordinates of the components by graphic rulers and set all the properties.


Graphic panels editor. It will allow users to define desktop panels, their window class, location, etc.


Integrated manager for graphic resources. It will allow:

  • Browse existing graphic resources (Images, Icons, Fonts).

  • Import new graphic resources.

  • Delete graphic resources.



Reaching 18.000€ of funding the wizard will include a full integrated library editor. It will allow users to create library modules from the data definition of window classes. The user will be able to create library items with a form-like data editor and then export this data as a full drag-and-droppable library module. It will also allow users to create plain info library documents.


Reaching 22.000€ of funding the wizard will have a full pack of pre-made ruleset templates ready to go, so you don't have to start a ruleset from scratch.


Reaching 26.000€ of funding the wizard will include an import module, that will allow you to read and import window classes, frames and artwork from older rulesets, and use it to create your own mods, extensions and skins.


Ruleset Wizard will be developed using the last generation of Windows Presentation Foundation framework, to give the users a full-featured interface experience. It will be available for windows systems only.

Your funds will be used to support approximately 500 development hours of a freelance team working full-time. We will also have the support of the Fantasy Grounds developer team from Smite Works. We plan to release the first version during the summer.


Once funded we expect to release version 1.0 in around 4 months time. Version 1.0 will be released to the store once all backers have received their copy. The Wizard will be priced similarly to the current Full Version license.


Fantasy Grounds™ is an application that acts as a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games.

Fantasy Grounds is designed to perform many of the things you can do while playing at a conventional gaming table and move it online. Run games as the gamemaster or take part as a player, the application provides all the necessary tools to communicate, manage information and perform tasks such as rolling the dice or creating drawings.


Ruleset Wizard is officially licensed by SmiteWorks USA, LLC, owners of Fantasy Grounds.

To learn more:
Fantasy Grounds official site
Ruleset Wizard in Fantasy Grounds forums

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  • JJF


    9 años

    Is this project still being worked on or has it died off?

  • Alberto Zaldívar

    Alberto Zaldívar

    más de 9 años

    Effects are a mechanism strongly bound to the combat tracker, and the combat tracker is the more complex feature Fantasy Grounds has right now, so it requires lots of lua scripts to work. The wizard will help you keeping these scripts well organized and linked to its source object, but it can't do the work for you.

  • damned


    10 años

    Does the RWfFG allow me to code things like effects? Does that require separate LUA programming?

  • Alberto Zaldívar

    Alberto Zaldívar

    10 años

    It depends on the complexity of the sheet and the number of tabs you want it to have, but the simplest one with a single tab could take less than an hour. For a more complex sheet with several tabs, lists, etc. it could take some hours.

    About the reskining, it will take only the time you need to create the artwork, as importing and using it in the wizard will be quick and easy.

  • damned


    10 años

    Cool! Im backing this! If I wanted to build a new ruleset with only the character sheet and a new theme – how long do you think it would take with this tool?

#01 / New video!

Hey! Ive uploaded a new video – this one is a bit more fun than the last one – I hope you enjoy it!

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