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11:11 New album from Zana

Help me bring my new album 11:11 to life! Let's get tuned to the heartbeat of our planet (432Hz).

Zana Salobir

Un projecte de


Creat a

Los Angeles, Estats Units d'Amèrica
De 15.000€
Aporta al projecte

Escull la teva recompensa

Dona-li suport amb una donació

Aporta sense recompensa
Fes una donació altruista al projecte sense rebre cap recompensa a canvi:

Creating an album that connects people back to nature and back to each other. Tune yourself to the heartbeat of our planet.

432Hz is the harmonic intonation of nature. Playing and listening to music that has been tuned to 432Hz would make your body, and the organic world which surrounds it, resonate in a natural way.

This would fill you with a sense of peace and well-being,regardless of the kind of song chosen to play or listen to.

I wrote my new whole album in hopes that people will start to wake up faster, see the matrix unfolding and become in tune with themselves and everything surrounding them.

Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness. 432Hz music allows you to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us in a more intuitive way.

Since I am also a violinist, the whole album will be filled with beautiful violin melodies which will go along perfectly with my etheric, gentle vocal melody. The style will be alternative pop with a hint of RnB.

I'm really excited to get into the studio and record the new songs, but something’s missing, and that’s YOU!

I need your help if I want to make this amazing project come to life.

I will be working with 2 times grammy winning, multi platinum producer Larrance Dopson from 1500 or nothin, so your help means the world to me. Without you I could never reach my dreams to make 11:11, the first album writen by me intirely, a reality.

These songs (New Beginning, I am, So Close So Far, What Dreams May Be, Fool`s Game, Skylines...) are an invitation to dream, to create, to re-create, to re-tell to reclaim to remember who you are, remember why you came here, to show you where your truth lies, to remind you what your joy feels like, and ultimately guide you back to what your purpose here is.

Join me, and choose love.

How will I use the money?

I need the helping funds for the music production, recording sessions and final mixing. There will be 10 songs on the album. The release of a music video and the Artwork conception and design as well as the rewards and the postal shippings.

What happens if we outreach my target?

I will consider adding new rewards and make a music video.

What happens if we don’t reach the target?

If the campaign deadline arrives and we don’t get to the target, your contributions will not be charged; we won’t send any reward and I would not be able to carry on with this project.

About the rewards

The rewards were created with love and joy of having some contact with those special people who have decided to join me on a journey that will make this world a better place. I hope I can meet you all at the launch party in Cvetlicarna Ljubljana, Slovenia!

Estimated calendar

  • The songs for the new album will be produced at 1500 or nothin studio in Los Angeles California.

  • I will record the vocals in Menart studio in Slovenia, then the final mix will be done at 1500 or nothin. The recording sessions should start during the summer of 2016.

  • Once mixed, they will be sent to Menart Studios for the mastering process.

  • The album printing will be produced at the end of summer.

  • The album premiere should be during the autumn 2016.

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My official Facebook page

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