Soloproyect ART & BREAKFAST 3 Project to finance the rental of an stand in the Third edition of the Málaga ART&Breakfast emergent art fair. Painting / Exhibitions 221% Project crowdfunded on June 01, 2017 🎉 38 Pledges 1.325€ From 600€
falta branco / <br />não falta branco Zavial project: A project of artistic interdisciplinar creation and simultaneous interaction in which Andre Martus (Alemania, Barcelona) intervenes as painter and Dália Dias (Portugal, Oporto) as writer, with a result: a book, a common work of art. Artbook / Painting, Art 100% Project crowdfunded on March 26, 2015 🎉 82 Pledges 6.012€ From 6.000€