Una furgoneta per dur el circ social arreu de Catalunya Gràcies a aquesta furgoneta podrem portar el circ adaptat i inclusiu per tot Catalunya... i tant de bo més lluny encara! 🤞 Circus / Positive impact 81% 11 days 3.252€ From 4.000€
Vaudeville Circus: un auténtico Cabaret Un espectáculo de variedad en auténtico estilo retro, una forma de entretenimiento “diferente”: extravagante, divertida y cómica Performing Arts / Magic, Cabaret, Circus, Music, Dance 115% Project crowdfunded on January 19, 2022 🎉 67 Pledges 2.870€ From 2.500€
CIRCUS FAMILY ON THE ROAD... Mexico direction!! After all of Europe and all of Morocco... We are preparing our next dream: to spread smiles throughout Mexico. Can you help us...? Circus 101% Project crowdfunded on August 17, 2021 🎉 44 Pledges 3.530€ From 3.500€
La Pranza! A collective and participative stage experience of contemporary circus, music and live cooking. Circus 106% Project crowdfunded on June 26, 2018 🎉 106 Pledges 3.720€ From 3.500€