We are preparing a circus-culinary creation that will be presented on June 29,30 and July 1 at Ateneu Popular 9 Barris in Barcelona.
A project that will involve 14 artists on stage: 7 circus actors/actresses, 6 musicians and 1 chef. The public will be our special guest to share this collective "Pranza" with us.
With Mediterranean soul (from Barcelona to Naples passing through Sardeña) and a touch of northern Spanish spirit (Galicia, La Rioja and Asturias), it will be a delightful night that will be represented three only times in the Ateneu Popular 9 Barris.
Have you ever been invited to a meal where everyone bring something to share with the rest of the people? What image comes to your mind when we talk about family, traditions?
Come to live the preparation, the expectation, the ritual of a kitchen full of singular characters, of flour suspended in the air, of smell of tomato and basil, ...
Let yourself be carried by La Pranza!, a circus-gastronomic experience, not conventional at all, in which as audience you will participates in a celebration of family, traditions and human relationships.
Welcome to our Circus!
ORIGINAL IDEA - Compañía de Circo “eia”
DIRECTED DY - Roberto Magro
WITH - Francesca Lissia, Celso Pereira Arizaga, Armando Rabanera Muro, Fabrizio Giannini, Fabio Nicolini, José Luis Redondo Martinez, Marco Lissia, Cristiano Della Monica, Davide Della Monica, Riccardo Marconi, Osvaldo Costabile, Giulia Venosa, Sarah Filmer Sankey, Diego Rada Antoñanzas
WITH THE SUCCULENT COLLABORATION OF – Stefano Argenio, Michelle Man, James Hewison
MUSICAL DIRECTION – Cristiano and Davide Della Monica
SOUND - Diego Rada Antoñanzas
SET DESIGN - Compañía de Circo “eia” + others companies
VESTUARIO - Fanny Fredouelle, Rosa Crehuet, Olga Arizaga
PRODUCTION - Compañía de Circo “eia” and La Destil·leria
WITH THE SUPPORT OF ICEC - Generalitat de Cataluña
WITH THE COLLABORATION OF Ateneu Popular 9 Barris, L'Estruch - Fabrica de Creación de las Artes en vivo, Le Cucine Mandarosso
Compañía de Circo "eia" was born in 2009, promoting a "human circus", capable of evoking the complexity of human relationships.
After our first creation CAPAS (150 shows in 12 countries), in 2016 Fabrizio and Armando impulse and create "inTarsi", indoor contemporary circus show, and one year later Celso and Frana show for the first time "Espera", a participative circus show for outdoor spaces.
Now, we will back together (and with invited artists!) for an experience that mix circus arts, music and live cooking... A show-lab ephemeral and exquisite.
To what will we allocate your contributions?
We will use your contributions as a contribution to the production fees of creation (raw materials for cooking, kitchen materials, travel expenses and accommodation for artists from outside Barcelona, ...)
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Animo chicos!!! Una pena que no podré asistir, pero espero que estéis célebre
La Artrópodo
mmmm... que buena pinta... No me lo pierdo!!
Armando Rabanera Muro
Adrián Domínguez Rubio
Vamos a comer circo!!!
Bona Pranza!!!
Maria Palma
: )