Fluir Cumbia Feminista Contra el Masclista! Music / Latin, Electronic, Positive impact 102% Project crowdfunded on February 03, 2022 🎉 116 Pledges 3.568€ From 3.500€
Àlbum i directe en format únic Prozak Soup Prozak Soup és el nou projecte de Joan Palomares. És una aposta per una nova sonoritat que beu del post-hardcore, la electrónica clàssica i el hip hop crític. Volem editar un disc en un format especial, tan potent com la música que inclourà! Metal / Hip hop, Electronic 106% Project crowdfunded on June 25, 2014 🎉 32 Pledges 845€ From 800€
Orxata Sound System's 3.0 album We are a musical collective from Valencia playing with the meeting points between oral tradition and electronics. Next year we accomplish 10 years and to celebrate it we want to publish our third disc in it big, because the music industry has become boring, make it fun, let's do it together! Electronic / Free licenses, Cassette 176% Project crowdfunded on June 19, 2012 🎉 390 Pledges 14.085€ From 8.000€