Support the making of Samanidis & Skjønhaug's third album "The Sky above the Roof" We found thirteen songs with such an enigmatic beauty, we arranged them, and now we want to record and share them with you. Classic 106% Project crowdfunded on November 09, 2019 🎉 27 Pledges 1.270€ From 1.200€
Primer disc d'Ensemble Lumiere Ensemble Lumiere es presenta amb 13 músics i 13 temes originals del seu director, el músic Miquel Àngel Aguiló. El volem enregistrar ben aviat i necessitem el vostre ajut per a fer-ho possible. Amb tant de 13 segur que no ens pot anar malament! Classic 110% Project crowdfunded on March 18, 2015 🎉 72 Pledges 3.860€ From 3.500€