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Support the making of Samanidis & Skjønhaug's third album "The Sky above the Roof"

We found thirteen songs with such an enigmatic beauty, we arranged them, and now we want to record and share them with you.

Samanidis & Skjønhaug

A project of


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From 1.200€
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Who are we?

Samanidis & Skjønhaug is Irina Cotseli, voice and piano, and Christian Hoel Skjønhaug, double bass -a musical dialogue between Greece and Norway, between popular, classical and improvised music. We are currently based in Mallorca, Spain, and since our beginning in 2017, we have released two albums and done more than 70 concerts, mostly in Mallorca, but also in Greece and Switzerland.

What do we need the money for?

Your donation will directly support the recording, production and cover design of our third album "The Sky above the Roof". The plan is to have 300 copies of the album ready by the end of October, and rewards will be given out in November and December.

The Sky above the Roof

This summer we recorded thirteen beautiful songs, like this one:
[Soundcloud item unavailable]

The album we now want to bring into production and finally to you, consist of carefully chosen pieces from composers such as Samuel Barber, Benjamin Britten, Kurt Weill and Ralph Vaughan Williams, all arranged by us.
[Soundcloud item unavailable]

Your donation will be received with heartfelt gratitude, and... we might even reward you with a private visit.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

For a complete listening of our recorded material by now, please visit Soundcloud.


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  • montse


    over 5 years


#02 / Cover design ready!

(Scroll down for english!)

Estimats amics!

Hem decidit per la portada de l'àlbum, i aquí el teniu! Avui ho enviarem tot a l’empresa productora i normalment hauríem de tenir el producte a punt en dues setmanes. Tan aviat com sigui possible, us l’enviem. Encara no tenim algunes adreces, així que assegureu-vos que ens heu donat la vostra adreça.


Dear friends!

We have decided on the cover for the album, and here it is! We will send everything to the production company today, and normally we should have the product ready in two weeks. As soon as possible we send it to you. We are still lacking some addresses though, so please make sure you have given it to us.



Cover design
Cover design

#01 / Moltes gràcies!

Primer de tot, un enorme agraïment a tots vosaltres que ens vareu ajudar a aconseguir la nostra meta.

Dins de poc el disc entrarà en el seu proces de producció i esperem poder distribuir les recompenses abans del final d'aquest any.

Aquest disc es un poc especial. Varem triar temes poc coneguts o oblidats dels quals ens varem enamorar i les varem voler gravar.

Son temes poètics, místics a vegades, poc sentits en els mitjans de difusió musical habituals.

Esperem que vos agradara tenir-los i escoltar-los.

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