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Namaste beautiful brothers and sisters, after the release off the CD "SwarAngeli" from Ashvins, the audience and many people were deeply touched. They also asked me to make a soothing solo album with new healing music and compositions. Let us unite to bring this new gift of sound to the globe!

Buvana Ophanim

Un proyecto de


Creado en

Zeist, Países Bajos
De 3.000€
Aporta al proyecto

Escoge tu recompensa

O apóyalo con una donación

Aporta sin recompensa
Haz una donación altruista al proyecto sin recibir ninguna recompensa a cambio:

Why this new healing-album project?

When I give concerts or workshops people come to me, some with tears in their eyes, asking about a solo cd with harp and voice and angelic songs. I always reply "yes it will come, the new songs are there, it will come"...

Then one morning I thought: what is stopping me to make this album and how can we put the album into reality? Then I had to admit that to make the investment was an obstacle for me, as with the previous album it did cost us more then we thought. After talking with a friend the tip came of this beautiful fundraising idea; to join the hands together so that the album can be made in ease and grace and nourished by many hearts. How beautiful! This feels more from this time as well "that we co-create together"...

How will it be made?

Well the answer to that is quite simple; there are already many songs already composed. Most of them, at least 7 or 8 I will put on this album. The following songs will be recorded: The Whale Song, The Dolphinsong, the Holy Grail, Ave Maria, El Shadai, May the Angels, In the light of my soul, Healing Song...

So I will go into a studio, and will record first the base of the songs and then we will add here and there my second voice. Then we listen what else we could add in a beautiful way to these songs, like maybe a third instrument... and we invite guest musicians to play into the recording and pay them for that. Like a flute player or guitar player...

Then we fine-tune with some extra effects here and there and finally we will master it, and will get it printed and make a nice cd-cover.

The title of the album will come during the recording.

What do we need the money for?

Well, recording sounds is easy, but I can tell you its very different then play live. It will take days of recording before the base of all the songs are complete in a balanced nice way. And then it will take extra time to put the extra steps like; double voices and other instruments on it as well. My experience is that most time will go into the fine-tuning and mastering...

All the studio costs including recording, editing and mastering together with paying for the guest musicians, their fee, staying, travel-costs and their other expenses; will be around at least 2000 till 2500 euro. Then making simple booklet/cover, and print a bigger amount of cd's will be around 1000 euro. Then their are left some little expenses of making posters, mentioned in the rewards, and of course my own travel costs.

So together will be around 3000 till 3500 euro. I did choose for setting 3000 euro as a minimum goal for funding this project.

Expenses for me will be more, as there will be coming tax on top, and the fee for Verkami as well. So if we collect more then 3000 that would be wonderful off course!

How are you rewarded dear beautiful friend when you choose to pay for this cd in advance?

As you can read in the rewards section, this fundraising is a win-win situation.

The cd will cost 15 euro when its made... so you will get back that investment and more! Just read the rewards and there you can see and choose;

There are different investments possible and I would say "follow your heart!".

And when you donate a bigger amount, then even a live concert is given to you. I already thank you from the depths of my heart, for your generosity. It is so much fun to do this together.

How long will this project take?

All together the healing album will be ready within half a year.

More information about Buvana?

Web in English

Here you can read a little about me, and listen to tracks from the album SwarAngeli. The tracks Ora Pors Nobis, Hashem, White Thursday are my solo songs.

My Dutch website

You can read there more about me, who I am, what I do, and find there as well photos and tracks of SwarAngeli and the solo album that I made in 2007 "Songs of Light". Through iTunes and Oreade you can find this album as well. On that album I sang Indian songs.

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#01 / Dank!

Lieve Allemaal,

Dank jullie wel voor het inschrijven bij Verkami en het maken van een pledge. Maakt mijn hartje heel warm!

Het is nu 22 Oktober en we hebben nog 25 dagen te gaan...

Omdat meerdere mensen het lastig vonden via deze Verkami website, zijn er donaties overgemaakt op mijn zakelijke rekening t.n.v. Tempelbron. Voor de zekerheid zet ik dat rekening nummer hier ook even neer, mochten jullie mensen kennen die willen overmaken/intekenen en de website een te grote stap vinden. NL90INGB0007049815

Met jullie pledges plus die donaties, zitten we nu op bijna 1000 euro. Ik ben bezig om dit ook over te maken naar Verkami...zodat het zichtbaar wordt op de fundingpagina.

Het zal spannend worden of we het beoogde bedrag zullen halen, maar niet getreurd...mocht dat niet lukken, dan zal ik alsnog, hetzij wat kleinschaliger en eenvoudiger het project graag voortzetten....

Maar even kijken hoe het universum het wil :-)

En uiteraard, keep spreading the word...!!!

Vandaag was ik het Arameens gebed aan het zingen van "Onze Vader", een prachtige tekst en melodie,voelt zo direct verbonden met de Christus energie...Een mooi lied voor een concert rond de kerstperiode. ;-)

Daar zijn we mee bezig om te organiseren...

Even tot zover,

Een Warme muzikale hartgroet voor ieder van jullie,


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#01 / Dank!

Lieve Allemaal,

Dank jullie wel voor het inschrijven bij Verkami en het maken van een pledge. Maakt mijn hartje heel warm!

Het is nu 22 Oktober en we hebben nog 25 dagen te gaan...

Omdat meerdere mensen het lastig vonden via deze Verkami website, zijn er donaties overgemaakt op mijn zakelijke rekening t.n.v. Tempelbron. Voor de zekerheid zet ik dat rekening nummer hier ook even neer, mochten jullie mensen kennen die willen overmaken/intekenen en de website een te grote stap vinden. NL90INGB0007049815

Met jullie pledges plus die donaties, zitten we nu op bijna 1000 euro. Ik ben bezig om dit ook over te maken naar Verkami...zodat het zichtbaar wordt op de fundingpagina.

Het zal spannend worden of we het beoogde bedrag zullen halen, maar niet getreurd...mocht dat niet lukken, dan zal ik alsnog, hetzij wat kleinschaliger en eenvoudiger het project graag voortzetten....

Maar even kijken hoe het universum het wil :-)

En uiteraard, keep spreading the word...!!!

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